
ABC's & 123's Of LaVoy Finicum Assassination - The Show Trial Of Joseph Astarita FBI Agent At Kill Stop Oregon 2016


An Elite Hit Squad from Quantico Virginia, (Washington D.C.) was deployed to Burns Harney County Oregon in January 2016, to snuff out the lives of a group of protestors teaching the constitution and land rights in the area while trying their best to get the local government leaders to protect the Hammonds from being rounded up and put back in prison for setting back-fires to protect their home and property.  The Hit Squad, along with at least 500 troops and 200 military apparatus waged war against words.  This alone should make you think about how high in the federal government the order came down and how they used the battle plan of JADE HELM in order to accomplish it. 

The Players

A - Astarita, Joseph 

FBI Defendant, lied about picking up his shell casings at the murder scene.  He can remember being in Burns but can't remember what he was wearing during operation kill stop because he can't seem to point himself out in the surveillance footage.  He also can't remember who he was operating with.  Nope!  It's all a blur . . . sounds like he went through the "Teflon Dan Love School of, admit to nothing" and what to say when you get on the stand.  Failed to report that he fired his weapon to his supervisor, as is required so a Shooting Incident Response Team could be deployed to examine his weapon and do a full investigation.  Astarita also failed to report he had fired a shot.  He  also performed his own investigation on his own weapon along with fellow HRT members, and supervisor Brent (Brendt) Malcheski, days after operation kill-stop at the Burns Airport/FBI Compound, so it came as no surprise when they found "nothing unusual". This is really worrisome!  These "experts" all seem to have a terrible case of amnesia that should disqualify them for positions in LE.

B - Brietzing, Greg

  Special Agent In Charge Oregon Office.  Deployed a standing army against a peaceful protest 35 miles outside of Burns Oregon.  Ordered the "traffic stop" operation be filmed from air but ordered no officers of OSP were to turn on their body/helmet cams in order to protect the identity of the HRT who were all dressed in street clothes.  Brietzing, while watching the incident in real time including the infrared camera footage of the crime scene after dark, failed to get on the radio and say, "hey! you guys leave the crime scene in tact and stop picking up stuff"!  The HRT deployed for the kill-stop was from FBI Headquarters in Quantico Virginia, aka Washington.  Brietzing said, "had he known there was going to be a problem determining who fired the shots he would have involved the FBI Inspectors Division" to cover their A$$es in lieu of Attorney representation.  The FBI Inspectors Division would not have approved of a group interview of the Officers involved in the shooting.  Although Brietzing testified that the FBI does not normally "record" testimony of Officers, he said they normally write up reports, ask the Officers to read them and make any changes, then sign them.  In the case of the kill-stop someone who was not on scene write up a "communal" report.

C - Codding, Casey

  OSP/SWAT Trigger Happy Assassin who was one of two who shot LaVoy Finicum in the back.  May have fired other shots at the truck that are still not accounted for.  Codding has killed at least 2 to 3 other Americans in other incidents.  Codding said during trial he was supposed to be "in charge" at the kill-stop, directing others but was so intent on killing he fired three shots at the occupants in the truck on approach "in order to slow it down".

Officer #1 - Casey Codding Assassin number one.  Fired two shots into LaVoy Finicum's back killing him, and at least three shots into Finicums truck upon approach to the kill stop.  Was not interviewed about his role in the incident until 5 days later, where Portland require officers be interviewed within 24 hours of an Officer Involved Shooting.

Officer #2 -  OSP/SWAT, Assassin number two.  Fired one shot into LaVoy Finicum's back killing him dead.

Officer #3 -

B.M. - Supervisor Agent for Operation Kill-Stop Brent (Brendt) Malcheski Active Duty Army Reserves Special Operations, performed his own investigation on his own weapon along with fellow HRT members days after operation kill-stop including W. Joseph Astarita at the Burns Airport/FBI Compound, so it came as no surprise when they found "nothing unusual".

Trooper Joey Pollard - OSP/SWAT Sergent, rode with Agent Joseph Astarita to the planned kill stop.  Man with the handgun/taser coming out of the tree line toward LaVoy Finicum.  Left the scene with Officer #1 (Casey Codding).  Drives Officers #1 & #2 home to their residence after the operation.  Was present during forensic investigation of LaVoy Finicum's truck.

Agent Neidhart - Man who leaped in front of LaVoy's moving vehicle as he ran into the snow bank.

Major Hampton - Supervisor

Mike Ferrari - HRT (Hostage Rescue Team) Leader OSP (Oregon State Police).  After the trial Ferrari reports that it will now be standard procedure to load all magazines with 28 bullets although Officer #1, Casey Codding's magazine had a 31 round capacity.

Mark McConnell - FBI Informant, driver of Jeep in which Ammon Bundy and Buddha were riding in to John Day, Grant County. 

Zach Nichols - OSP Officer who stopped LaVoy's truck where at least one non-lethal round was fired at the truck before LaVoy took off to see the Sheriff in Grant County.  He also traveled with Officer #2 to the kill stop who fired one shot into LaVoy.

David Armstrong - Detective

- Mecham - Detective

Bob Olsen - OSP SWAT who fired a shot at Ryan Payne's hands as he put his head and hands outside the passenger window to show he was unarmed.  The shot broke the side mirror.  Olsen said he shot at Payne because "he hesitated".  The Officer showed no restraint and fired the shot in order to gain compliance and instill fear.

Jeremiah -

Jeff Alldread - Trooper

Tim Swanson - Agent, Blue Team Leader

Scott Ward -
FBI - Hostage Rescue Team Leader (HRT) 

Tim Dugan - FBI Agent

Justin Travis Elkins - FBI Agent

Scott Hill - OSP State Task Force Detective, testified "it was unheard of" to interview Officers as a group and not individually after an Officer involved shooting.  Five of the Officers involved in the shooting death of LaVoy Finicum told the detective they would not be interviewed separately.  This is where the cart started driving the horse in the investigation.  Their demands were met at Hill took orders from the Officers interviewing them as a group and obeying their demands not to record the sessions.  Although the interview took place DAYS after the killing the Officers "claimed" they were too far from town and couldn't get Attorney's to represent them before the interviewing process began.  These Officers were brought in from Quantico Virginia, a "hit squad" from Washington.

Click this Photo to Watch the Video.
Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

These are the first three shots admitted to on the stand during testimony on Day 5.  Click the Photo to Watch the Video.  Beware!  The Oregonian has a skewed view of the events, they tow the government line.
Click the Photo to Watch the Video.
Click the Photo to Watch the Video.
Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

We didn't get much detail from Courtroom Observers for Thrusday's session so use this link, taken with a grain of salt.

The reason LaVoy was assassinated by the U.S. Government was because of the things he was SAYING!  The U.S. Government CLAIMS our speech is protected under the Bill of Rights but only if you agree with their propaganda.  LaVoy was FEARLESS, and that's why I identified with him as soon as I learned his name and did my research watching all of his YouTube videos after that initial press conference which spurred my post on January 8, 2016 and my video of the press conference.  I still agree wholeheartedly with his ideas and find myself lucky to have come to know the man as I watched every video that was live-streamed during the protest in Oregon.  Hear just a small part of what he said as he documented the abuse of he and his neighbors in this video.  Click the Photo to Watch the Video.  LaVoy, your words will live on forever!  R.I.P.

Learn More About LaVoy Finicum Here:

One Cowboy's Stand For Freedom -LaVoy Finicum Family Files Civil Complaint


August 10 4:30 p.m.

The Jury entered their verdict into the record this afternoon.  Jeanette Finicum reported on facebook that the Jury found FBI Agent Joseph Astarita Not Guilty of all charges in the case the US Government brought against the officer for lying, not attempted murder but lying in a police report.  Although he displayed a case of amnesia on the stand, the Jury agreed he wasn't there.  This is the only report I can find right now.  I will update this post when I get more information.  

Watch Jeanette Finicum;s Reaction To The Verdict.  Click the Photo to Watch the Video.
A Look Back On The Case Around The Hammonds.  Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.


If you missed the coverage of the first Oregon trial visit this link:  Oregon StandUp Trial Coverage

Watch the series on the Assassination Analysis on

Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 7 -

Part 8 - 
Part 9 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -

Click this Photo to Watch the Video.



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