
Wednesday, June 10, 2020

You Are The Enemy! - American Law Enforcement Trained In A War Zone

Although this has been going on since 2001, immediately after the 911 attack on America, it is only NOW coming to light!

U.S. Police on the left, Israeli Defense on the right.

As riots and unrest in America is being "played out" in cities and towns, large and small, a closer look at tactics deployed by local law enforcement has brought many questions after the "knee on the neck" image was hammered home in to onlooker's minds.  Who would use such a tactic while asking a man to "get up and get into the vehicle"?  Why such brutality?  Why choke a man until he's dead?  What kind of training are these guys getting that makes them think they can get away with such a thing?  Grant it, this is only one situation.  Dozens could have made the list.

Knee on neck - Israel
Knee on neck - Seattle May 2020

Many Americans were not aware that there was a concerted effort for Israel to commence training U.S. Police in tactics they have deployed on the people of Palestine, and those who advocate for them, in Israel.  Israel is known for committing numerous human rights violations, and what would be considered war crimes, for many decades.  Israel is a war zone!  They are at war with the Palestinians at the very least!  THEY are the ones who coined the term TERRORISM!  Although they use it to describe others opposition to they themselves, a look back at history proves it was their goal to bring terror to those who oppose them.  THEY are the ones who galvanized this term in U.S. laws and parroted by main stream media outlets.  Is it any wonder why U.S. Law Enforcement is deploying battlefield tactics on American soil?


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After a slew of so called "terrorist attacks" were reported in America over the last nineteen years, this gave rise to the Mossad model for combating terrorism and "boogeymen".  These measures included deploying armed guards to protect "soft targets" including restaurants, shopping centers and movie theaters.  The Israeli's, self proclaimed experts on matters of the "police state", they have the equipment and technology including Unit 8200 using Mass Surveillance for blackmail and extortion, Israel's Skunk Weaponry, and dominating Cyber-Security.   This along with Pres. Trump propping section 1033 back up that allows U.S. Law Enforcement to purchase surplus battlefield equipment from the military, which turns police into paramilitary forces.  A report by the U.S. Department of Justice on August 10, 2017 documented "widespread constitutional violations, discriminatory enforcement, and culture of retaliation" within the Baltimore Police Department it brought outrage from the community.  What didn't receive much attention and outrage was WHERE the Baltimore Police had received their training in crowd control, use of force and surveillance by Israeli National Police, Military and Surveillance forces.  Remember, these are war-time/battlefield techniques they've adopted over decades!  Although most law enforcement groups travel to Israel for their battlefield training, Israeli's will bring this training to U.S. soil.  The United States gives Israel $4.5 Billion Dollars a year, and some of that military aid funds these training tours, similar to the "Birthright" tours for American born Jews and sympathetic Congressmen.  U.S. Tax Dollars are not the only source funding this military training.  The ADL - Anti-Defamation League, American Jewish Committee's Project Interchange (AJC), Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs (JINSA) pick up the tab for Chiefs of Police, Assistant Chiefs and Police Captains to train on Occupied Palestinian Territory.  This is why whenever you see 50 people or more at a demonstration there is always a SWAT Team around the corner.  Tax documents from the Jewish Institute (JINSA) show the organization spent $36,857 on trips in 2012 alone.  These training meetings include topics such as, preventing and responding to "terrorist" attacks, suicide bombings, terrorist operations and tactics, security for transit infrastructure, intelligence sharing, balancing crime fighting and antiterrorism, counterinsurgency and crowd control during riots and protests, including meeting with Israel's special patrol unity know as "Yasam" who's paramilitary riot police abuse of Palestinians is well documented as using "excessive force".

We must now ask ourselves, "is this paramilitary training for America's Law Enforcement on Israel's battlefield, from top to bottom, worth the expense the people are paying"?  The state of Georgia in 2018 was experiencing more officer-involved shootings than the rest of the country using deadly force.  From 2010 - 2016 184 people were shot and killed by police; almost half of them were unarmed or shot in the back.  The U.S. DOJ sponsors a "Cops" program called LEEP (Law Enforcement Exchange Program) which pairs law enforcement up with Israel, this also includes our Border Patrol, to "better protect U.S. communities from terrorist attacks".  Utah is listed as one of the participating states.  One source I found took me to a map where I could choose a pin-drop which took me to a Sheriff's Association which listed Salt Lake County Sheriff's Office as participating.  The ADL also lists the Utah Highway Patrol as one of its trainees.  This exchange program is where our local law enforcement learn the tactics of "No Knock" raids, "Knee on the Neck" and shooting people in the back!  Israel training banks on the fact that law enforcement will escape responsibility and retaliation is deploying these tactics, Palestine is a good example as they have a long history of violence and harm against them as a people and Jews of color.  This training also includes racial profiling and use of force in crowd control.  Now, how would American's feel about our law enforcement agencies being trained, attending briefings and seminars held with governments of China, Colombia or Russia; just to name a few?  It  wouldn't fly to well!  The truth is, they are being trained to see us as "the enemy"!  This is the agenda behind our legislation since 911Americans are being labeled as "terrorists" (see number 3), and we've now got a standing army peering through their lens at us as such!  Now they've got the funding at legislation to back up their power to do so.  In exchange Israel has adopted the U.S.'s "stop and frisk" law.  One thing is clear, the U.S. forces are coming home with an education in Zionism.

Photo from Cops.USDOJ.Gov June 10, 2020

With all of this said, we are left with an out of control law enforcement force that, like Israeli forces have constructed a extensive surveillance network, deploying tactics that disturb Human Rights Watch where "demonstrations beginning with rock-throwing devolve into tear gas, rubber bullets and times rounds being fired at people throwing stones" and officers frequently disobey orders of restraint regarding lethal force against demonstrators where there is a lot of looking the other way.  In Ferguson law enforcement used a long-range acoustic device that sends a high pitched and painful noise out to scatter the crowd.  There is nothing that separates Israel and the U.S. in their military equipment deployed on the streets of America or the West Bank, the equipment is the same and they are charging and prosecuting under military law.  

In short, the Israeli model our officers have been trained in are in opposition to the traditional police-community relations the United States has enjoyed for over a hundred years!  Like Rashid Khalidi, a longtime critic of the Israeli occupation of Palestine said, "If American police and sheriffs consider they're in occupation of neighborhoods like Fergusson, East Harlem and [Minneapolis], then this training is extremely appropriate; they are learning how to suppress a people, deny their rights and use force to hold down a subject population".  Gone are the days when you could shoot the breeze with your local policeman, play softball with him on the weekend and morn together the loss of a child who made the choice to drink and drive and suffered the consequences.  One thing that can be proactively done by all Americans is, demand that this training by a foreign government in our police forces come to an end!  I am not going to get into the "defund the police" mentality, but it is my opinion that local police forces deployed by corporations, such as your city which is a corporation masquerading as a government, are only there to enforce corporate bylaws.  The County Sheriff is the constitutional authority to protect and defend us.  In Salt Lake County you RARELY see a vehicle with Sheriff markings, it is all under the incorporation of the Unified Police Authority.  They are an unelected corporate police force.


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We Only Shoot Knees: Israel Denies It Trained U.S. Cops To Place Knees On Suspects
Click this Photo to Watch the Video.

*Israel is NOW (June 10, 2020) DENYING all of this!  Expect the internet to be SCRUBBED of all evidence!  But, will the COPSDOJ website be scrubbed?  Will the ADL take down all evidence?  Will all the photos online of departments announcing they took the trip disappear?  Watch and Wait!

Please Watch "Sacrificing Liberty" the truth about the USS Liberty Navy Intelligence Ship and the Six Day War.

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