
Tuesday, July 26, 2022

MonkeyPox Scare Tactics AIDS 2.0 and the Hidden Cure

World Health Organization (W.H.O.) Declares Monkeypox a Public Health Emergency

July 23, 2022 -
Monkeypox is now a public health emergency, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced on Saturday. The designation will allow the agency to take further measures to help curb the spread of the virus.  The organization is also working to take total control over the world's declaration and response to all "Public Health Emergencies" and "Pandemics" but, they get to decide what is a public health emergency!  Reading the fine print you see how the Biden Administration abdicated all power to the W.H.O. in determining how to go about controlling what happens to combat it.  Its title is "The Global Pandemic Treaty", and the United States Health and Human Services bureaucratic head is working closely with WHO to bring it to fruition, although they claim it is on hold for now; and that is just to take us off their scent.  Biden and Harris are already funding it!  If you have any memory at all, you are aware of the dangers of anyone, in whatever government entity, taking control of your health care.  Healthcare should be left to individuals!  Fauci himself dictating health care for all American's was disastrous!  Many are still not aware that he enrolled all of you who took the injection into a Clinical Trial without your consent, Nuremberg Trial Crimes Against Humanity stuff!  This round (Monkey Pox) will be no different!

Dr. Judy Mikovitz is blowing the whistle about how Monkey Pox is made by men to eliminate men, AIDS 2.0.  They are deploying scare tactics to get you all frightened so you'll take their Big Pharma remedy before you learn the truth!  The Truth is, there's a 
Native American remedy that kills poxvirus; yes, ALL Pox!  A 2012 article explains:

Herbal medicine used to treat smallpox in the 19th century found to halt viral replication in vitro

"An old herbal remedy for treating smallpox that is thought to have been used by Native Americans in the late 1800s has been rediscovered and found to kill the poxvirus. Smallpox has been eradicated, but the finding offers a possible treatment for poxvirus in the unlikely event of a bio-terror attack or increased incidence of similar poxviruses such as monkey pox.

Smallpox ravaged human populations for thousands of years, but in 1796 Edward Jenner discovered that exposure to cowpox lesions could provide immunity to smallpox. This led to the creation of the first vaccine for a disease. It took some time, but in 1979 the World Health Organization officially declared that smallpox had been eradicated.

Historical sources suggest that in the 1800s, when smallpox still posed a serious threat, the Micmac native Americans of Nova Scotia treated the disease using a botanical infusion derived from the insectivorous plant Sarracenia Purpurea, a species of (Purple) Pitcher Plant.

Now, Jeffrey Langland at Arizona State University in Tempe, US, and colleagues have conducted in vitro experiments with the herbal extract and found it inhibits replication of the Variola Virus, the causative agent behind smallpox.

Although, natural smallpox no longer poses a health threat, there is a remote possibility that unstable states or terrorist groups could have acquired stocks of the virus following the collapse of the Soviet Union, which had developed smallpox as a biological warfare agent.

Vaccinations are still administered to at risk groups including researchers working with poxviruses and members of the US military who could potentially be exposed to the virus through biological warfare. But since the risk is so low for populations at large, it is hard to justify vaccinating everyone, particularly because the vaccine can have serious side effects. Developing therapies is therefore important in order to treat people if a bio-terror event does occur.

’There is much skepticism on herbal medicine but what our results illustrate conclusively is that this herb is able to kill the virus and we can actually demonstrate how it kills the virus,’ says Langland. ’It takes this herb out of the realm of folklore, and into the area of true scientific evidence.’

The team made extracts of S. Purpurea and found that it was highly effective at inhibiting the replication of the virus in rabbit kidney cells. They then looked at the replication cycle of the virus and found that the herb inhibits mRNA synthesis, halting production of proteins vital for replication. ’Other drugs are being developed against smallpox, but S. purpurea is the only known therapy that will target the virus at this point in the replication cycle,’ says Langland.

’The extract blocks early transcription appearing to have a distinct mechanism of action from that of two other antivirals currently in clinical trials,’ says Mark Buller, a virologist at Saint Louis University, Missouri, US. ’The results are very compelling, and support the need to further evaluate the purified active ingredient in small animal studies.’

’With smallpox, it is obviously impossible to see if this herb is effective in the human body unless a bio-terror release of the virus occurs,’ says Langland. ’We are in the process of doing animal studies to confirm our results in at least this type of whole animal system.’"

Don't let the powers that be fear-monger you into submission.  Take comfort that God has given us a remedy; first prayer by faith and then beneficial plants!  Please arm yourself with this beneficial plant.  Purchase plants, grow your own by seed.  However you do it, just do it!

Hiding the Cure:

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

End Game, De-Pop!

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