
Saturday, September 2, 2017

Breaking The Bronk - The Torture & Abuse Of Ammon Bundy

The Instances Of Abuse Ammon Bundy Is Experiencing by The US Marshalls, CCA/Core Civic/Southern Nevada Detention Center, the For Profit Prison System, Judge Gloria Navarro Make the Short List, Must Be EXPOSED!  Every Individual Should Make It A Point To Shout This From the Housetops and Expose These Criminals Who Demonstrate Power Over Us.  This is an attempt at doing this.  Listen Up!  You Judges, Department Of Justice, US Marshalls, you Wardens, Prison Thugs!  We don't care what non-disclosure agreements you have signed in secret.  We know you should have sworn to an Oath to protect us and our constitution and we are holding you to it!  We will ask you to produce your signed oath, which is required by LAW, and take your names and prosecute every last one of you who abuse us and your "power".

Please!  Anyone and Everyone should Read this and Share it far and wide.  This abuse must stop and these terrorists need to be held accountable.
From The Inside - US Justice System A Gang Of Guards

 Ammon Bundy was Acquitted in a court trial in Oregon in 2016

The US Government continues to hold him violating his protected right under the Eighth Amendment

Learn About the Oregon Trial here
NDAA Detaining Americans Without Due Process


September 5, 2017

Ryan Bundy, Ammon's Brother, called Jared Green to tell the public about the recent abuse during a series of strip searches Ammon suffered at the Southern Nevada Detention Center in Nevada doing business under the name Civic Core Of America Corporation.  This abuse was done under the full knowledge of Judge Gloria Navarro and the US Marshall's Office.  The phone call can be heard/viewed by visiting the link below or clicking the photo.


The Brave Little Lamb (An Obvious Oxymoron)


August 7, 2017

Phone Interview with Ammon Interrupted by Warden:

Ammon called back to say he is very sorry for the interruption. All prison phones were shut down for 90 min as soon as he hung up with us the first time. No explanation or reason has been given by the guards. He is anxious to share more about his discovery and that will be his focus for the next few videos. God bless you all and keep sharing, keep learning and by all means, KEEP STANDING!
#Freethehammonds #freethepoliticalprisoners #justiceforlavoy


August 21, 2017

Ammon Bundy will be missing two interviews today due to he and Ryan being in solitary confinement again. We apologize on behalf of our injustice system for the pre trial detainees who are subjected to all kinds of human rights violations.
There is no right to a speedy trial, right to present a defense, right against unwarranted searches and seizures, right to bail, right against cruel and unusual punishment or a right to call witnesses in your defense. We're sorry if you were still under the impression that the courts submitted to the US Constitution, they in fact do not.


August 24, 2017

Ammon Bundy is very disappointed in Core Civic/Prisons for profit right now. After going back on their word regarding him NOT being strip searched, they handcuffed him (and his brother Ryan) and then cut all his clothes off with scissors and hauled him into solitary confinement last Friday, where he now sits. But the first 3 days he had NOTHING; no books, no legal documents to work on, no Bible. Just walls to stair at for 72 hours while being fed through a small hole in the door. All the while his co defendants were being declared NOT GUILTY. Such irony. Then they finally gave him some books and a note pad but would not give him his pencil to write with. He not only journals every day but he also writes all the things he finds in discovery for later research in the Law Library for his upcoming trial. (He's been learning much about Steve Myhre that he says will make your mouth drop in shock)... He would appreciate being released from solitary confinement but at a minimum he would like a pencil to continue working on his case.
Perhaps you could call the jail and let them know that profiting off of hostages is a sin and slavery is illegal and that Ammon AND Ryan would like to be released from the hole immediately.
As always, be courteous but firm. This must stop.
And since this may end up in the next trial as evidence, the cows were shot and buried, Ammon was tazed multiple times, BLM snipers pointed their weapons at women and children, Dave was thrown to the ground and  arrested simply for videoing the BLM, Aunt Margaret was thrown to the ground and a 1st amendment area was set up forcing the public into like a  herd of cattle. SUNLIGHT IS THE BEST DISINFECTANT

Call CCA/Core Civic/ Southern Nevada Detention Center and ask to speak with the Warden.


August 31, 2017


We must correct a false and damaging narrative that continues to perpetuate throughout the media and the supporting community.
Imagine for a moment you've been taken hostage. You've been denied your God given rights in every way imaginable and you never did anything to deserve the shackles on your hands and feet. Then, your captor says, 'If you just take off all your clothes, and let me inspect your private body parts every day, you can step outside for just a second of fresh air.' You refuse, because your convictions tell you that is immoral and wrong and you choose liberty or death. Then your captor goes around telling people YOU refused to walk free in the fresh air and have chosen  to stay hidden away as a hostage. How would you feel when you heard of what the public was saying? As you screamed from your bed, 'I want to go free, I don't want to be here!'
Ammon Bundy has NEVER refused to come to court. He has NEVER refused to see his attorney or see visitors. He has NEVER refused to come to a hearing. Brace yourself for this: AMMON BUNDY HAS NEVER RESISTED TO BE STRIP SEARCHED.
Ammon only refuses to help in the unwarranted search. He knows he is a captive with guns and force that stand between him and freedom. So he DOES NOT RESIST to strip searches. You heard me right, he DOES NOT RESIST to strip searches. What he doesn't agree to, is removing his clothes himself. Because this would be him willingly agreeing to be violated and he won't participate in his captor doing so. He can not participate in a 4th amendment violation of an unwarranted and unreasonable search of his persons. So, he stands before his captors and says, 'Do what you must, but I will not help you violate me.' They refuse to remove his clothes themselves, so they cuff him, cut his clothes off with scissors and throw him in the hole. But not because he refused a search. Only because he refused to join in the violation with them and remove his clothes himself.
Do you see the difference? And all the while, he is saying, 'I must be at court, I must meet with my attorneys and prepare for trial.' And yet the media and public continue the false narrative saying, 'Ammon Bundy refused to come to court because he refused his strip search.' And this of course is a flat out lie. What to hear some irony? He is only being held because they say they want to guarantee he'll show up to hearings and trial.... but since he won't help them morally violate him, they refuse to let him attend his hearings and trial. Ponder that for a moment.

Please help us correct the narrative. Sometimes, the details matter.
Ammon was not at court today because the guards refused to let him attend his own hearing. Ammon missed meetings with his attorneys because the guards refused to let him attend the meetings. Ammon Sits in the hole now because he refused to participate in being morally violated. And in case you thought these procedures occur for everyone, let me tell you, many of the defendants in his own trial NEVER get strip searched, even for hearings at the court house. This is targeting pure and simple to break his will to stand. And yet after 19 months, still he stands.
Perhaps you might call CCA/Core Civic/ Southern Nevada Detention Center: 775-751-4500 and politely ask them to release Ammon Bundy from Solitary Confinement for his birthday tomorrow (9/1) so he can prepare for his long awaited trial.

"Some things are more important than your life, freedom is one of them." Robert LaVoy Finicum

September 1, 2017

Sharing with full permission:

Ammon Bundy was aggressively strip searched 3x before yesterdays court hearing with Scott and Eric. They first took him out of his cell and told him the strip search would not occur, to which he was greatly relieved, this was at 4am which is normal on court mornings. Then they changed their story, put him in a cell and they came in every 20 min with a video camera rolling and said, "Will you submit to our demands and remove all your clothes so you can attend court?" He replied, "I do not consent to being morally violated but I will not resist you if you must violate me." They did this 3 times, and after each reply they came in with a brute team, removed his clothes, examined him and threw him back in the hole. Then they said, "All your other co defendants have submitted to us, YOU are the only trouble maker, Even your brother Ryan finally gave in and complied (which is a lie, he was not stripped naked and examined before or after the hearing AND he was released from the hole), so why don't you just make this easy and take off all your clothes?"
He would not give them consent to violate him and he did not resist them as they video recorded and violated him, yet searching him 3x was not enough to allow him to attend his own hearing since he would not give up his will and rights. The public is told, "Ammon won't submit to searches, so for the safety of the judge and marshals, we can't release him to their care." Even though they searched him 3x and knew he was of no threat to anyone.
This is a power play, to break his spirit, and they are now using the other defendants and even his own family's compliance to try and break him so he will submit to that which he knows is wrong. He will not give up something that he knows is a violation of his moral beliefs and his constitutionally protected rights! He can not, he will not! He is innocent unless proven guilty and he maintains that right even if only in his own spirit.

The final offer they gave was this: "We will let you skip your strip searches from here on out if You let us watch you shower without the privacy wall up when you're nude."

Are you listening to this? Are you hearing this and seeing the physiological torture going on?
Perhaps you might call CCA/Core Civic/ Southern Nevada Detention Center: 775-751-4500 and politely ask them to release Ammon Bundy from Solitary and stop violating him with strip searches.



September 9, 2017

Ammon Bundy is set to go to trial in 30 days yet he still is locked away in Solitary confinement. Because he's a threat to the other inmates? No. Because he has not been strip searched and checked for drugs or weapons? No. He has been strip searched multiple times since they locked him in solitary confinement. He is there But because he will not give consent to the abuse he has endured. So he sits in the hole everyday until he will verbally consent to being violated. Presumed innocent or already convicted? You tell me.
If you think a Not Guilty verdict will bring Justice, then you would also believe the same if someone stepped on your head 24/7 for 20 months and then by force of a jury was told to remove their boot from your head and let you stand up again. That is not justice. The removal of torture is not the same thing as justice. Our framers would be disappointed to see what we tolerate as acceptable behavior from our corrupt and abusive government now a days.
Ammon believes that if he consents to that which is wrong, then he truly never had the right against unwarranted searches and the presumption of innocence in the first place. He knows it is our responsibility to defend our rights and never surrender those gifts which God gave us if we are to return to being a free people.

Pray for Ammon today. That his suffering would end and that he can return home to his wife and 6 beautiful children. He has harmed no one and is a political hostage.


September 13, 2017

What if it were you? Would you want anyone to come to your aid or just leave you to sit and suffer in a dark and cold room alone while you're "presumed innocent" as every guard just passes you by without a second glance?
Ammon's trial begins 10/10 and he sits in solitary confinement so the jail guards can assure the judge he is not in his right mind to fight his case like he should be able to. They want him tired and weak and disoriented from the mental abuse of solitary because they know he has already beat the giant once in Oregon and they don't plan to allow that to happen again. Ammon is strong but getting tired. I can hear it in his voice as it echoes in the concrete box he sits in. Consider calling the jail and ask that Ammon be released from solitary immediately so he can prepare for his trial where he faces life in prison if convicted.
This is abuse of authority.
This is the new America if you allow it. 


September 15, 2017

The sheriff's office sent an officer over to check on Ammon Bundy the other day per our phone call requests. The officer called me back on Wednesday and said she went to the door and was able to ask Ammon if he was being fed and clothed and if he had any needs. He replied he was receiving 3 meals per day and was clothed. She told me, "He is in good health and is doing fine." I asked her why she is okay with a human being held in a concrete box for 3 weeks? And if anyone can be "in good health" while being denied natural sunlight and exercise and human contact? She said she is not authorized to get involved in how the prison manages its rules and consequences for non compliance. I asked her if an adult or child didn't follow my rules on my property would it be okay for me to put them in a concrete box until they complied or would she come arrest me for kidnapping and neglect? She said she can’t be  involved in the prisons rules. I explained to her the constitution and the bill of rights and how they were written to protect the accused from situations just like this. That Ammon Bundy is supposed to be presumed innocent unless proven guilty. Yet he sits in a solid Concrete box 24 hrs a day and has been denied access to his legal counsel and to attending his own hearings and can not go to the law library to work on his case. I explained to her that he has been strip searched multiple times and has never posed a threat to anyone yet he sits in the hole for not helping the guards search his body, and how this is abusive to force a human to participate in his own violations of his God given rights. She listened and continued to say she has no authority over the private prison.

I'm now waiting for a call back from the sheriff herself to discuss this further but it's been 2 days now so I guess I have to call her again. I'd like someone to explain to me why a sheriff has no authority to protect people from abuse and neglect in her own jurisdiction. Especially those not convicted who are being held only to guarantee they will appear before the judge for hearings and trial. What is the point of a Constitution, or a trial by jury if you can be held as a convicted criminal and receive the same treatment as them for 2 years before being vindicated? Do you not think this abuse and confinement will affect these men the rest of their lives?
Continue to pray for Ammon Bundy for strength and courage and for his family who suffers right along with him. Trial begins 10/10/17 please attend if you can and let's pack the court house and the steps outside with support for these innocent men.
An assault on one American is an assault on all Americans. Shame on you CCA Private Prison for the abuse and to the Sheriff who does nothing to stop it! #stand 


September 18, 2017

How is Ammon doing? Still sitting in Solitary confinement with no windows or natural sunlight, eating soy food and not being allowed to see his family or attorney, while being told he is still presumed innocent of all charges unless proven guilty by a jury of his peers. #CCAhostageCenter


September 19, 2017

119 days today in solitary confinement just this year alone.
Welcome to America, Land of the Free because of the brave. But Ammon  says not to focus on making things nicer for him in jail, focus on learning the Constitution so you can teach others about property rights and liberty and how a crime must involve a victim and restitution and how the authorities job is to ensure this process takes place. Not to financially profit off of others in a system of involuntary slavery. If we focus too much on his abuse and neglect in jail we will forget the bigger problem: he shouldn't be in jail to begin with.


September 21, 2017

Let's talk about welfare, the family unit and foreign
wars. Who is the real enemy of the people? Listen to what Ammon thinks on these topics from solitary confinement at CCA/Prison for Profit in Pahrump Nevada. He has been detained for 20 months waiting for trial, and in Solitary Confinement for the past 121 days now. 

Ammon Bundy - Another Jailhouse Interview September 21, 2017

October 6, 2017

Don't believe Judge Navarro's narrative.  She is working with CCA/Core Civic Of America to keep these two men who were found NOT GUILTY in the Oregon Trial out of proceedings, once again trying to convict them in absentia!


October 6, 2017

CCA/Prisons for Profit/Southern Nevada Detention Center: YOU LOSE!

What is your freedom worth to you?  Is liberty worth dying for?  If someone was raping you, and said they would stop if you simply said these 2 words: I consent, would you give consent?  Today, a great victory occurred in Las Vegas Nevada.  Ammon and Ryan Bundy were granted their wish: NO MORE STRIP SEARCHES.  What did this victory cost them?  12 months of being thrown to the ground by up to 6 men dressed in riot gear, clothes stripped completely off their bodies sometimes with scissors, physically and sexually assaulted, dragged to solitary confinement over and over again, denied access to their attorneys, to their families, and even denied access to their own court hearings, all while being video taped by one of the guards; and also while being told, 'You are presumed innocent unless proven guilty by a jury of your peers.'  Ammon has spent over 150 days this year alone in solitary confinement because he would not give his consent for the strip searches.  Ryan has as well.  The strip searches were done anyway, but with out consent.  You see, this was never about the guards wanting to know if they were hiding something.  They knew they had nothing concealed after they would strip them nude multiple times in a day, but they wanted their will.  Their spirit.  Their courage.  Their conviction.  They wanted to take that.  Some understood this constitutional violation of strip searches on non convicted detainees, who have never given probably cause to warrant such actions, and some did not understand.  But in the end, it mattered little to Ammon or Ryan who stood with them.

It matters how you stand.  Not who stands with you.

Today, both were denied access once again to their hearing because they would not give verbal consent for the strip search, but today, over the phone, Ammon and Ryan Bundy, along with Ammon's attorneys Dan Hill and Morgan Philpot, argued for more than an hour with the Judge on this topic.....

...and they won.

Possibly as soon as Tuesday, Ammon and Ryan Bundy as well Ryan Payne who asked to join this oral argument against strip searches, will all be moved to Henderson Detention Center and will NO LONGER BE REQUIRED TO STRIP IN ORDER TO ATTEND COURT!  They will only be patted down and a metal detector wand will be used in place of full strip searches or body cavity searches.  Ammon said last week the way to bring change and avoid a bloody revolution is through peaceful non compliance of immoral and unconstitutional laws.  He is so right.

This is a huge win, not just because the strip searches are such a violation of human rights for the NONconvicted detainee, but because it shows that it REALLY DOES MATTER HOW YOU STAND.

I have a feeling LaVoy is looking down on these guys right now and feeling pretty darn proud at what they are willing to endure for the cause of liberty. I know I am.






October 10, 2017

7 weeks.
49 Days.

Go sit in your bathroom, alone, for 49 Days and tell us how “innocent until proven guilty” you feel at the end.

Ammon was recently released from 7 weeks in the hole for not giving verbal consent to the repeated unnecessary retaliatory strip searches by the guards.  He says it’s nice to feel the sun on his face again and breath fresh air.  But it’s an adjustment to be around so many people. He protested until he saw change.  He says that to avoid a bloody revolution we must not comply with immoral or unconstitutional laws that we feel we must refuse.
So, for 7 weeks he sat alone in a cell.  Protesting.  Clinging to his God given rights and to the principles of freedom.

This was One of many stents over the past 20 months sitting in a dark cell, with no windows, alone, waiting and hoping for his trial day to come.  Wondering if it’s raining because the scent of rain seems to be in the air.  Is it daytime or nighttime?  One in this cement hole cannot tell.  At one point Ammon’s brother, Ryan Bundy, made as he called and said this to me was: “Are you barbecuing?  I know you’re all outside protesting here at the prison and I’m sure I smelled a fresh bbq.  ” I replied, “No Ryan, we are not grilling food today, it’s your mind playing tricks on you.  ” He wasn’t sure but he also thought he may have smelled rain, but with concrete walls and no windows he wasn’t sure. There was no rain in sight.

What have you become, America?  Why have you forgotten your people?

This is how we treat the accused.  The ones not yet convicted by a jury  of their peers.  Is this innocent unless proven guilty?  Do we bully and abuse people to get them to plead guilty?  Are we nothing more than a gang of thieves and abusers?

Solitary confinement is used as a retaliatory means on the Prisoners when they don’t comply or when they upset a guard.  The prison guards know without sunlight and human contact people go crazy and give up. Even animals suffer when denied human touch.  Are we okay with this America?  Is this allowed when sized up next to the bill of rights? Have you even read the bill of rights that our founders bled and died to protect?  Perhaps now is the time to pause and do so.  Ammon wants you to please read and study the founders documents.  America, what have you become?  If you can do this Ammon and Ryan Bundy, surely my own children are next.  Silence is consent, and I refuse to remain silent in the face of such evil doing.  What about you?  The Christian is called to lay down their life for their neighbor, to forgive, to hope and to believe all things and to love, because love covers a multitude of sins. Have we, as a people, as a Justice system, abandoned the commandment to love?  If we have we are surely lost as a people.

What have we become?

“It is better that 100 guilty men escape than to have one innocent man suffer.” Ben Franklin

End Prisons for profit. Set America Free. CCA Core Civic Must stop profiting on modern day slavery.

****We are Ammon’s Voice We are Ryan’s Voice We are LaVoy’s Voice*****
$162 Million dollars a year net income, and America is silent in the face of modern day slavery.  No wonder we hold the worlds largest prisoner base, we always know how to bring in the cash.



Core Civic, CCA, Prisons for profit NET $162 MILLION dollars per year.. which is $13 and a half MILLION dollars profit EACH MONTH! What would you do with over $13 Million dollars profit each month? Paid for by yours truly, the American tax payer.  What will it take for the people who pay for such abuse to say no more?  Not on my dollar will you sell me a fake bill of goods just to make me think I am safer with your existence?  Where are our elected officials to monitor such injustice and such waste of our tax paying dollars?  AMERICA YOU'VE FALLEN ASLEEP ON THE JOB!



October 24, 2017

Facebook is blocking the general public without accounts from viewing the Ammon Bundy Page that documents his abuse and which has been open to the public for months.  I think this is being done by the CIA themselves, who created fb, and also the FBI.  I did stumble upon this today and went to work producing a video with the affidavits from witnesses to the wounds do to abuse of Ammon, Ryan and Cliven Bundy which they received at the hands of the US Marshall's while the men were in chains, included handcuffs, leg irons and belly chains.  It apparently took place in the elevator in the Federal Courthouse.  Attorney's and courtroom observers alike noticed the injuries as their faces were blotchy and countenances were effected along with blood and abrasions to their wrists and arms.  The Attorney for Cliven Bundy brought the subject up to Judge Gloria Navarro in court, and Ammon also petitioned the Judge, but she refused to listen, silencing the men, and did not address the problem.  As far as we know, NOTHING has been done to hold the US Marshall's and Judge Navarro accountable!  This is COWARDOUS of the Marshall's as they should protect NOT abuse as they did to these men in chains.  Please watch the video and help the Defense if you can.


October 27, 2017

Although the DOJ and Judge Gloria Navarro are trying desperately, along with the US Marshall's and Nevada Prison System, to conceal the neglect and abuse of Ammon and his associates, it nevertheless, continues.  Jury Selection began October 30, 2017 and the men were prevented from wearing street clothes.  They were escorted into the courtroom by the US Marshall's in their bright orange jumpsuits, no shower, no shave, no haircut.  Judge Navarro couldn't grasp the fact that Ammon and his brother Ryan were still wearing their Southern Nevada Detention Center duds from Pahrump, although it was printed in bold letters.  The men are now being held in the Henderson County Jail, but it appears they are just as abusive there as at Pahrump.  Some of the most recent abuse is documented in the video below and in the courtroom updates.  I think this punishment the men are now experiencing is part of the Prosecutions plan, and I include Judge Navarro in this plan because she continues to act as a Prosecutor during proceedings not serving as an impartial Judge or mediator, to make the men look as scary as can be before the Jury in order to score a conviction!

As many of you know, most "convicts" experience a "make over" before they attend court.  They show up sporting new hair cuts, wardrobe and toned down makeup if you're a woman.  In the case of Ammon and his associates, the DOJ/Judge are intent on causing the defendants to look just the opposite, unkempt, smelly and in prison jumpsuits complete with ankle and wrist irons secured around their waists, giving the Jury the impression the men are already guilty, or should be because they look like Charles Manson!  A recent study proved a point Attorney's already knew, that defendants are convicted or acquitted in large part because of their appearance.   If the defendants are convicted, the Jury was more lenient during sentencing.  The men have been denied showers, razors and their courtroom attire in order to make themselves presentable in court.  This point was substantiated during Jury Selection this week when Ryan Bundy, Ammon's brother, stepped forward to ask the potential jurors, "will looking at my face disturb you during the trial"?  You see Ryan was in an accident when he was a child where he was run over by a vehicle which left him with some facial defects.  The Jurors answered "No", but the Prosecution used this point to dismiss these Jurors because they claimed they would be sympathetic to the Defendant.

Apparently there is a Guard at the Henderson Jail that is taking it upon himself to dish out abuse upon the men.  Upon their return to jail from court a guard escorted Ammon into a room that had no surveillance camera or windows.  He proceeded to yell at him and "get in his face" while telling him "he didn't care about any Court Order".  He was going to do whatever the F*#! he wanted and that he had better submit to his cavity search or else!  Ammon did not comply, but the same guard did this very same thing to Ammon's father Cliven, who is 71 years old, and was so frightened he submitted to the search.  In the last two trials the men were not subjected to these body/cavity searches while staying in Henderson, but this time they are going to continue this abuse.  Judge Navarro has been made aware multiple times of the abuse but just continues to blame it on the Defendants WHEN SHE HAS THE POWER TO STOP IT!  Despite Henderson Detention Center's claims to treat inmates with respect, they are doing everything BUT!

Please help stop this abuse and miscarriage of justice by calling or emailing and sharing this story.


Listen As Lisa Bundy Tells About The Abuse


November 30, 2017

Ammon Bundy was released from Nevada Federal Court today after a Closed Door, Sealed Hearing where Attorneys went to blows about whether Ammon, Cliven and Ryan Payne were a credible threat to society.  We don't know all the details at this time but, the Threat Assessments compiled from several federal agencies were finally discovered by the Defense and presented in court to secure the Defendants release.  This Exculpatory Evidence has been withheld from the Defense by the Prosecution/DOJ for years.  Keen Attorney's for the Defense were relentless in fighting for the release of these men of which Ammon was one.  Ammon and his co-defendants, with the exception of his father Cliven will remain on release as they reside at local halfway houses with the cumbersome ankle bracelet.  See the joyful reunion in the video below in which family members and supporters alike great him at his release.  He is attended by his Attorney Dan Hill and Morgan Philpot makes an appearance also.  Thank you to everyone who make phone calls, wrote letters and got the word out about the abuse.


September 3, 2019
Despite Ammon Bundy's case being Dismissed With Prejudice he continues to suffer abuse from an out of control bureaucracy that is the federal government.  In this case the government can convict you on paper, or more commonly, by computer database.  Ammon went to market to purchase a gun he had looked at previously, but was out of stock when he arrived.  So, he chose another gun and went through the mandatory background check required by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, an un-constitutional process.  Ammon documented his endeavors which I share down below as he finds out he's been convicted in absentia.

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety” ~ Benjamin Franklin

Video of Ammon's experience is posted below "Convicted By Keystroke".  I hope you'll watch it and share it, this Shadow Government control has got to come to an end, what part of "shall not be infringed" do they not understand?
Click this Photo to Watch the Video.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

January 8, 2020

"It's Great To Be Home - 2 Years Today"

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

January 26, 2020

Ammon took a few minutes to remember LaVoy Finicum's sacrifice on the anniversary of his death.

Montage of photos of LaVoy Finicum at Bundy Ranch (2014) & Harney County Oregon (2016)

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Watch a Documentary by David Michael Lynch about Bundy Ranch here.

They are at it again!
Shortly after Ammon posted an update on his two Trespassing Charges from August 2020, which included the following information:

Ammon Bundy's Second Case Dismissed
"Remember back in August when Ammon Bundy was arrested the second day at the capitol building in the Senate gallery?  Well, just as he predicted, that case has been dismissed.  Once again, according to the court documents, the government is the one who violated the law and tried to convict Mr. Bundy for it.  Ammon Bundy said that he had every right to be in the Senate gallery and it appears he knew what he was talking about.  He is still facing trespassing charges from the first day when he was arrested at the capitol in the Lincoln auditorium.  His trial starts Monday 3/15/21 at 8:15 a.m.  Ammon Bundy has faced 24 Federal Felony charges and 4 State charges and has never been convicted of any of them.  Each time a jury or judge has determined the charges were false".

Left - Bryan Bowermaster with Aaron Schmidt - Right

Ammon Bundy and Aaron Schmidt showed up to the Ada County Courthouse in Boise Idaho to appear before a Judge in relation to trespassing charges at the Idaho Statehouse during the Legislative Session.  The two men were denied entrance because they claimed their right not to wear a mask.  Ammon stood within feat of the front door awaiting entrance, but the Court kept them waiting for several hours while they tried to get the Judge to issue a Failure To Appear Warrant, although the men were outside!  A County Commissioner came outside to try to get the two men to put on a mask to enter the building, and once they got to the courtroom they could remove their masks for the Jury Trial.  Ammon explained the Rights of The People to the Commissioner but the Commissioner claimed the Judge had jurisdiction, claimed he had no power over the Police Force, and tried to get the two to postpone their trial until COVID was over, whenever that is?

Time passed with those gathered to witness the trial trying to teach the Councilman to stand and assert his authority they grant the Judge to conduct their business in The People's building.  The Congressman agreed to go in and talk to the Judge and Prosecutor.  He later emerged and told Ammon he pled his case to the Judge and Prosecutor on Ammon's behalf, to which Ammon reminded him he is not his representative in court matters.  Shortly after, the Under Sheriff, in plain clothes, came out with a Warrant for Ammon and Aaron for Failure To Appear, and included a $10,000.00 Bond!

After waiting outside the doors of the Courthouse for several hours, periodically trying to open the door to enter, there were Sheriff's Deputy's BLOCKING the entrance and would slam the door shut so the men could not enter, they deployed a band of police officers to storm the crowd from behind to cause confusion so they could apprehend Ammon and Aaron.  A few others were also arrested including, Casey Baker and Garth Gaylord, and charged for what the Police and Sheriff's Department called "Police Brutality" and "Resisting Arrest".  All were DRUG INTO THE building they were being kept out of for not "masking up" WITHOUT MASKS!  Only in a world with a tyrannical government could this happen!

Several people on scene suffered injuries that required medical attention.  Record has it that Ammon and Aaron were taken to Ada County Jail and held in separate cells stripped of all clothing, including shoes and socks, isolated from each other to experience 50(?) degree temperatures, or worse, as a sort of torture for not wearing a mask and claiming  their Fifth Amendment Right.  Ammon reported that they were Bonded out about 35 hours later.  He was told a Trial would be held on May 15, 2021 and that the Judge is REQUIRING his to "mask up"!  Retaining his rights he did not sign the orders.  Ammon suspects that they will continue on this same path until they indefinitely retain him.  An update from Arron Schmidt claimed they forcibly strip searched him.  Both men recorded statements about what they experienced, the sad thing is, this same tyrannical behavior is going on all across the West, if not the country known as America.

We must stand together against this force that wants to control us and hurt us when we don't comply!  Schaeffer Cox tried setting up a sort of network in Montana before he was entrapped by the FBI and still sits in Prison for his "liberty-loving" views, but we have taken a page out of his book, and the Bundy Model, where people unite in defense of each other.  It's called People's Rights Network.  Please join today by texting "Rights" to 80123.  Stand!  Claim your God Given Rights!

I will leave several links to information documenting this operation deployed In Idaho, Ada County, below.
     Second Case Dismissed  This includes court documents.

     Interview with Aaron Schmidt After Release

     Ammon Bundy Report On Events Surrounding His Arrest and Release.  (Recorded in two parts)

     The video below includes testimony of abuse Utahan's have endured at the hands of a tyranicle government which includes Law Enforcement as well as Ammon's account of the trespassing charges BEFORE the events of March 15, 2021.


Update -
February 10, 2023  Ammon is being Sued by St. Lukes et al.  They are calling for Imprisonment! 

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Learn about the Baby Cyrus Case:
Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Saving Baby Cyrus - Ammon Bundy Speaks Video:

Update:  May 17, 2023
June 8, 2023
Gem County Sheriff's Department tried to Arrest Ammon again today for Ada County Judges vendetta for a Civil Case involving the Medical Kidnapping of Baby Cycus.

Ammon speaks to Bryon Hyde about the Idaho Arrest Warrant & Gag Order associated with the Baby Cyrus Medical Kidnapping Civil Suit and the unconstitutional act of sealing cases and gag orders.

Jul 26, 2023 

"I am surprised that so many believe that the remedy for these types of things will be found in the courts. Let me explain at this point what it would take for me to get this case to the US Supreme Court. First, I would have to appeal to the Idaho Appellate court, that would take me at least two years, most likely three just to be heard. Litigation in this court would take another couple years. Meanwhile, St. Lukes would be burying me with legal papers created by their team of $600 per hour attorneys. I of course would have to respond to every document they filed or the case would be compromised. Responding to St. Lukes litigation would be impossible unless I hire a team of attorneys also. The average cost for a decent attorney in Idaho is $250-$350 per hour. It would take at least 3 attorneys from what I am being told. An assistant could be utilized but only for certain things. Even at that it would be hard to read and respond to all the legal documents that the St. Luke's team would be throwing at us. We know this from what they have done in the past. To top that off, I would most certainly lose in the Idaho Appellate court. The same people that make up the Ada County court also make up the Appellate court. Most of the judges come from the Ada County court and live and associate in Ada County. 

After the loss in the Idaho Appellate, I could then appeal to the U.S. District Court. This court I have already appealed to and they rejected the case and awarded St. Lukes over $18,000 in legal fees as punishment to me for filing in their court. Remember the US District Court of Idaho are all judges from Idaho and it is still the Idaho Good Old Boys that influence that court even though it is a US court. Therefore, It would also take several years (paying that team of attorneys) to get through this district court and in the end it would most certainly be a loss. 

Then onto the US 9th Circuit court. By this time I would most likely be absolutely destitute and my young children would be leaving the home with only a few memories of me not working on the legal case against St. Lukes. I may however find some traction in the 9th Circuit court, but it is a crap shoot and would also take several years of responding to St. Lukes law fare. Tens of thousands of documents during each litigation. St. Lukes has endless funds to pay lawyers for the simple purpose of creating documents that I must respond to. Finally, after 8-10 years of this intense litigation I may make it to the U.S. Supreme Courts. The litigation in the US Supreme court would be less and I actually believe I might win (if the justices have not changed by then). But, in reality I would have already lost. I would have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Thousands and thousands of hours of family and work time and most likely everything I own anyway just to pay for it all. You see, with our legal system, the process is the punishment, even if you win. 

I estimate that at a minimum it would take $700,000 and 10,000 hours to litigate this case to the US Supreme court, that is a minimum figure. It could take upwards to $2.5 million because of the mountains of legal responses that would be required due to St. Luke's team of attorneys. For St. Lukes to dump $3-5 million into attorneys is nothing. They run on a multi-billion dollar annual budget. The U.S. legal system is not about justice but about who has the most money to spend on attorneys and litigation. My attorney fees in the Oregon and Nevada cases was $534,000. I was forced to fight then and it is by the grace of God that we are not in prison still. Yes, I could raise some money for legal expenses but my experience it that people would slowly stop caring about this case in less than a years and the rest of the financial burden would be mine to carry, Also, I have never been good at raising money, It is hard to ask people for money when it seem as if it is for myself. So you can see that there is no win appealing to the courts. I have seen wins in other more practical ways but it takes courage, fortitude and God's favor to prevail. I intend on simply living and demanding that I am left alone. If not, I will defend myself and call on others to help".


Click here for more information on this matter:

August 14, 2023

After a $52,000,000,000.00 Million Dollar Judgement on a Jury Trial where the Defendant was not present by Judge Lynn Norton.  Norton was not fond of Ammon's Right to not show up for the Court Proceedings, so she issued an arrest warrant.  In Idaho if you choose not to show up to plead your Case against your accuser, the court is supposed to file a "default judgement", a set dollar amount for what the statute calls for; but this was not enough for the Judge and St. Luke's Hospital.

Ammon would not agree to the speech they were trying to prevent.  He continued to speak out about the LawFare being weaponized against him by filing this Case.  I found the term in the RICO Statute and it's called SLAPP!  It is set up to keep people from speaking out against their accusers.  The problem we have now is that so many people have complied with these GAG ORDERS that people think it is Lawful!  This must come to a stop, since it is against the 1st Amendment.

Ammon attended a Idaho Football Fundraiser on Friday August 12, 2023.  During the dinner at the fundraiser 9 officers from Gem County and City Police entered the room to put Ammon in handcuffs and put him in Jail.  Ammon was put in a cell for 2 days where he remained until someone paid his bail of $10,000.00 dollars.  He came home to find out that St. Lukes has filed additional Suits naming he and his wife and the person to which he had to sell his home.

See a short video of the arrest.
Ammon tells his side.

"God told me to stay and fight in Idaho".

September 13, 2023 -
St. Lukes Hospital Attorneys threaten Ammon and Diego to remove videos and information regarding the Law Suit and cease speaking about the suit.  Since St. Lukes Attorneys are seeking an Injunction there is fear that the vengeful Judge will order Law Enforcement in the State to capture or Kill Ammon.  Ammon is being threatened via the SLAPP Law found in the Rico Statute.


October 24, 2023

Holland & Hart Attorney's contact Ammon Yesterday to schedule an "inspection of his home & property".  #FourthAmmendment

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.


December 3, 2023

Ammon is forced to leave Idaho do to his Home, Property, Bank Account and Freedom being taken by Judges Order!  Read about the Case.

UPDATE - June 18, 2024

Ammon has updated his status through 2 YouTube Videos featuring an Open Letter to him and his Family entitled, "Big Health, Political Courts and the Bundy Family".  Please Watch It In Two Parts, Links Below.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

UPDATE - July 17, 2024

Ammon Bundy announces he's filed for Bankruptcy.  Listen to the details in the link below.

🚨 Google's Blogger is NOT ALLOWING ME to upload graphics & pictures, but you can watch the video I want to Link to by clicking here.

UPDATE - October 9, 2024

Ammon attended a Hearing on the "Baby Cyrus" Defamation Case where he tells us the the U.S. Trustee had to hire an Attorney to defend him from St. Lukes Attorneys attacking him, and trying to get him to disclose Ammon's personal information and whereabouts.  Ammon has been fighting Litigation since the seizure with six teams of Attorneys in five States in nine different Courts.  They have taken his home, his Shares of businesses and seized his and his families Bank Accounts!

The Judge at this Hearing recommended Ammon hire an Attorney to represent him in the continued litigation.  Ammon told the Judge in no uncertain terms he will not be hiring another attorney.  
"If the Courts are just and the laws are just no-one is in need of an Attorney" ~ Ammon Bundy

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

February 22, 2025 "Discharge" Denied❗️
From Ammon Bundy,

"Meridian police department will not give up exculpatory evidence. I’m sure it’s something extremely damaging to them. Sergeant McGilvery was found guilty of battery for choking out a female officer. Idaho is in trouble.
The court denied me bankruptcy, but they are still taking everything we have. St. Luke’s had seven attorneys on file against me. Hundreds of dockets in this case thousands upon thousands of pages. The court granted St. Luke’s extension until April. St. Luke’s attorneys will be proposing Lisa and I so they can use that information to harasses forever".

When a Judgement has been Granted by the Judicial Court THAT SHOULD BE IT!  The way they are CONTINUING to pursuit Ammon Bundy is against our Fifth Amendment, the Seventh Amendment where Holland & Hart are litigating Ammon again requesting photos of all of his belongings and Deposing he and his wife Lisa on the 25th & 26th of this month.

As to the "Baby Cyrus Case", many applicants have submitted Idaho Public Records Requests for the Police Reports and Body Cam footage of the abduction of the infant and the arrests of both parents and the aunt of the baby, ALL have been denied!  This is what tyranny looks like!  The People created the government and they have the Right to audit EVERYTHING in the government, including their unlawful Police Department, which is nothing but a Corporate Security Force to keep us from them.  The People demand a record to be kept and to examine the record . . . and the people who keep the record any time they want.  The only constitutional law enforcement IS the Sheriff's Department.

The Meridian Police Department is claiming in court documents that "the officers involved in this case feel threatened and will be exposed to the public and the officers will be held accountable by the public for their actions" the night of the kidnapping.  How about that?  The "gun toting thugs" are afraid of an educated public!  THIS is why they want to hide their actions and keep you in fear of psychopaths with guns . . . and, this is why you need yours.  "It's the great EQUALIZER" as some people like to say.

Ammon plans to keep us all informed on how the Depositions go.  We must keep this out in the public eye, and it's our job as The People to do it.  Please share this post out on your socials.  Thanks!

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