Despite Gary Herbert and the Utah Legislatures Echo-chamber Utahan's are uncovering the lies and collusion concerning the Tax Restructuring Bill.
Outgoing, Governor Gary Herbert, signed in to law a MASSIVE, what they are calling "Tax Restructuring" bill, on December 18, 2019 (via Status tab). The legislation SB2001 was proposed and sponsored by three Republicans, Lyle Hillyard, Francis D. Gibson and Kirk Cullimore. Now, Utah advertises itself as a conservative "Red State". Not so fast! It is NOTHING of the sort! For several decades now Utah has become less and less conservative, and the passing of this tax increase that touches every aspect of the "average Joe's" life, is banefide proof that is no longer a conservative, or fiscally conservative state, for that matter. SB2001 was introduced during the 2019 legislative session. It received so much push back from the general public that the bill could not be passed under the watchful eye of The People. I, myself, sent several corespondents to representatives and the Governor. I predicted that they would try to hold a special session in order to pass it in the cover of darkness when the public was no longer paying attention as they normally do during the regular session. I warned those representatives NOT to do it, but you and I both know they are not going to listen to me. So, for several months throughout the spring and summer the Governor and the Legislature went on a Public Relations Tour across Utah trying to "sell" this monstrosity to The People. They paraded their posse of advocates in front of public saying, "how great it will be" as lines of Utahan's lined up behind the mic to tell them, "we won't stand for this"! Utleg made YouTube videos telling everyone how great it was going out there, despite what citizens on the ground were demonstrating and reporting. In other words; it was no secret Utahan's were not in favor of this tax increase! Not to be deterred by the "average Joe", a Special Session was scheduled during the Holiday Season. Once again, they assumed Utahan's would be too involved in holiday preparations to show up to oppose the bill. They scheduled several hearings (via Status/Hearings tab) that were orchestrated to have the majority of time occupied by their cronies and special interest groups who took to the mic and spoke at length that they advocate for the tax restructuring. The public showed up en mass, despite the holiday hustle and bustle, to wish for a change to address the legislative committee in opposition to the tax increase that, like an octopus has it's tentacles into every aspect of their lives, went away disappointed because, although the meetings were while Utahan's were still at work and quite lengthy, running several hours, they were unable to speak in great numbers and were only limited to 2-3 minutes unlike the propaganda posse. Once again, the legislature knew this was unpopular and The People were against it, they ramrodded it through. It passed, and was sent to the Governor for signing by December 16, 2019.
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The local media acted as the Legislative and Executive branch's echo-chamber only reporting on how the tax increase would benefit Utah and used only advocates of the hike to parrot the governments propaganda. The Legislature spent $177,000.00 on their "listening tour" where $150,000.00 of that went to a public relations firm, Penna Powers, who were paid to propose the scope of work, to create consistent messaging to convince the residents of Utah that a tax increase is needed, develop a communications plan in which would be spread by "online influencers", social media and a website "Stronger Futures". Penna Powers also provided all the "slick advertising" passed out on the "listening tour" in the form of infographics, displays, handouts and the presentations made during the town halls. Get ready Utah for the next propaganda tour by Utah government. Apparently Penna Powers may be retained by the Utah Legislature and is currently looking for a Community Outreach Coordinator for the state of Utah as of January 2, 2020 who will be assigned to work on the next public relations tour for the upcoming education bill. In short, if the Utah Legislature is going to spend our hard earned tax dollars on a "listening tour" were they spend a $177,000.00 to pump the public full of their propaganda, can we really trust them to fight for the right of Utahan's to live unencumbered by more taxes?
At the outset of this tax proposal many "watchdogs", business owners and average residents of Utah went to work uncovering the debacle this "tax restructuring" is. New groups were organized and Utahan's, in general, united to oppose this "bullet train to enslavement" the minute it passed the Legislature on December 16, 2019. Two filings for a Referendum were filed, one by Fred Cox former state representative from West Valley City and, The People's Right headed by Steve Maxfield. Some in Utah are saying, "don't sign the referendum because they will only ask for money and data mine your personal information use it to further nefarious causes". The truth is, many times this is the case, and some are now warning people to expect a call, (or robocall), from someone in Utah Government asking you if your want your name removed from the referendum or threatening you in some other way. Utahan's should not let this deter them. If a crime is committed in the process we will take action then, but this is the only REAL way the residents of Utah can decide IF they want the tentacles of this octopus in their lives!
At one meeting I attended one person asked, "who is behind all of this and, what have they to gain from it"? There were a myriad of answers given by mulitiple people in the meeting but, one thing is for sure, it started in the Executive Office! The Governor's Office concocted the plan and asked two government departments to create the documentation they need in order to tell The People "the sky is going to fall if we don't increase taxes"! GRAMA Requests were filed to get the working files of these two committees which included The Office of Management and Budget and the Tax Restructuring and Equalization Task Force. They created the "crisis" and the government executive office and legislature will provide the solution. A big problem with this, and other legislation is, our Republican form of Government is not working to protect us! The Executive and Legislative Branches are grafted together INSTEAD OF checking and balancing each other! They colluded with each other to exempt themselves from the public eye by denying information they created from being seen through GRAMA Requests. Now, if Governor Herbert and the Legislature were not afraid of the truth about this tax increase agenda they should not be withholding it from the public instead, they have deployed once again their "problem, reaction, solution" Delphi Technique Agenda in order to further enslave us with their red tape and death by a thousand cuts, human capital assembly line, using religious caveats like "Noah's Ark" to get us to comply without complaint.
Utah has been co-opted by a select group of individuals and organizations NOT a part of our elected government officials. It is the vicious circle of diabolical forces including in our Executive and Legislative Branches of government, the Kem Gardner Institute, Wasatch Front Regional Council, The Chamber of Commerce and Envision Utah for starters. It's our own "Council of 300" or Council on Foreign Relations. Progressive Neocons who want to restrict and enslave you and take away your God Given Rights! If you look at Kem Gardner Institutes website they are currently displaying the next "policy agenda" of Governor Herbert, you can already hear him trumpeting it now, "air quality". (Image displayed below). Please wake up to the fact that these NGO's are laying the tracks to their Agenda 21 dream and using the "Population Bomb" to accomplish their schemes!
A good synopsis on the Tax Debacle is presented by the watchdog group Utah Legislative Watch, which I am including here. This presentation in video form, shows that a bill HB441 is in the pipeline and will tax ALL SERVICES. For people who would like to connect the dots, it is a good source of information. If you'd like to find a Referendum to sign here is a good site that posts locations all across Utah. Don't be silenced by opposing voices. This truly is a VOTE! You are strong enough to deal with the "naysayers" and anyone who may contact you to discourage you by phone or other means. Take a stand as we stand together to keep our Representative Government in the Republican form. Governor Gary Herbert and Utah Legislature you have been exposed!
Governor Herbert nor the Utah Legislature understand what the Boston TEA Party was all about! They are forgetting what led to a Revolution! They quote The Constitution when running for office and in public meetings, but they won't defend it or abide by it, let alone the Utah Constitution! Let's educate ourselves and then hold'em to it!
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Click this Photo to Watch the Video. |
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J. Ruben Clark & Orrin Hatch & The Law That Never Was - 16th AmendmentClick the Photo to Watch the Video. |
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Utah Senate Posts Statement To Repeal Tax Increase On Twitter and Utahan's React. |
Update -
January 23, 2020
Utah Governor Gary Herbert, Senate President Stewart Adams and House Speaker Brad Wilson issued a statement today that they are repealing the massive and controversial tax reform plan. They made a decision to "retreat" under mounting public pressure stating, "we decided the best course of action, reflecting the will of The People, is in fact a go back and press the reset button". A study found that 60% of Utahan's oppose the tax increase. They applauded those Utahan's who took part in the civic process and made their voices heard. Herbert also back-peddled by saying, "I told the Legislature it was never a good idea to tax food". Yet, the Governor signed the bill anyway instead of rejecting SB2001 for that reason alone. Lieutenant Governor Spencer Cox also stated today that, "I was the one sounding the alarm bells to anyone who would listen" saying, "hey guys! This is a huge mistake". Which is all a crock of excrement. Herbert said, "Utah should take a breather on tax reform" continuing, "we are financially stable and have the healthiest, most diverse economy in America". Although I have searched for the official statement on the governor's website I can find it nowhere in print, other than what the news media is reporting. Which begs the question, how official is it?
"I think we are accomodating the will of the people rather than engaging in some king of big fight here", Herbert said. Watch his PBS Monthly News Briefing via the video below.
The Salt Lake Chamber
which was one of the major driving forces behind the effort to shift the tax
burden almost entirely onto middle income Utahns and small businesses while
giving corporations income tax cuts and preserving hundreds of millions of
dollars of sales tax exemptions previously granted to big businesses.
The Kem C. Gardner Policy
Institute which is controlled by Utah’s economic and political elites and
which produced so-called empirical studies that provided the justification for the
tax reform that was so roundly rejected by the citizens of Utah.
Natalie Gochnour
who uses her multiple roles in the Salt Lake Chamber, her control of the Kem C.
Gardner Policy Institute and her voice in the Deseret News to push the big business
community’s agenda forward at the expense of middle income Utahns and small
The Utah [big
business] Taxpayers Association which was a leading proponent of the tax
reform bill that was enacted by the legislature. It contributed to the tax
reform package passed by legislators and then provided proponents of the bill with
multipage talking points in an unsuccessful effort to convince citizens not
to sign the referendum. which
accused the estimated 180,000 or so Utahns who signed the referendum petition of
joining forces with “fringe groups” that supported the referendum and labeling
gubernatorial candidates who supported the referendum as demagogues. In the
end, no one listened to them beyond those who make up the Utah Swamp and they
were not able to turn the tide.
The Sutherland
Institute which supported the bill, a special session and then spent a
reported $60,000 on a last ditch effort to defeat the popular uprising against
the bill. As was the case with, it quickly became evident just
how little influence the Sutherland Institute has with the general public and
just how few people view them favorably.
AARP whose
support was purchased with a means tested income tax exemption for a limited number
of Social Security recipients. AARP threw the vast majority of social security
beneficiaries under the bus by its actions.
Voices for Utah
Children which tempered its opposition to the bill in return for a food tax
rebate which made previously independent citizens beholden to the state and for
$500,000 to ensure that those new wards of the state collected their food tax
pre-bate and rebate—for one year.
Republican legislators
who voted for the bill, who were forced to eat humble pie and who now may face
primary challenges and the continuing wrath of the voters.
Governor Gary Herbert
whose legacy will be forever tarnished by the overwhelming rejection of the tax
reform bill that his administration helped develop and which would never have
gone forward without his blessing and signature. Had the governor listened more
to the people than simply doing the bidding of the Salt Lake Chamber and his
big donors he could have avoided this disaster.
Members of the Tax Task
Force who decided what they would do and then used their carefully
orchestrated, taxpayer funded $150,000 plus propaganda road-trip to push their
agenda forward while giving the impression that they were listening to the
people—which they weren’t.
Republican and
Democrat Representatives
and Senators
who passed a bill
in 2019 designed to make it almost impossible for a referendum to succeed.
The Utah Association
of Realtors which reportedly spent $100,000 for a mailing in support of
task reform even before the final bill was drafted and who constantly pushed
for new and/or higher property taxes. The Realtors eventually set up a website to help its members
support the bill and even drafted an e-mail for them to send to legislators
which reads: Thank you for taking the time to study this issue and listen to
public feedback. I support the state legislature adopting the proposal put
forward by the Tax Restructuring Task Force because it will solve Utah's
funding issues, modernize the tax structure, and result in an overall tax cut
for Utahans.
Business and local
government associations that groveled before the legislature as they heaped praise on the tax
reform bill and pleaded for a special session to pass it during the final
meeting of the tax task force—AARP, Wasatch Front Regional Council, Utah
Bankers Association, Utah Association of Public Charter Schools, Utah Tourism
Industry Association, Utah Association of Counties, Utah League of Cities and
Towns, People not Prisons, Odyssey House of Utah, Utah Association of Addiction
Treatment Providers, Youth Providers Association of Utah, Sutherland Institute,
Utah Taxpayers Association, Tax Foundation, New Car Dealers of Utah, Steward
Health Care, Utah Association of Realtors, Utah Apartment Association, Clyde
Companies, Finley Resources, Chamber West, Salt Lake Chamber, Saunders Outdoor,
Utah Cultural Alliance, Voices for Utah Children, Utah Home Builders, and Utah
Optometric Association.
Paid signature
gathering companies which charge high fees per signature and have up to a
30 percent rejection rate when volunteers witnessed an estimated 180,000
signatures with an unheard of rejection rate of well under 10%.
The Utah Education Association
which declined to be an active participant in the referendum and to a lesser
degree the PTA which took far too long to get fully involved.
The Alliance for a
Better Utah which turned down the opportunity to stand shoulder to shoulder
with citizens and gubernatorial candidates opposing the bill at a press
conference and then failed to support the referendum.
Libertas Institute of
Utah, Americans for Prosperity and other groups that claim to stand with
the citizens and defend them from excessive government control, regulation and
institutions that failed to stand up for the poor in their communities.
gubernatorial candidates who did not sign the petition (Greg Hughes,
Spencer Cox and Thomas Wright).
A small number of Associated
Food stores that did not allow signature witnessing in their stores along
with the big grocery chains such as Costco, Smiths, and Walmart who were
willing to simply pass the increase in the food sales tax onto their customers.
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