
Saturday, February 3, 2018

What You Don't Know WILL Hurt You - Cannibalism Sanctioned By The FDA & SEC


Some of Americas Largest

Food And Drug Corporations

Use Aborted Fetal Matter

In Their Products




This is an important update:

An April 15, 2015 Article in Natural News entitled “Major Food Corporations Use Tissue From Aborted Babies To Manufacture Flavor Additives In Processed Foods” states…

Every time you purchase mass-produced processed "food" from the likes of Kraft, PepsiCo, or Nest-lee, you're choosing, whether you realize it or not, to feed your family not only genetically engineered poisons and chemical additives, but also various flavoring agents manufactured using the tissue of aborted human babies. 

It's true: A company based out of California, known as Senomyx, is in the business of using aborted embryonic cells to test fake flavoring chemicals, both savory and sweet, which are then added to things like soft drinks, candy and cookies. And Senomyx has admittedly partnered with a number of major food manufacturers to lace its cannibalistic additives into all sorts of factory foods scarfed down by millions of American consumers every single day.

Known as "HEK-293," the aborted human fetal cell line used by Senomyx is manipulated to evaluate how the human palate will react to synthetic flavors used in the production of processed foods. Since most processed foods on the market today are hardly food to begin with, and typically lack any real flavor or appeal on their own, chemical companies like Senomyx are hired to develop artificial ones (which are often deceptively labeled as "natural flavors") in order to make them taste like real food.


Senomyx stands for Sweet - Embryo - Nuggets - Offering - Minute - Youngsters’ - X-crements  (Note: This specific explanation was given by Deborah Taveras in her YouTube reports and on her website  That's where I got the acronym definition).

Because these ingredients can be legally disguised with vague descriptors like "artificial flavors" and even "natural flavors,” both terms approved by the FDA Food And Drug Administration.   Most consumers have no idea that these additives, in some cases, are actually made using the cell tissue of unborn babies that were murdered through abortion. It's sickening but true, and people must learn the truth in order to avoid partaking in what says amounts to a satanic ritual.  Although, as of November 2017 PepsiCo and Kraft/Cadbury no longer use Senomyx.

"What they don't tell the public is that they are using HEK 293 -- human embryonic kidney cells taken from an electively aborted baby to produce those receptors," Debi Vinnedge of the pro-life group Children of God for Life said about the ugly truth of the flavoring chemical industry. "They could have easily chosen animal, insect, or other morally obtained human cells expressing the G protein for taste receptors.” 

Vaccines, "beauty products" loaded with chemicals made from unborn babies murdered via legalized genocide.  Processed food isn't the only hidden source of additives made using aborted human fetal tissue — many so-called "beauty products" and vaccines are also loaded with aborted baby tissue-derived additives. According to, Neocutis "beauty" products and anti-wrinkle creams are made from aborted male baby cells collected after a 14-week gestation period.

Many vaccines, including Merck & Co.'s MMR II vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella, as well as ProQuad (Merck), Varivax (Merck), Pentacel (Sanofi Pasteur) and Havrix (GlaxoSmithKline), also contain derivatives of aborted human babies.

The following list outlines processed "food" products, vaccines and "beauty products" known to contain ingredients derived from aborted human babies (and there are likely many more; your best bet is to avoid all processed foods in general):

All coffee creamers
Maggi Brand instant soups, bouillon cubes, ketchups, sauces, seasoning, instant noodles

Nescafe Classic Coffee, Decaf, Taster's Choice, Nescafé Gold

Including CANDY- Aero, Baby Ruth, Butterfinger, Cailler, Crunch, Kit Kat, Orion, Smarties, Wonka

DRINKS- Juicy Juice, Nesquik, Milo, Nestea

INFANT FOOD- Gerber, Graduates

FOOD- Hot Pockets, Lean Cusine Frozen Food, Pasta Buitoni, Herta, Maggi, Stouffer's, Thomy

CEREALS- Cini Minis, Cookie Crisp, Fitness, Nesquik

WATER- Pure Life, Perrier, S.Pellegrino

MILK- Carnation Coffee Mate

VITAMINS- Boost, Nutren Junior, Peptamen AF, Resource High

Nestle Ice cream including Dreyer's, Extreme, Hagen Dazs, Mövenpick

PET FOODS- Alpo, Baker's, Benful, Bloom, Cat Chow, Chef Michael's, Dog Chow, Fancy Feast, Felix, Friskies, Gourmet, Purina ONE, Purina Pro Plan

SPORTS NUTRITION- Power Bar Performance

WEIGHT- Jenny Craig


Neocutis uses aborted male baby cells after a 14-week gestation period in their anti- wrinkle creams. The following creams they sell contain aborted fetal cells, but we need to boycott all their products.

Bio-Gel Prevedem Journee

Bio-Serum Lumiere

Bio Restorative Skin Cream

Decouverte Cosmetics- A French Company.  Most of their advertising is in french, but their products contain embryonic stem cells.


ProQuad (MMR + Chickenpox -- Merck)
Varivax (Chickenpox -- Merck)
Pentacel (Polio + DTaP + HiB -- Sanofi Pasteur) 

Vaqta (Hepatitis-A -- Merck)
Havrix (Hepatitis-A -- Glaxo SmithKline)
Twinrix (Hepatitis-A and B combo -- Glaxo)
Zostavax (Shingles -- Merck)
Imovax (Rabies -- Sanofi Pasteur)

Adenovirus 5,7 (Barr Laboratories)

MMR II - Measles + Mumps + Rubella (Merck)

Acambis 1000: Smallpox (Acambis)

Pulmozyme (Cystic Fibrosis -- Genetech)

Enbrel (Rheumatoid Arthritis -- Amgen)

rhFVIII, rhFVIX, Nuwiq for Hemophilia (Octapharma)

G-CSF: White blood cell stimulant (Octapharma)
Pulmozyme: Cystic Fibrosis (Genetech)
Abciximab/Repro (Eli Lilly)
Aranesp, Procrit Darbepoetin alfa Epogen, Epoetin alfa (Amgen)

In March of 2012, Under Obama, the Security And Exchange Commission ruled PepsiCo cannibalizing aborted fetus' is “ordinary business”

Shareholders will not be informed or allowed to vote on the resolution.  In a shocking decision delivered Feb 28th 2012, President Obama’s Security and Exchange Commission ruled that PepsiCo’s use of aborted fetal remains in their research and development agreement with Senomyx to produce flavor enhancers falls under “ordinary business operations”.

The letter signed by Attorney Bryan Pitko of the SEC Office of Chief Counsel was sent in response to a 36 page document submitted by PepsiCo attorneys in January, 2012. In that filing, PepsiCo pleaded with the SEC to reject the Shareholder’s Resolution filed in October 2011 that the company “adopt a corporate policy that recognizes human rights and employs ethical standards which do not involve using the remains of aborted human beings in both private and collaborative research and development agreements.” PepsiCo lead attorney George A. Schieren noted that the resolution should be excluded because it “deals with matters related to the company’s ordinary business operations” and that “certain tasks are so fundamental to run a company on a day-to-day basis that they could not be subject to stockholder oversight.”

Debi Vinnedge, Executive Director of Children of God for Life, the organization that exposed the PepsiCo Senomyx collaboration was appalled by the apathy and insensitivity of both PepsiCo executives and the Obama administration. “We’re not talking about what kind of pencils PepsiCo wants to use we are talking about exploiting the remains of an aborted child for profit”, she said. “Using human embryonic kidney (HEK-293) to produce flavor enhancers for their beverages is a far cry from routine operations!”

This story has been updated to reflect that:
Public boycotts, along with Shareholder pressure achieved a great victory in forcing PepsiCo to end their partnership with Senomyx distributed by Ajinomoto and Firmenich (who are not based in the US) and removed PepsiCo products from the boycott list.  Kraft/Cadbury Adams has also discontinued its use of Senomyx and has also been removed from the boycott list.  Both effective November 2017. 

At this date the other products and companies remain on the boycott list.  It is important that we continue getting the word out that there are still some companies that are not discontinuing their use of Senomyx and HEK-293 in their products.  This is an outrage!  As Phillip Morse was punished severely in 1999 for using nicotine as an addictive substance, and used false and misleading advertising claims and continues to pay for it today.  Congress should apply due diligence to the companies that are using this substance and should suffer prosecution by the Department Of Justice under the Rico Act, and the head of the FDA and its' board should be fired and also subject to prosecution.



Update - January 27, 2019
It appears my video has caused quite a debate!  As an important reminder, I felt compelled to write the article and make a video, since Deborah Taveras' listeners would probably never here the information I was trying to correct.  It took many hours and research, because in hearing her report this information on two reports that she made on Jeff Renses program, and another, that caused me to verify her information.  I didn't want to be misunderstood, so I directed my watchers to the print article, so they could look at the docs themselves.  Most have been very positive in their responses, but some say "just because they only used SENOMYX in 'taste testing' we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water".  As a pro life/right to life advocate I still condone the use of aborted fetal matter of any kind in selling products to the "masses"!  Read an updated statement from this watchdog group, it was written since I first wrote my article and made my video, along with other helpful and updated information.  Thanks again for everyone's support and concern for the unborn and the corruption of our society.

📣Please see my most recent article that uncovers more on the use of aborted fetal tissue:


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