Friday, November 30, 2018

You CAN Fight City Hall - The Case Of Holladay Residents Vicory Over A Tyrannical Mayor & City Council

Holladay Utah Residents Emerge Vicorious Over Mayor Rob Dahle and the City Council after Utah Supreme Court sides with Unite For Holladay to put the High Density Development up for referendum.

In January 2018 the Holladay Planning Commission voted against changing the General Plan of the city to rubber stamp a proposal by the Mayor and City Council to build stack & pack housing and mixed use transit oriented development (TOD) which would give Ivory, Woodbury and UTA Developers, who renamed the development "Holladay Quarter" and called it "a decade of dirt", referring to the demise of the Cottonwood Mall, tax incentives at the taxpayers expense to implement the carbon copy general plan adopted by cities across America sold by the American Planning Association.

Ivory & Woodbury

The plan proposed would bring 775 high-rise apartments, 210 other housing units that would include twin homes and condos, dozens of retail shops and $22 Million dollars in tax subsidies to the developers.  More crony capitalism, also known in history books as fascism, at the public's expense.  On May 17, 2018 the City Council bypassed the Planning Commission vote of 5-1 against the development, but the City Council with dollar signs in their eyes overrode that vote.  In June of 2018 the residents organized Unite For Holladay to put the General Plan to a vote then Ivory & Woodbury started a PR Campaign to stop the referendum ballot process and threatened legal action.  By July 12th 8000 signatures were gathered, 35% of registered voters of the 2016 general election, a substantial opposition to the City Council plan.  In August Salt Lake County Clerk Sherrie Swensen verified that there were enough signatures to put it on the ballot for a vote, but the City Council turned a deaf ear to the residents lawful path and on August 6th committed taxpayer funds to initiate legal action against them in which District Judge Richard McKeilve ruled the petition valid and ordered it be put on the ballot.  That same day the City Of Holladay joined with Ivory & Woodbury against the residents of Holladay and took the case to the Utah Supreme Court and ultimately ruled the issue be put on the ballot.  October 8th ballots are printed containing the measure giving the residents a voice in the matter.  The people spoke and the measure was defeated, a victory over a tyrannical Mayor and City Council and their cronies.  The case can now be made that "politics is local" and that politically active individuals can bring about change but organization is key!  Although these plans are federal, with the driving force by the United Nations and the global elites, these "plans" can be opposed in our communities, and just like this one, it may take a court battle to get it done.  Residents of Holladay and the Unite For Holladay organization along with the Planning Department deserve accolades for their vigilance on this matter.  Kudos to those residents that were "awake" and through their watchdog efforts organized in an effort to defeat this plan and remind the Mayor and City Council [they] are their employees, they hired them and they can fire them, and I hope the residents will remember this "coup d'etat" when they are up for re-election.
Click to Listen

Recently the Salt Lake County Council approved a high density project being called Olympia Hills in the area of Herriman in which Mayor Ben McAdams has proposed a plan that includes 37 residents per acre, as opposed to Herriman's 8, Riverton's 7 and Daybreak's 11, which translates to 33,000 people on 900 acres, which would make the area the most populated area in Salt Lake County to include 4,738 apartments, 2,485 town homes, 1,497 single family homes along with retail shops and a satellite campus for the University of Utah.  Ben McAdams was on the campaign trail in June of 2018 and held a town hall in which Herriman residents showed up in droves to voice their opinion to McAdams' plan saying, "it's inappropriate to build and entire city in my back yard", and another stating, "Olympia Hills would be like New York or Los Angels" siting the fact that they have trains, light rail and a fleet of buses.  Remember, this is the Delphi technique, problem, reaction, solution so, that will initiate the plan for UTA to come on board, and cities like Sandy and Draper can tell you about the problems that creates, which, it so happens, that the Holladay Plan also included plans for a TRAX line down Highland Drive (page 30).  Other residents voiced opposition due to the infrastructure it would take to support such a population and that "putting 33,000 people into the transportation corridor, hospitals, sport venues and schools is the dumbest idea ever"!   Someone else asked, "how did this plan get so far"?  And, "the County has failed us massively"!

It is important to note that I believe that if it hadn't been for the election campaign  of Ben McAdams ,which includes donations from Slhnet Investments a real estate investment firm, he would not have been involved in this town hall where the community voiced its opposition to Olympia Hills.  I've learned by experience that Ben McAdams does not like opposition to his "plans" and holds closed door meetings to hide his intentions and turns a deaf ear to the community opposition as he exhibited in the Salt Lake County Community Preservation act .  It is no secret Ben McAdams is giddy about Envision Utah and their sustainable development agenda that is evident throughout Salt Lake County, obliterating the "small town feel" he talks about.  It's easy to see that every community across the Wasatch Front is a carbon copy of the next, it's like Groundhog Day in Utah . . . and every other city across America.  Olympia Hills would be the "planned community" of Daybreak on steroids!  Every time I drive into that place it reminds me of the old western Ghost Town, so cold and uninviting.  Narrow streets and no parking, roundabouts sending you in random directions.  I can't ever wait to get out of that place!  Thanks Rio Tinto!  Remember the “Sugar Hole” in Sugarhouse? This is what is becoming of it. You can hardly move in that place and they are still talking about putting TRAX down 1100 East, and that will ELIMINATE cars! I would estimate that, for an example, the city of Midvale now boasts more multi dwelling units than single family homes which is where the tax revenue is generated, and just like Olympia Hills, there are city officials who are profiting off these renters and landlords selling insurance protection and mediation services among others.  It's the day of crony capitalism hidden under the cloak of Public Private Partnership (PPP).

Stay strong Herriman and surrounding communities in taking action against a tyrannical Salt Lake County Council and their plans to build a monstrosity opposed by the people, and don't let Aimee Winder Newton fool ya, she voted for this monstrosity!  Don't give up!  Take a page out of Holladay's book of how to fight against those only motivated by money and power and ready to sell you down the river.  Don't be silenced by the threats and flashy PR campaigns.  Learn to see through their lies, and for heavens sake, let commonsense direct your paths.  These government types are always dropping the "population bomb" saying "our population is going to double by 2050 and we need a place to put these people"!  These people are counting on you not noticing that there is a lot of open space out side of the urban corridor, what's known as "flyover country".  The truth is America is only inhabiting 6% of our land mass and I'm willing to bet that Utah is the same despite the claim the Federal Government has to land within our borders.  In short, IT'S A CROCK!  It is very rare that single family homes are being built in most areas in Salt Lake County.  It's been five years since I've witnessed one being built in Sandy, they are all twin homes or multi family dwellings, don't let this happen to your community!  The reason home prices are soaring is because there is too much demand and not enough inventory.  Despite what the "experts" tell you, people want single family homes, even the millennials, and this is why they are saying we need high density, because incomes can't keep pace.  One thing I have noticed is that Zions Bank is, more often now, involved in these plans somehow.  As in the Community Preservation Act in Salt Lake County they produce some analysis, but always look at the numbers, and don't let their name intimidate you into not looking.  Although their job is to "seal the deal" you will find the numbers don't add up.  It's a red flag!

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

It is important for individuals concerned about high density development to learn the language.  Learn to recognize the organizations and the individuals integral in pushing these plans they claim are endorsed by the communities they plan to transform.  Here are a few warning signs, Chamber of Commerce, EPA, US Forest Service, Health & Human Services, HUD, Downtown Alliance, Envision Utah, Downtown Rising, Land Use, Urban Design, Neighborhood Preservation, Transportation Network, Transit Oriented Development, Economic Development, Resilience, Open Space, Natural Resources, Sustainability, High Density, Mixed Use, Wasatch Front Regional Council, Fiscal/Environmental/Social Equity, Metropolitan Planning Organization, American Planning Association, Green Space, Walkability, Public/Private Partnership, Redevelopment, Pedestrian Friendly, National Heritage Area, General Plan just to name a few.  Many of my articles highlight these terms and the agenda behind them.  These are the people and organizations you need to watch out for.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

 Holladay and Herriman, you make Tom Deweese proud!  I suggest you visit his website American Policy Center for a continuing education on Sustainable Development.  His website and his new book can help alert you to the terms used and their agenda.

  I also suggest you check out Rosa Koire's website and her book Behind The Green Mask, this will also help you with the terms and agenda.  I also recommend watching her video about the General Plans being adopted by every city in America.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Please check out my blog archive for more great articles.
The Smoking Gun and the Smokescreen That Brought Death to the Canyon Inn
Sandy City Trying To Erase History
Just to name a few.

Bonus Feature:  Complete Streets Notice how the young man says "as a bicycle rider he will share the road with us".  The young man needs to remember, that if it weren't for vehicles purchasing fuel he would have no roads to ride his bike on.  Just one point, although more could be said.  I'll have to dedicate a new post to the subject.  Enjoy!

Click the Photo to Watch the Video

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Sandy City Planning Commission Welcomes Addicts Of All Types Amid School Children Of All Ages - A Warning To Draper Residents

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Sunday, November 4, 2018

Mitt Romney Plans On Stealing The 2018 Election - iHart Intercivi Elections Solutions

Now Utahan, Mitt Romeny, Poised "Shoe In"

In Utah's Senate Race, but Secretly

Managing The Outcome Of America's

2018 Election


Mitt Romney 2002 Winter Olympic Games Utah


Utahan's are enamored by Mitt Romney buying for Senator Orrin Hatch's Senate seat in 2018.  Mitt is using the cleaver trick of appealing to Utahan's by romanticizing the Winter Olympic Games in Utah 2002.  It did appear Mitt turned the tide of a history of corruption associated with the games and their planning.  I will always remember how the games were transformed into the realization of Martial Law in the United States.  This was evident in a big way at the Athlete's Village stationed at the University of Utah.  Military troops initiated all of the security there, I know because I was assigned to the Athlete's Village as a 2002 Olympic Volunteer.  (I could elaborate on this but will leave it here for now).  Utahan's are being used to legitimize Romney's win come election time, so the meddling won't be discovered by unsuspecting voters.  Problem is many Utahan's are not aware of the gaming of Utah's elections.  Doesn't mean you shouldn't vote, you should reserve your right to complain, but they are just not aware of how sinister those involved in the rigging are, but the following may help Utahan's see that Mitt's been up to this for a long time and they need to wake up to the corrupt individual that is Mitt Romney.

Forbes Magazine published an article I came across as I was investigating this election fraud.  In part it told about how Mitt Romney's ties to electronic voting machines are corrupting elections across this nation: 
"A test conducted in 2007 by the Ohio Secretary of State revealed that five of the electronic voting systems the state was looking to use in the upcoming 2008 presidential election had failed badly, each easily susceptible to chicanery that could alter the results of an election.
As reported in the New York Times, “At polling stations, teams working on the study were able to pick locks to access memory cards and use hand-held devices to plug false vote counts into machines. At boards of election, they were able to introduce malignant software into servers.”
We learn that one of the companies whose machines had failed was none other than Hart Intercivic.
It turns out that Hart Intercivic is owned, in large part, by H.I.G. Capital—a large investment fund with billions of dollars under management—that was founded by a fellow named Tony Tamer. While it is unclear just how much H.I.G. owns of Hart Intercivic, we do learn that H.I.G. employees hold at least two of the five Hart Intercivic board seats.
A little more digging turns up a few tidbits of data than soon become ‘the story’.

Tony Tamer, H.I.G.’s founder, turns out to be a major bundler for the Mitt Romney campaign,  along with three other directors of H.I.G. who are also big-time money raisers for Romney.

Indeed, as fate would have it, two of those directors—Douglas Berman and Brian Schwartz— were actually in attendance at the now infamous "47 percent" fundraiser in Boca Raton, Florida.

With that news, voters everywhere start to get this queasy feeling in the pits of their stomach.
Two members of the Hart Intercivic board of directors, Neil Tuch and Jeff Bohl, have made direct contributions to the Romney campaign.
Interestingly, Mr. Bohl lists himself as an investor at H.I.G. Capital for his Romney contributions but his far smaller donation to Obama was done as “Jeff Bohl, self-employed innkeeper”.

And finally, we learn that H.I.G. is the 11th largest of all the contributors to the Romney effort.
Numerous media sources, including Truthout, are reporting that Solamere Capital—the investment firm run by Mitt Romney’s son, Tagg, and the home of money put into the closely held firm by Tagg’s uncle Scott, mother Anne and, of course, the dad who might just be the next President of the United States—depending upon how the vote count turns out, in our little tale, in the State of Ohio—have shared business interests with H.I.G. either directly or via Solamere Advisors which is owned, in part, by Solamere Capital, including a reported investment in H.I.G. by either Solamere Capital or Solamere Advisors.
Lee Fang, in his piece for The Nation exploring the government related activities of various companies in which Solamere has an interest writes-

"Meanwhile, H.I.G. Capital—one of the largest Solamere partners, with nearly $10 billion of equity capital—owns a number of other firms that are closely monitoring the federal government. "
So, why would these individuals who serve on the board of directors of Hart Intercivic go out of their way to make a contribution to any political candidate given the critical importance of their company remaining above reproach when it comes to the political process? And why would those who run the company that owns Hart Intercivic be giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to a political candidate? And why would a political candidate and his family have a financial relationship with a company that owns a chunk of the voting machine company that will be counting the actual votes given to that political candidate or his opponent?
Because No One Is Looking!

America need not look far to find a subversive hiding in plain sight in a Utah election for "the proof in the pudding" of election fraud, the fraud that is Mitt Romney and company.

Anyone in Utah that has not woken up, but not to leave out you other American's, be prepared to have your mind blown!  Listen-

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

View documents on preserving the paper ballot at this link.

Election Service Software (ESS)/Optech lists Hart Intercivic as using it's software. 

More on Mitt Romney, listen as caller reveals what she found in her own investigation that shows collaboration between Mitt and Mike Leavitt as they conspire in constructing the Affordable Care Act also known as Obama Care. 

A history of voter/election fraud-

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Mitt Romney Photo with Handler
Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Check out this post on Utah's Count My Vote scandal.

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Securing Utah's Vote



Monday, October 29, 2018

Despite The Facebook/Twitter Dog And Pony Show Before Congress Censorship Online Continues

Gab Targeted by Microsoft, GoDaddy & PayPal

Today Gab's website , a viable alternative to Twitter, was shut down because they would not be pressured into censoring content Microsoft did not approve of.  In August of 2018 Microsoft put Gab on notice to shut down some anti-semitic posts or they would shut them down!  Today they did just that.  It appears, through some investigation, that GoDaddy on whom's servers Gab's content is hosted, acted on "requests" from Microsoft to pull the site after is was reported that the Philadelphia Synagogue Shooter used the site as his posting platform.  This started a domino effect for Gab CEO Andrew Torba.  Despite Apple trying to police his site for "defamatory and mean-spirited" content, the online payment platform PayPal, in concert with Microsoft and GoDaddy shut down his payment portal, restricting Torba's right to commerce.  Although Torba reached out to the FBI and DOJ helping them in their investigation.  Gab CEO Andrew Torba wrote "In the midst of this, Gab has been no-platformed by essential internet infrastructure providers at every level. We are the most censored, smeared, and no-platformed startup in history, which means we are a threat to the media and to the Silicon Valley Oligarchy".  This is not the first in an all out assault on first amendment rights in the public square as we know it in the digital age.  There is a concentrated effort as the 2018 general election is on our heels.  I have been experiencing heavy censorship for several years now culminating in my Twitter account being locked as of October 20, 2018.  I recorded several attempts to censor my content on two different platforms in real time on October 25, 2018.  It wasn't the first time, but I had to document them this time.  It's far past time to take action on this censorship which has only accelerated during the Trump administration, but Congress is silent despite the "Dog and Pony Show" that was the Facebook and Twitter Hearings.  Mr. Frank Pallone (D-NJ), in his opening statement siting Alex Jones and other "truthers" bringing information forward about the Holocaust, Sandy Hook Shooting, Racial Supremacy, Terrorism and Natural Disasters as "fake news", stated an MIT study in which Twitter's vehicle has allowed this information to travel "farther, faster, deeper and more broadly than 'the truth', while 'truth claims' take six times as long to travel to the same number of people".  So, if you frequent my blog, you will understand that those asking questions are getting answers and trying to get this information out to everyone they can via the internet, and apparently we are being effective, but the "powers that be", like Mr. Pallone who enjoy propagandizing the American people by way of the Smith Mundt Act ,see this as dangerous, and this is one reason I think my account on Twitter has been locked!

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

People like Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch and Judicial Watch respectively, have also noted a dramatic change in the way he and his organizations are being treated in the public square, and Mr. Klayman has real numbers to back up his claims against Google, Facebook, Twitter, Apple and Instagram.  Klayman, a former DOJ Prosecutor claims that they "conspired by entering into an explicit or tacit agreement . . . to restrain trade in violation of Section 1 of The Sherman Act".  The suit states

"Our inert and compromised Attorney General Jeff Sessions is unwilling to take strong action through his Antitrust Division as he has become the darling of the left given his refusal to prosecute Hillary Clinton, John Brennan, James Clapper, James Comey, prominent Democrats and others who are alleged to have committed crimes, while at the same time giving Robert Mueller carte blanche to proceed with his 'witch hunt.'

"The job now falls to Freedom Watch to right this discrimination against conservatives by the social media giants. That our complaint asks for injunctive relief and in excess of a billion dollars in damages, including punitive damages, pales in comparison to what the Commission of the European Union has already levied against such social media giants such as Google for their alleged ruthless tactics in stifling competition."

View The Document Here.
The suit Larry Klayman and Freedom Watch are filing is not just for themselves, it is for every American individual or group that has suffered under this social media giant censorship, who have made themselves a monopoly in the public square.  If you don't find favor on their platform, you have no place in it.  Our ability to seek out news and information on real time situations like natural disasters, fire and even just the current traffic jam are denied us. 

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

I made several videos the other day showing how Google+ was limiting people who visited me on that platform by only showing the past 2 weeks of posts.  I showed how YouTube was suppressing some of my videos and hiding comments.  I gave an example on how a video I uploaded 3 years ago to YouTube has only tallied 19 views while the same video uploaded to BitChute had 100 views in 2 weeks!  Many of Utah's radio outlets and personalities are my followers on Twitter, and they deserve a source for research and stories not reported in the main stream media, and this censorship is making it impossible for them to get my information, most of it in tweet form.  

I have made it my mission to educate people about property rights and the constitution, in doing so I was pleased to hear a man named LaVoy Finicum put our rights in to words.  It's what I had been trying to teach.  "You have to claim them, use them and defend them".  In looking back at my posts on my blog and on social media, this is what I was doing.  In the case of the censorship which I have been experiencing I am claiming my First Amendment Right, I am using it, and I am defending it!  We must all do the same of Freedom is lost forever!

Make sure you see what was written upon the whiteboard as LaVoy is speaking, Claim, Use, Defend.

Learn more about social media founder Michael McKibben and the criminals who stole his work right out from under him.  Larry Klayman needs this information to complete his law suit, so please tag him and share this on social media since I have been bound and gagged.  Listen to Michael's story below.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.
There's More To This Story
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4  
Part 5
Part 6 

Visit Michael McKibben's website for research on subverting the constitution, American's For Innovation.

Google security breach 500,000 accounts effected.  Google knew, but didn't want to disclose their error in protecting personal information.

December 10, 2018
You can now add Patreon to the list of platforms censoring the general public.  Please watch this video from my friend Brian at HighImpactFlix.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

April 3, 2019 Bloomberg:

"UpGuard, a cybersecurity firm, found troves of user information hiding in plain sight, inadvertently posted publicly on Inc.’s cloud computing servers. The discovery shows that a year after the Cambridge Analytica scandal exposed how unsecure and widely disseminated Facebook users’ information is online, companies that control that information at every step still haven’t done enough to seal up private data.

"In one instance, Mexico City-based digital platform Cultura Colectiva, openly stored 540 million records on Facebook users, including identification numbers, comments, reactions and account names. The records were accessible and downloadable for anyone who could find them online.

"Another database for a long-defunct app called At the Pool listed names, passwords and email addresses for 22,000 people".

Click this Photo to Watch the Video.

Click this Photo to Watch the Video.

Click this Photo to Watch the Video.

Update -

January 11, 2020

I attempted to open a new twitter account.  I was successful, verifying through email typing in the code, when while setting up my new profile I was IMMEDIATELY BANNED!  Twitter insists that I have violated their "twitter rules" and claim I am a Bot!  I have always managed my own account daily, they just don't like what I have to say.  My first account was suspended on October 20, 2018 just two weeks before the election.  I was blowing the whistle on Republican fundraising emails I had been receiving from ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!  I think I was instrumental in forcing Monsanto to ABANDON their name and re-brand themselves as "Bayer4".  I was educating people about the fraud perpetrated upon America and the U.S.S. Liberty etc.  ENOUGH SAID!  One of my favorite news outlets, TruNews, had their PayPal account closed on the spot because they have been reading headline stories from 🇮🇱 newspapers!  PayPal also closed his daughters business account!  This all makes Niemoller's statement ever close to home.  WAKE UP AMERICA!

Click this Photo to Watch the Video.

In the words of Pastor Martin Niemöller-

"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."

Twitter Banned Me For Life January 11, 2020.  The First Amendment In America Is DEAD!

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