
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Utah Families Caught In Mexican Ambush - 3 Mothers & Their Children Shot & Burned!

Reality Hits Home As Terror Unleashed In Third World Sonora Mexico By Cartels.



It was last night, November 4, 2019, when I saw a post asking for helicopter assistance for an ambush of several mothers and their children in La Mora Mexico.  

Details were sketchy as I searched for more information.  All I knew is that, given the events described, this would take a military like rescue because those Mexican Cartels were armed to the teeth and unleashed indescribable terror on these innocent people!  I thought about them all night as I wondered who could help.  This morning I got up and found more detail as it related to this third world horror.

This is a map of the area these families resided in.  The man filming the burned out vehicle (which is posted below) says, "La Mona".  They typed reports say "La Mora".  La Mona Mexico is outlined here.  It is hard to say if it is a "typo" on the internet, but there is a Mexican town of "La Mona" Google says exists on the Baja Peninsula FAR from this town in Central Mexico.  Conflicting reports for sure!

This morning I came upon this post shared by Jeanette Finicum on Facebook.

"To the citizens of the Untied States of America, Mexico and to human beings across the world. . . . This is a developing story that is happening now!  New details are arriving by the second.  This is ongoing!  As of November 4 7:00 p.m. Central Time.  It is with heavy hearts and unspeakable sadness we inform you that the two missing mothers Christina Langford and Dawna Langford along with many of their precious innocent children have been slaughtered and gone to their rest.  We've had no help from the powers and authorities that be as of yet.  One of the older boys escaped with 6 of his siblings and he was able to run home to La Mora Municipio Bavispe Sonora Mexico after leaving his wounded, bleeding and bullet-ridden brothers and sisters hiding behind trees from the ongoing shootout between the cartels.  Teenagers and adults have been scrambling into the mountains to find our loved ones. . . risking their own lives. . . . where help is nowhere to be found.  GOD HELP US IN JESUS NAME WE PRAY!

Attention - all of the world!  We are a community of U.S. Citizens that live and operate between Mexico and the United States.  We are under attack as we speak, by the cartels in Mexico.  We have been petitioning the American Embassies in Mexico all day long to no avail!  We need this to be shared and the whole world to witness the atrocious, inhumane and barbaric acts that were committed against us today!  Rhonita Miller and her four children were shot up and burned to death in this vehicle, and at this very moment that are two more Suburbans with two of our families, totaling two wives and 10 children, that are missing and or kidnapped by the cartel.  We Need Help Immediately"!
                                            ~ Lafe Langford Jr.

With this accompanying video.

Later this post appeared via facebook.

"On the morning of November 4, 2019 three mothers in three vehicles, with fourteen children between them, set out from La Mora, a small family community in the mountains of Northeastern Sonora.  Two of them to see family in Chihuahua, and one of them to pick up her husband from the airport in Phoenix, Arizona, they never made it!  They were ambushed by the Mexican Cartels; shot, burned and murdered in cold blood!  These were innocent civilians, American citizens simply trying to live peaceful lives.

Chihuahua located by the red pin and surrounding area including Sonora, Texas & Arizona.

For 11 hours, their families all over Sonora, Chihuahua, and the Midwestern US waited in fear and horror for any news of possible survivors. The first vehicle was found full of bullet holes and completely ablaze. Nita and the four of her seven children she had taken on the trip were burned to mostly ashes and only a few charred bones left to identify that all five had been inside. It appeared that one tried to escape as the front passenger door was open and the remains were partially in and out of the vehicle.

On another part of the road, about 10 miles ahead, were Christina, with her baby Faith in her vehicle, and Dawna with nine children in hers. They both were fired upon from ahead and Christina jumped out waving her arms to let the attackers know that it was women and children in the vehicles. She gave her life to try and save the rest. Dawna and two of her boys were also killed in the gunfire.

After witnessing his mother and brothers being shot dead, Dawna's son Devin hid his 6 other siblings in the bushes and covered them with branches to keep them safe while he went for help. When he took too long to return, his 9 year old sister left the remaining five to try again. Devin arrived in La Mora at 5:30 pm, 6 hours after the ambush, giving the first news anyone had heard of his and Christina's families.

Devin's uncles armed themselves with guns and returned to try and find the hidden children, knowing many of them were injured. They didn't get far before realizing they would be risking death, since there had been continual shooting for hours, all over the mountains near LaMora. The group of men waited a while for reinforcements, and around 7:30, found the hidden children. They found Christina's baby Faith with the vehicle around her riddled with bullet holes. Somehow she had remained untouched, and alive. She was in her car seat, which looked to have been hurriedly placed on the floor of the vehicle by her mother for protection. 

The search didn't end there. Mckenzie, the 9 year old who'd gone for help, was missing. Soldiers who'd by then arrived, and the men of La Mora and nearby towns searched for two hours in the dark until they found her around 9:30.

The five of Dawna's children who were injured were picked up by a waiting ambulance and treated at the local hospital until a helicopter sent by Mexican military came to pick them up. Their father David who had by then arrived from Tucson, Arizona, accompanied them to be life flighted to another helicopter waiting at the US border, from there to be transported to Phoenix.

Devin, his brother Jake, and Christina's baby Faith, all uninjured, are now in the care of their aunts and grandmas in La Mora.

We lost 9 today. Right now we are waiting, for the morning, for answers, for justice.

Rhonita Maria Miller September 15, 1989, 30 yrs
Howard Jacob Miller, Jr. July 12, 2007, 12 yrs
Krystal Bellaine Miller, September 25, 2009 10 yrs
Titus Alvin Miller, March 13, 2019 - 8 months
Tiana Gricel Miller, March 13, 2019 - 8 months

All shot and burned in their vehicle. Only ashes and a few bones remain.

Father/husband is Howard Sr, who was in North Dakota at the time of attack. The three siblings left behind in La Mora being babysat at the Miller grandparents: Tristan, Amaryllis, and Zack.

Christina Marie Langford Johnson - November 23, 1987, shot dead, 19 days away from 32 years.

Faith Marie Johnson April 9, 2019, 7 months old - was found in her car seat that seemed to be put on the floor, by her mother to try and protect her, uninjured.

Dawna Ray Langford, June 19, 1976, 43 years
Trevor Harvey Langford April 4, 2008 11 years old,
Rogan Jay Langford, February 17, 2017 2.5 years old
All shot to death.

Kylie Evelyn Langford, March 8 2005, 14 years - shot in the foot.

Devin Blake Langford, July 6 2006, 13 years - uninjured, walked approximately 14 miles to La Mora to get help, after hiding his bleeding but living siblings in the bushes, and covering them with branches.

Mckenzie Rayne Langford, January 12 2010, - 9 years - grazed on her arm- sent by her sister Kylie for help when Devin didn't return soon enough, got lost, and walked approximately 10 miles, for about 4 hours in the dark before she was found by the search parties.

Cody Greyson Langford, October 1 2011, 8 years- shot in the jaw, and the leg, his condition was worrying, but at last word, not critical.

Jake Ryder Langford, May 22 2013, 6 - uninjured.

Xander Boe Langford, June 4 2015, 4 - shot in the back.

Brixon Oliver Langford, February 15th 2019, almost 9 months - shot in the chest, open flesh wound, bullet graze on wrist".
                                          ~ Kendra Lee Miller

These families had Utah roots and their story was FINALLY given a voice in mainstream media.  Here is the FOX13 Utah report.

There is some discrepancy on the name of the town these families were residence of.  The man filming the burned out car says "La Mona".  The facebook posts typed out "La Mora".  They are both in Google Maps as Mexico towns.  As I came upon the calls for help; and accounts of what happened, I noticed the last names of the individuals and could not help but question if they were of Mormon Fundamentalist origin.  I found a website that has a short history of these names as they associate to La Mora Mexico.  Although it seems to be the only thing the media and people who like to comment on these posts are focused on, the fact that they do have roots in fundamentalism, they don't focus on the tragedy itself or the mayhem caused by Mexican Drug Cartels.  The story, in my opinion, does call into question the fact that some of the LaBaron family members have been very vocal about the terror of the cartels and the violence they use indiscriminately against innocents, and their publicly calling upon the government for more security for the residents of the area, may have brought about the violent killing of these families.  It may have been a case of mistaken identity, as many times large vehicles are used to transport Mexicans throughout the region, but it may have been a "targeted killing" also.  Anyway, I just wanted to post a detailed map of the region and the roads they may have traveled.  The red pin signifies the town/area where the killings took place.  The highlighted route maps out the road they may have traveled from La Mora to Chihuahua and beyond.  I am sure this is not the end of this story.  I will post updated information as I come across it as some individuals on the internet are suggesting this was a "hoax" to further brainwash those who identify as "religious" in any way.

Stay Tuned!

It has been reported that the ambush of these families took place in Bavispe Mexico.  This map shows Bavispe pinned and the route the women took from their home town of La Mora Mexico.

Update -
November 9, 2019
It appears that I was correct in some of my suspiciouns about the deadly attack on Fundamentalist Mormons settled in Mexico.  Members of the group posted a video of an 18 vehicle caravan leaving the area known as Colonia LaBaron, some in tears stating, "some may never return".  The families were reported to have left for Arizona.  The following report was made by the Arizona Daily Star.

"On Saturday, families went in and out of a gas station in Douglas near the port of entry as the sun began to set.  They filled up on gas, and put air in their tires and got food before getting back on the road on their way to Tuscon and Phoenix.  Their trucks were loaded with boxes, spare tires and bags.  All their belongings packed as they left their communities in Mexico that their families have called home since the 1950's.  The families had lived in two hamlets in Mexico's Sonora State, La Mora and Colonia LaBaron.  Other residents of the hamlets plan on leaving in the coming days.

The spread-out community traces its roots back to the end of polygamy more than a century ago by The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints, forcing Mormon families in the U.S. with multiple wives to establish offshoots elsewhere.

Bryce Langford, who's mother was one of the women killed, told the Daily Star Saturday that he was on his way to visit his brother at a hospital in Tuscon.  Lafe Langford said the community has learned more about cartel hit men in the area in recent months, and people had been considering moving.  After Monday's Ambush, they had decided it was something they had to do for their own safety.  Having to leave so suddenly feels like something he's seen in the movies but never thought would happen to his family.  Most of the families are traveling to Phoenix, others are heading to Tuscon.  They are not sure where they will settle down in the long term.  Langford who was raised in La Mora but now lives in North Dakota said, "it wasn't easy for [his] family to leave the land they've called home for more than 50 years", continuing, "the assets they've acquired down there are tremendous, and to have to up and leave from one day to the next and leave all that behind, there's definitely a lot of sad people here".           
                                        ~ The Detroit News

A caravan of friends and relatives of the LeBaron family arrive at the site where nine U.S. citizens, three women and six children related to the extended LeBaron family, were slaughtered when cartel gunmen ambushed three SUVs along a dirt road near Bavispe, at the Sonora-Chihuahua border, Mexico, Wednesday, Nov 6, 2019. (Photo: Marco Ugarte, AP)
 Click the Photo above to Watch the Video.  Families leaving after Mexico violence arrive in Arizona - November 9 2019 on my BitChute Channel.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.


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