
Friday, November 6, 2020

Voter Fraud Election Sting Containing QFS Blockchain Watermark Is More Than Meets The Eye!

Trump's Plan For The "Reset" Deployed To Expose Voter Fraud.

There is a lot of discussion about the attempted voter fraud across America in ballot counting since November 3, 2020.  It was first floated on twitter that a "sting" operation was underway to expose such fraud.  No one on the platform I am "allowed" to be on, which is gab, had produced any concrete information, as I asked for those making the claims to provide links to their evidence.  After about 12 hours no one had produced any proof, so I set to sleuthing and this is what I came up with.  I first posted to the gab thread and then pinned the information I found to my profile.  I'll paste it hot and dirty like the original I shared with others who were backing up my request for evidence.  I will leave a link so you can see the original.

I posted:  "In an effort to find out #TheTruth about the Military verifying Election Ballots and exposing the FRAUD, I have tried to track down the "Watermark/Hologram" theory.  Here is what I found:

OK Everyone!  It appears this "Watermark" claim originated from someone on twitter named David Burney.

It is gaining traction by others repeating it on twitter.  I found this as an additional source on the DHS Watermark.

Tracing this back, it appears the DHS is referenced in securing elections in this 2018 article, but does not dictate what the security measures should be.

A comment on this message board led me to this organization.  This information, and that from the DHS Statement encourage STATES to implement Security Measures, which MAY include special papers, watermarks and bar/QRL Codes etc.  The States are in charge of implementing their own measures.  It does appear that the Trump Administration HAS been working on encouraging Security Measures FOR the 2020 Election.  In scanning over the above document I was only able to find vague reference to the Security Measures tweeted about.  It may include the Military/National Guard Troops that were deployed to 12 States."

I posted this photo indicating the only Federal Agency who Implicated Security Measures was the USPS.

And a link to this video.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

I resumed my sleuthing this evening and found more information on Trump's "plan" Steve Piecznek referenced in the above video.  This is what I found.

⚠️ You may have to enlarge the your view/window in order to read the screenshots.  My browser allows me to click the photo and it will automatically enlarge, or just visit the link in the section heading above.

The original video from April 2020 the site referenced was deleted by YouTube, but I found an updated version posted in October 2020.  View the video below.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Clark County Nevada Ballot claim of QFS Watermark.

The reason I am posting on this subject is because, as I see it, it is related to the Financial Reset and may be in conjunction to the Global Reset.  In my reading of the document displayed above, it does look like a good thing in protecting us.  I am hoping that it will be a true protection of individuals currency, in whatever form you prefer,  that we will be protected from the Federal Reserve and the Global Bankers.  The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is designed to protect our hard earned dollars, individually, because they each contain this code, and protect us from monetary asset forfeiture by the International Cabal.  The documents reenforce that fact that it is backed by gold and levels the playing field across the U.S. Dollar, Yen, and EU currency.  Although there is a focus on AI, we must remember that these systems can be used for GOOD!  This system appears to be set up to do just that!

⚠️All the links printed below are legitimate links.  Please ignore Google/Bloggers attempt to warn you about the content I would like you to see.  This is a new ploy for Google to censor.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
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