
Monday, November 4, 2024

Do Modern Day Prophets Exist?


The Enemy Within, a Prophecy:

Read other Prophecies by Mark Taylor.
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June 6, 2024 The Enemy Within The Spirit of God says, "l am a Righteous and Holy God. There is no darkness in me! Why would I tolerate and compromise with darkness when there is no darkness in me? You compromise and tolerate that Witch Jezebel and her mixture with the Illuminati, Witchcraft, New Age, Christianity and Patriotism and you call it God? No! You Vipers! I am not in any of that! You have become Nicolaitans which I said I hate! Repent! lt's the Mixture, the Mixture of Witchcraft, New Age, Christianity, and Patriotism and calling it God that is WICKED! Repent! l, the Lord God, am NOT lN THE MIXTURE! What good is saving your country physically when you are sending it to an Eternal Death? l, the Lord Jesus Christ alone, am the only one that can save your country! Not Some man, not SOme movement, me and me alOne. lAM, am the only One that can save it! Repentl Did I not say, "There will be no idols before me?" Yet you idolize man? Why do you trust man more than me? You are under a multigenerational brain washing curse from the occult that has infiltrated every aspect of ministry. You have been taught and brainwashed into believing man, the False Prophets, Pastors and Leaders more than me! Do you love your country more than me? How far are you willing to compromise my word and continue going against the Kingdom of God?"

The Spirit of God says, "Can you not see that everything has been infiltrated by the dark side? The dark demonic forces have infiltrated those that call themselves Christian, Churches, Ministries, the Prophetic, Movies, Music, your Patriotic movements and yes even your alternative media! Can you not see this? Are you so desperate that you are willing to turn a blind eye? Are you so desperate you would ask or join forces with the dark side rather than rely on me and my Kingdom of light? You are being brainwashed into compromise, tolerance and inclusivity, to the point of joining forces with the dark side to save your country! Yes, it is a false unity and a counterfeit Christianity! Repent! When have I the Lord God ever joined forces with the dark side? NEVER! lnstead I penetrated the darkness with my light. Can you not see you're being brainwashed into compromise, and tolerate YOKING with the Kingdom of Darkness by the False Prophets, Pastors, llluminati, Government Agencies, Freemasons and the NWO to save your country? Can you not see that it's a false unity and a counterfeit Christianity they are pushing? Tolerance, Compromise, and lnclusivity are COWARDICE! What did I say in my word about cowards? Turn from your WICKED ways, seek me, find me, TURN back to me as your first love and I will save your country!"

The Spirit of God says, "The Mixture, The Mixture in the Churches, Ministries, the Prophetic, and the Patriotic movements has become an ABOMINATION TO ME! WOE, WOE, WOE to you leaders that are leading my people astray with mixture, fleecing the Flock, Brain washing and Mind Warping my people through words and technology! The Bowls of sin are overflowing for these False Leaders, False Prophets, Apostles, Politicians, and Leaders of all kinds. You have prostituted your gift, merchandising off of my people for personal gain and not for my Kingdom! Did I the Lord Jesus not turn over the tables in the Temple for the same reason? Can you not see that your 501c3 is mixture and yoked with Baal? lt is Baal/Church vs. God, Dark vs. Light! Your Churches and ministries have become show business and are corrupt, Brainwashing and Programming my people, with mixture, therefore your time is up!"

For some of you are being removed, others shall hear depart from me I never knew you and you shall be held accountable according to your deeds!

These False Prophets and Pastors are snake oil salesmen for their God! Their God is not me! I have handed them over to their God who is coming to collect his dues which is youl Repentance may save your soul but it will not stop my JUSTICE and JUDGMENT! Did I not give a Prophetic sign at Churchill Downs? What was the horses name that won? How many horses died? That was a sign of how many Spiritual Leaders, those that have come in my name, but are riding in on Sorcery that shall be taken! lt's already begun!"

The Spirit of God says, "You talk about being politically left or right. Do you not think that happens spiritually? \|/hy are so many of my people on the left spiritually, the dark side? Why are they so quick to compromise and tolerate the left spiritually, but yet you don't tolerate the left politically? You HYPOCRITES! REPENT!''

The Spirit of God says, "Why do you tolerate the warping of your minds? The warping of your mind is to make that which is unrighteous look righteous in the eyes of my people. lt is to make the unrighteous things look so innocent. The enemy comes disguised as an angel of light, INNOCENCE! lnnocence is the crack in a door, gate or portal that the enemy enters. I the Lord God never yoked with witchcraft or new age, that was made to look so innocent in order to spread my gospel or to save a country! lf I spoke a word and created the universe, can I not speak a word and save a country? The time has come when the people have chosen their side. You are either for me or against me, there are no gray areas. lf you are in the gray, you are against me! You cannot have one foot in the enemy's camp and one in mine and say you are of me! Repent!"

The Spirit of God says, "You want to listen to those that tickle your ears, but when I the Lord God issue a correction you get offended and call it false? Repent! Do I not correct those I love? Proverbs 3: 11-12 Where is your humility? \l/here are those with a contrite heart? Does your arrogance know no bounds? Repent! I have issued correction after correction only to have my true prophetic voices ignored, stoned, and murdered and their blood cries out to me! Woe, Woe, Woe, to those who make peace with evil, you compromise with evil, you tolerate evil, you yoke and join forces with evil, but yet you don't DESTROY lTl You're giving the perception that I the Lord God am darkness by YOKING with i1 Did I not say, "Do not be unequally yoked?" Did I not say, "Do not even give the appearance of evil?" Why are my people mixing darkness and light and calling it me, when there is NO darkness in me? Why do you tolerate these Evil Prophetic Mediums? The Prophetic mediums that study and learn everything about their mark then play upon your expectations. They tell you what your itching ears want to hear filling in the blanks. lt's a word play where both parties actually want the same outcome. Why do you not discern this evil? Why do you tolerate this evil? Repentl How many False Prophets and Pastors are homosexual? How many are transgender? How many have harmed my little ones? How many are Jesuits, Freemasons, llluminati, Government Agents, Satanists, and Luciferians. How many are actually Psychics, Clairvoyants, and Remote Viewers that are programmed with technology by your Governments to lead you astray? lt's a Spiritual Coup! This is a Sodom and Gomorrah moment for the institutionalized Churches and Ministries!"

The Spirit of God says. "Pray for my President! Pray for his family! There's a nefarious plot and plan to control the President, his family, and my people through the false Prophets, Pastors and Religion! They are being duped and deceived! Did I not give a Prophetic sign to President Trump and my people when for the first time he was disconnected from a phone call interview? They blamed the enemy for that disconnect! NO! That was a PROPHETIC SIGN by me the Lord God to the President and this Country to Disconnect from that group of Spiritual VIPERS who don't have you or your family's Spiritual best interest at Heart! My President needs TRUE Anointed lntercessors not Talent or intellect, llluminati FALSE PROPHETS and FALSE PASTORS, Wizards, Witches and Warlocks Masquerading as Christians! THEY are there for one reason, to get The King's Ear! THEY can't control my President through Politics, so they HAVE and ARE trying to influence and control him with High Level Witchcraft voices around him, his family, and speaking it into his Ear! lt's a SPIRITUAL COUP! How many people does it take to poison someone in the natural? One! What makes it any different in the spiritual? lt only takes one evil advisor to speak poison in the Kings ear to corrupt the King! Pray for my Presidents Spiritual eyes and ears to be opened as to he has advising him!"

The Spirit of God says, "My children, my children, what about my little ones, the children? Why do you mix and Target my children with Witchcraft and Wizardry? What does my word say about Wizards? Leviticus 20',27 A man also or woman that has a familiar spirit, or that is a wizard, shall surely be put to death. They shall Stone them with stones. Their blood shall be upon them. Exodus 22:18 you shall not permit a sorceress to live. And you target my kids with this? You VIPERS! Repent! For it would be better if you had a millstone hung around your neck! What good is saving my kids from a physical death only to send them to an eternal death? Repent! Why are you sacrificing my little ones on the altar of tolerance, inclusivity, counterfeit Christianity and patriotism with this mixture? Why are you pushing another God on them and target them with witchcraft curses down to the third and fourth generation? Deuteronomy 13:2-6, 2. "lf a prophet or a dreamer of dreams rises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, 3. And the sign or the wonder comes to pass of which he spoke to you saying, "Let us go after other gods, which you have not known, and let us serve them." 4. You will not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for the LORD* your God does test you, to know whether you love the LORD* your God with all your heart and with all your being. 5. You will walk after the LORD* your God and revere Him, keep his commandments, obey his voice, and you will serve him and cleave to him. 6. And that prophet or that dreamer of dreams will be put to death, because he has spoken to turn you away from the LORD* your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt and redeemed you out of the house of bondage, to thrust you out of the way which the LORD" your God commanded you to walk in, so you will put the bad away from your midst."

The Spirit of God says, "Why are my people not speaking out on this? Why are you turning a blind eye to this in the name of Patriotism? For I the Lord God will hold those accountable who Target my little ones, those responsible for this will be held accountable and shall receive their just reward including those SUPPORTING THEM! Repent!"

The Spirit of God says, "This is a Revelation 2:20-23 moment." 20. Nevertheless, I have this against you. You tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophet. By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. 21. I have given her time to repent and for immorality, but she is unwilling.  22. So I will cast her on a bed of suffering, and I will make those who commit adultery with her suffer intensely, unless they repent of her ways. 23. I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I am he who searches hearts and minds, and I will repay each of you according to your deeds". We are no longer in the phase of choosing this day whom you will serve. We are now in the phase, you have chosen and now you will reap what you have sown. You will reap from the very side you have chosen to join. Justice is at hand!

How long will you listen to these Soothsayers, Wizards, Witches and Warlocks who come disguised as my sheep but are ravenous Wolves? How long will my people be hoodwinked into believing those who come in my name, but have ridden in on sorcery and magic? Can't you see they are using the fear of losing your country to get you to yoke and compromise with darkness? How far will you bend my word, spiritually compromise, and accept this Demonic Darkness in the name of tolerance, patriotism, and saving your country? I'm a God of order? Too many of my people are out of order. Because of this you have opened many gates, doors, and portals that only true repentance and my true intercessors can shut."

The Spirit of God says, "Your actions speak louder than words! By your actions you are showing what side you are on. By your actions you have shown who your allegiance is to! By your actions you proclaim WHAT KINGDOM YOU BELONG To! we have moved out of the "choose this day whom you will serve." "To you have made your choice, prepare to REAP YOUR JUST REWARD!" JUSTICE is here GOOD or BAD depending on what side you have chosen! What side have you chosen, not by word, but by your actions? who do you follow, man or me? Who do you support, man or me? PREPARE for Satan's Spiritual assassins and his Prophetic Mediums, for they have been activated and they are coming in my name to CHANNEL their VICTORY! They are coming for you, my President and my people! The devils coming for his dues and for some that's YOU, especially the Leadership! REPENT!"

The Spirit of God says, "l hear the enemy whispering in their inner chambers, "An attempt will be made for we've marked him with a Judas Kiss. lf he breaks our spell we will unleash the Pope's assassins, yes the Jesuits, the Enemy from within, the assassins he has surrounded himself with."

The Spirit of God says,"For why is my President playing a deadly game with witches, wizards and warlocks who are out to take him and his family. Pray for my President who has been blinded and deafened by intellect and high level witchcraft that he shall see and hear what I the Lord God has to say, and will drop to his knees in Repentance and seek me for his answers and not his intelligence."

The Spirit of God says, "Beware of the one with 3 stars who is NOT to be trusted, who has his minions do his dirty work for him, and all will be revealed when he is busted! For the 7 Rays is NOT a Prayer, but a mind splitting, mind bending Tech Program designed to make them all Slaves! A Prophetic Psyop has been and is at play, and all will see, while the Flynn road leads to the House of Destiny."

The Spirit of God says, "A sign will be given That my Judgment is here when one of the False Prophets shall drop dead publicly and the people shall Fear! The Spirit of the Fear of the Lord shall fall upon them! There will be people crawling on their bellies, clawing at the ground, some in fetal positions, others crying and screaming in HOLY TERROR of me! Then they shall know who the one true God is!"

The Spirit of God says, "Did I not say in my word that I correct those that I love? Woe, Woe, Woe, to those who do not heed my corrections. Your true character and Spirit are revealed by your demonic manifestations of refusing to repent because of your Pride, Anger, Arrogance and gnashing of teeth against me. Blessed are those who hear my words, receive my words, act on my words with a contrite heart, and in humility receive my corrections and Repent from their ways."

The Spirit of God says, "The counterfeit Christianity they have created is the enemy within, is so close to the real Christianity that most cannot even discern it! Their goal is a One World Religion with a false unity, inclusion, and a tolerance of things that are an ABOMINATION to me! You have fallen for the trap! lt's the path to destruction that many of you are on (Mat 7:13). Repent and come back to me your first love and enter through the narrow gate, there you will find me and my true remnant bride."

Mark Taylor "drills down" on the meaning of important revelation in the Prophecy mentioned here in the following videos.  Enjoy!

The Return -

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Spiritual Significance Of Trump Assassination Attempt -

Click the Photo the Watch the Video.

Judas Kiss -

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

The Mixture -

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

The Jesuits, the CIA Activated Clergy and How Headlines Feed False Prophets -

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Satan's Psyop -

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

The Mixture Deception and the 501c3 Baal Stronghold -

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Why the 501c3 Is A Covenant With Baal -

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Wolves In Sheep's Clothing, the Dangers of FEMA Clergy Response Team -

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Prophetic Roundtable -

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Prophetic Roundtable, Repentance -

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Prophetic Roundtable, Mass Repentance, Prayer and the Maturing of Believers -
Click the Photo to Watch the Video.


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