
Tuesday, October 29, 2024

American's Must Go Rogue In Order To Secure Food Freedom

Stop RFID - Digital Tracking of ALL Livestock

The USDA is at it AGAIN!  Although Legislation has not been passed to give the USDA Code Enforcement on this issue they are legislating via EDICT violating the Constitutional Rights of The People; ie:  The Fourth Amendment, Fifth, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments.

Consider joining Congresswoman Hageman, Joel Salatin, John Moody, and others at Rogue Food TX in November 2024 or Florida in March 2025, where we will have a special focus on stopping RFID, the bird flu nonsense being used to harass raw milk farmers, and more, and help us send a message to the USDA that we are ready to fight to protect our farmers and food supply.

After a decade of relative quiet, the federal government has ramped back up its efforts to control the US food supply, and eliminate any players and options that won’t fully embrace the corporate government collusion that has defined the US food and farming sector for six decades.

Buying clubs are having product siezed and destroyed. Farmers markets are seeing a massive increase in inspections and harassment of artisans and local producers.

Farmers everywhere face a host of new regulations, rules, and programs meant to further enrich the meat packers and other middlemen while taking more money out of their pockets.

And lest you think homeowners with egg-laying chickens won’t be targeted, think again.

The government is already demanding registration of even one backyard chicken in the UK, and the original National Animal Identification System (NAIS) in the United States required the same of urban homesteaders. (1, 2)

This time…back for what may be its fifth attempt…the USDA is once again trying to roll out radio electronic radio frequency ID tags for livestock with the sneaky rebranding from NAIS (a decade ago) to RFID.


Industry front groups say we need RFID for better transparency (these from folks who use processing facilities with no windows and meat made from 500 cows!) and to be able to respond quickly to disease outbreaks across the nation.

In reality, the reason they want RFID is that it will give them greater control over the farmers who have little choice but to sell into the industrial meat commodity system.

Currently, four to five companies control 80% or more of beef, pork, and chicken in the United States.

They would prefer that number to be no less than 100%, and RFID is another way to force farmers to play their game by their rules and push out smaller operations.

First they track the animals… then they track the people

RFID is part of a larger, long-term goal for governments and well-connected corporations to track all human behavior, so they can profit from it.

Like the push for a single digital currency, the push for RFID would then allow:The ability to impose limits and quotas on animal raisings and forced cullings like we are seeing in
Europe and other countries under the justification of climate change (you have too many cows,
sheep, and goats producing too many emissions, so you must raise less animals!)
More stringent enforcement of vaccines and the ability to force the adoption of mRNA and similar
vaccines by farmers in order to be able to put their animals into the processing chain.
Ability to easily cull animals in areas and regions under the pretense of disease outbreaks like bird
flu using phony PCR testing results.
Complete and total surveillance of the entire US meat supply.

As Catherine Austin Fitts, former Under Secretary of the US Department of Commerce has stated, animal ID and digital currency ID are a precursor to the biggest goal of all – universal human RFID and tracking.

While this sounds outlandish, one of the earlier versions of the RFID program – NAIS (the national animal ID system) – included a 1-800 number that farmers were required to call within 24 hours of any animal movement outside the designated property boundaries.

A true “why did the chicken cross the road” question, except the USDA didn’t care why… just when and where, and if you failed to comply, hundreds to thousands of dollars of fines were to follow.

With the growth of internet and other technologies, the phone number is no longer needed, as the government (and corporations who get access to the data…) would know 24/7 where all the animals were and what farmers and homesteaders were up to.

Much of this is also tied to the push to get people to adopt meatless meats, which so far have been, despite billions of dollars of investmenet, marketing, and government manipulation, a giant flop.

As we are seeing in Europe and parts of the US, there is a real push…with big money behind it…to create an entirely meatless, even animal-free, food system.

Through bugs, through “plant based meats,” whatever it takes, anything but letting people consume nutrient dense animal products raised naturally on pasture!

What We Can Do to Stop RFID

If you are a farmer or homesteader, join the tens of thousands of us who have pledged to no matter what, not comply, like Congressman Thomas Massie of KY, who raises grass-fed beef.

Second, take a moment to contact your senators and representative and ask them to cosponsor and support Rep. Harriet Hageman’s bill, Amendment 10, to stop EID/RFID. (3)

Also, ask your representative to support Rep. Hageman’s H.J.Res.167 resolution which disapproves the rule submitted by the Department of Agriculture relating to “Use of Electronic Identification Eartags as Official Identification in Cattle and Bison”. (4)

Use code HHE10 to get $10 off any one or two-day ticket to the event!
Article Author John Moody.

Helpful Link for this Event.

These Rights are REAL and cannot be usurped!  Take a stand NOW as this is a real BATTLE where America has lost HALF of America's Farms.

This is a helpful Article as it demonstrates Utah's own food fight the last several years, as the Utah Legislature insists on keeping a Registry of those who want to consume Real Milk/Raw Milk like it is a dangerous firearm or pharmaceutical or illegal drug!


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