
Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Time For The Mask To Come Off and The Gloves To Go On!

Holding the "Powers That Be" Accountable for Lockdowns and Real Damage Caused by Local, International Elite and Their Cronies.

There is no question as to the real damage that has been caused since the WHO (World Health Organization) declared SARS COV-2/COVID-19 a Global Pandemic.  They have since rescinded their classification, but the damage has already been done.  Global Elites and Local Government Leaders have each usurped the individuals right to make their own medical decisions, instituting lengthy quarantine measures, social distancing, outlawing religious gatherings and requiring wearing of masks at all times, even for the very young, including while outdoors!  Although this is not a complete list of mandates, the fact is, these people are not doctors and the effects upon individuals is real!

Individuals are impacted by not being able to interact with one another and this includes commerce and employment.  Children learn by leaps and bounds by seeing what those close to them do, this includes facial expression.  Quarantining and wearing of face masks alone have far-reaching effects on us.  The simple act of providing for you and your family financially has suffered immensely.  Not to mention the personal side effects resulting from isolation, depression, substance abuse, psychological trauma, physical and sexual abuse and pornography, many times resulting in death or suicide.  Children's developmental progress is stifled resulting in their inability to connect with their own parents and family members that may perpetuate the effects listed above creating a mental health crisis.

These effects mandated by governments and their cronies have real measurable impact on people's lives!  There is real evidence here that can and should be used against everyone who has taken control of individuals rights to make decisions for themselves and to be left alone!  Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a consumer protection trial lawyer in Germany and California.  He is a member of a Corona Investigative Committee in Germany.  After concluding their investigation Fuellmich is proposing a Class Action Lawsuit against those responsible for the lockdowns.  From the local level all the way up to the W.H.O. and many of the big pharma companies in between.  He is working very hard to end the insanity and make those responsible financially liable.  Fuellmich suggests investigations against the perpetrators of these lockdowns.  That the individual officials responsible for them must be launched stating, "the individuals should have every penny of their net worth turned over to those they harmed financially and prison sentences for those where it is proven the lockdown and associated orders caused physical injuries including death."  Fuellmich continued, "I don't expect the proceeds from such perpetrators awarded to those financially damaged to match the damage done, but the award of positive damages that strips these perpetrators of everything they have can serve as a warning to every future tyrant who may think of trying something like a lockdown."  This impending action is intended to end the absurd lockdowns and other COVID-19 executive orders.

In September Governor Gary Herbert, in a blatant display of hypocrisy, held a political fundraiser in which his, "rules for thee and not for me" was documented as reported by Eric Moutsos, evidence given to him by a friend where everyone at the $2,500.00 a plate party was seen breaking every rule the Utah Political Elite have mandated for us serfs!  The governor was filmed wiping his nose on his hand and afterwards shaking hands with several individuals.  Herbert was quoted in a local newspaper saying, "people who ignore health guidelines and those who are out there promoting social gatherings almost in defiance of the recommendation by our best minds in science and medicine that say social distancing is an important aspect of how we slow the spread and how we maintain our economy to stay open."  Governor Herbert is medaling in Utah County Government in order to push Utah County Elected to implement his mandates for mask and limits on group distancing and participation, violating the First Amendment.  Herbert claims, it's all because "it's my home county", but "the locals are technically really in charge."  This tyranny must stop!  Whether it be a large protest in Germany or a protest in a Utah County Public Park, we must unite and organize.  

A good place to start is the PCR "Test", it is not a test but a process.  It determines what is detected in RNA.  It has been documented and testified to by many real doctors that the PCR process detects human DNA and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) has mapped this molecule detected as the "virus", when in fact the CDC has published the specific signature as CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT (Human DNA).  These doctors have also testified that the molecule component in the RNA must be amplified a minimum of 40 - 60 times in order to even establish it is there.  This molecule may just be a minuscule remnant of a persons body fighting off a cold in the past.  The reality is, they are grasping at straws!  Fuellmich contends that, "the COVID-19 Pandemic was over-hyped, and it is still being misused to spread needless angst among the citizens to get them to surrender their liberties, and thankfully someone agrees with me, and commit crimes against humanity!  He hopes this will put the U.S. Justice System in motion.

Hear the case laid out by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, where he sites many of the doctors I listed in my article here, in the video below and listen to other testimony about the damage done to society by these tyrants in other video I've included here.

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