
One Cowboy's Fight For Justice- LaVoy Finicum Assassination

Wrongful Death Suit


Jeanette Finicum Family

The Trial is Scheduled to take place September 10, 2019

Please Make a Donation to the Finicum Family to help bring about the Wrongful Death Lawsuit.  Use the Donate Button Below.

August 1, 2019
Press Release -

Update -
September 8, 2019

Jeanette Finicum has an urgent message for everyone interested and following their Wrongful Death Lawsuit.  Despite Oregon Media, including OPB (Oregon Public Broadcasting), KGW8 and KOIN and now being picked up and reported by The Washington Times, that "a lawsuit related to the death of LaVoy Finicum has been dismissed".  The truth is, a fraud is being perpetrated upon the American People hidden in the word "related"!  Oregon Media is doing their best to convince anyone interested in the Finicum Families Wrongful Death Lawsuit that it has been dismissed.  The fact is that, a lawsuit filed and brought before District Court Judge Michael Mosman by Shawna Cox and Ryan Payne was dismissed, NOT the Wrongful Death Lawsuit.  Despite the Judge saying, "put a fork in it", it is more injustice for real victims of the Federal Government and it's agencies along with the Local Government who were complicate in the heavy-handed way in which they treated the former Defendants.

The Finicum Family Case is set to begin September 10, 2019, but as Jeanette, LaVoy's widow is telling us, their may be some delay.  Jeanette is encouraging all interested parties to pay no attention to Oregon Media attempts to mislead the public about her case.  She is asking for help from the public to share her message and be aware of the media's attempt at playing disinformation agent for the Federal District Court Prosecutors regarding their case.  Below you will find a video with her statement and several photos of the headlines being propagated throughout the mainstream media.  Please share this post via email and social media and, stay tuned.  Thank You!


Update -
September 28, 2019
I have received a message from Jeanette Finicum that the date for her Wrongful Death Lawsuit will probably be set for this time next year, if not sooner.  Here is her message to us all.

"Our family is finally coming to a crucial phase in the wrongful death lawsuit.

Because we are prosecuting the Federal Government State of Oregon and other out of control government agents, we are responsible for all of the cost involved in bringing this case to trial.

These fees include the cost of depositions of all of those officers involved, previous experts, the court recorders, their attorneys and their travel.  The cost of the expert witnesses for our case and for all of the evidence requests and continued motions back and forth thru that process.  For all of the individuals that will be assisting in the research of that evidence, etc.  A conservative estimate to get through this process is about 300K.

We have been on a long road together these past 3 1/2 years.  Your legal fund donations have helped in so many ways.  To mention just a few; your donations have helped to fund a second autopsy of LaVoy's dead body, the process of securing our water property rights, which legal battle was the result of the BLM not recognizing me as the rightful owner despite their own regulatory law, not to mention Arizona's community property laws.  During this crazy legal dispute, my cattle were not permitted to graze on our allotment.  It was your donations that kept my 150 cattle alive.  Most importantly. your donations have been the reason we have been able to maintain our monthly attorney retainer for 22 months as we have saited for our scheduled court date.  This has accumulated a small credit that will be pulled from to pay our attorney's when they start needing to charge billable hours; which has just begun this past week.

For the convenience of those who donate regularly, we developed the feature for monthly automatic recurring donations.  In just a few clicks your monthly pledge amount of your choice can be set to process up until the end of the trial.  For those who prefer the one-time donation feature, that option is also available.

It is expected that at the first of the year, our judge will be setting a trial date and opening discovery.  So, by this time next year or sooner, we will be in trial.  Finally!!!  Finally, we will begin LaVoy's right to a trial, his day in court.  Finally, his due process.  Our family is resolved to see this through to the end.

We love and appreciate each and every one of you!  We could not have come this far without you!!  Thank you so very much, God Bless you and all you do"!

                                                 ~ Jeanette Finicum

Update -
October 11, 2019

Update -
October 23, 2019
Wrongful Death Lawsuit Update.  Call-out for photos of LaVoy from private citizens, keep the donations coming.

Click this Photo to Watch the Video.

Update -
December 22, 2019

First Day In Court - March 6, 2020

Kill-Stop deployed by FBI/OSP on Highway 395 in Oregon.  This is where LaVoy Finicum was murdered January 26, 2016.

There were several facebook live videos from Jeanette.  In one of the two I was able to obtain, she reported that someone, (facebook and others) were interfering with her attempt to inform the public of the events of the day.  I witnessed this attempt in one such video that was posted March 7, 2020.  As Jeanette described the evidence and what took place in the courtroom, the video was choppy and several important details were omitted.  This should say to everyone that, no matter which President is in office he is unable to control the rouge agencies he oversees!  It is evidence that the FBI is up to the same old tricks!  If it is not them, why don't they find out who is commandeering the airwaves, as an act of war, and put a stop to it?

Jeanette's video reports included "thank yous" to the community and individuals supporting her throughout this endeavor, including a plea for prayers for her and her friend Rick Koerber, among others. 

Court began in U.S. District Court DOJ Attorney's and Defendant Attorney's filing a Motion to Dismiss claiming "broad and vague allegations" although the Lawsuit contains EVIDENCE!  The Defense claimed the Finicum Attorney, Morgan Philpot, neglected to "properly serve" the defendants.  This claim included paperwork by Greg Bretzig's Attorney Leah Brownlee Taylor, listed as a Washington D.C. Attorney.  (Documents can be viewed below).  Brownlee-Taylor claimed the lawsuit makes an "illogical leap" that Bretzig's - FBI and Dan Love - Former BLM, targeted Cliven Bundy, his family and his supporters by maintaining a "kill list" via the Larry Wooten whistleblower documents.  The Oregonian reported Brownlee-Taylor as saying, "Taylor asked why, if the federal government was after the Bundy patriarch, was his son, Ammon Bundy, and a family supporter, Brian Cavalier, 'arrested without incident' as they were leaving the wildlife refuge."  We know now that these three men were lead into a trap by Mark McConnell, an FBI Operative.  Brownlee-Taylor argued the motion that the lawsuit "contends the defendants engaged in "widespread and systemic corruption'' and the 'premeditated targeting' of Finicum because of his association with Cliven Bundy and his family, Finicum’s membership in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and Finicum’s political views and activism critical of federal land management and the BLM." Finicum Attorney Morgan Philpot argued, "the plaintiffs have evidence of an 'animus that was carried over between two friends who worked together since 2009',’' referring to Love and Bretzing.  Philpot mentioned a statement made by BLM whistleblower Larry Wooten, who told federal investigators that his supervisors at the Nevada BLM appeared to be “personally offended’’ by the Bundys.  Philpot continued, "the office narrative that evolved was that there needs to be an officer involved shooting to make these types of people get the message.’’   

Jeanette Finicum reported that the Judge in the case, (documents site Patricia Sullivan, Magistrate/Presiding), appeared to be helping the DOJ Attorneys defend their position of dismissal, although she appeared to be shocked, and silent at times, while the information provided by Morgan Philpot was produced, including the falsified Threat Assessment by the BLM/FBI.  It appears we are getting more of the same from Federal Judge Patricia Sullivan in Oregon as we've witnessed in the Malheur Trials (Judge Anna Brown), and the Nevada Trials (Judge Gloria Navarro), associated with the Bundy's.  Judge Sullivan allowed the Defense to continually interrupt Attorney Philpot as he brought before the court the evidence they intend to prove against the Defendants, but Philpot was continually provoked to defend LaVoy as if he were on trial!  The DOJ Defense continues to label LaVoy as a "foreign domestic terrorist".  Philpot spent most of the court time defending LaVoy, although not part of the first trial which included Ammon & Ryan Bundy, Shawna Cox, Neil Wampler, David Fry, Jeff Banta and Kenneth Medenbach where they were all acquitted and found not guilty, Philpot was forced to defend LaVoy as if he were a defendant in that trial, despite the NOT GUILTY verdict!  This effort in court today by the Oregon DOJ was no different than the Nevada DOJ and their Motions In Limine, which was a successful effort to eliminate all the facts of the criminal activity by the Federal Government, including even the mere mention of things like, "Dan Love, surveillance cameras, and snipers on the hill".   Philpot told the Judge Sullivan about the FBI falsifying the Threat Assessment used by Dan Love and his BLM hit squad to label the Bundy's "dangerous", the 9 hours Greg Bretzig's FBI spent contaminating the crime scene at the kill-stop where they walked around and picked up evidence up off the ground, the OSP/FBI planting a hand gun on LaVoy's dead body while he lay bleeding out on the 3 foot snow that had fallen in the area, with photographs to prove it.  Judge Sullivan did allow a Supplemental Filing in reference to the FBI/BLM which must be presented 14 days from March 6, 2020 at which time the Federal Government is granted 10 days to respond to that filing.  At the end of this period Judge Sullivan  will rule then on her findings and make recommendations in 60 days.  This Judge will then turn it over to the Supervising Judge Michael Mosman, who will render the decision as to whether the lawsuit will continue.  There is no time limit as to how much time Judge Michael W. Mosman, U.S. District Court, Oregon, can take to rule on the recommendation.  It is estimated by Philpot and his team that they may have to wait until the Summer months to get that ruling and set a court date.
Morgan Philpot emphasized that this evidence, including the actions of the Federal Government before LaVoy's murder, are pertinent to the wrongful death case before the court.  The Finicum family are determined to get this information before a standing Jury in the days to come.  The Federal Government's goal here is to abscond from the case and let the State of Oregon defend themselves in the actions taken during the occupation and subsequent murder of LaVoy.  This should be a lesson for Judge Grasty and Sheriff David Ward, "don't turn over your responsibilities over to the federal government!"  Philpot's evidence includes evidence that the Obama Administration, James Comey, Loretta Lynch, the Governor of the state of Oregon Kate Brown were all communicating by email and other means to bring an end to the protestors speech and actions that were becoming very popular among average Americans saying, "we want to set an example by shutting these people up!"  Proof of this was sited by a Larry Klayman Lawsuit filed in the Ninth Circuit in behalf of the Bundy Family.  The facts are that the government created a kill-list and were putting out "hits" on Americans, the Bundy's and their supporters including LaVoy Finicum!  They are Rouge!

It is made clear by the evidence that the Federal Government, through it's agencies, wanted revenge for losing their foothold at the Bunkerville Standoff and wanted to have the "last word" in shutting up those who stand and speak out against a tyrannical government.  The arrogance of the federal government and it's employees associated with this case is evident in every action they have taken and their attempt to "turn the tables" in the Finicum Case with the DOJ masquerading as the Prosecution and the Finicum Family Attorney as a Defense!

Page Number 23 Missing
(it may contain signatures, I'm not sure why).

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Click this Photo to Watch the Video.

Update -
May 13, 2020

Jeanette Finicum asked her daughter Thara Tenney to make a statement regarding the government collusion and criminal misconduct by the FBI in current high-profile cases going on currently in America.  Media reports that Representative Andy Biggs (Arizona) has accused Barak Hussain Obama, former President of the United States Of America, of attempting a Coup on President Trump.  Biggs' fellow Representative Jim Jordan (Arizona) outlined the evidence that began in January 2017 stating, "those three weeks in January tell us everything.  If it can happen to him, imagine what they can do to you, to Andy, to me, and more importantly, to any American [citizen]."  As per the information now coming out via media reports, the Finicum Family is asking for help from patriots, and anyone who values freedom to help in the following way.

"The Finicum family has been working to get LaVoy’s day in court. Judge Sullivan who is over his case has been considering throwing out his case on a mere technicality.

We NEED you to, before the end of May 2020, hand write a ‘Friends of the Court’ letter to Judge Sullivan outlining the following BUREAUCRATIC BULLYING connections so she will not ignore justice on the mere technicality of sovereign immunity for the agents & officers involved in his killing:

The FBI entrapped General Michael Flynn like LaVoy.
The FBI manipulated the Court, with FISA, to surveil President Donald Trump like LaVoyThe FBI shot at LaVoy, hid that information, and are under internal investigation by the DOJThe FBI manipulated LaVoy’s Officer Involved Shooting Scene for 9 hours.The FBI used a falsified 2012 National Threat Assessment to escalate Malheur.The FBI used numerous informants to entrap LaVoy and the other Malheur protesters.The FBI withheld exculpatory evidence in the Bundy Wash case like LaVoy.The FBI had LaVoy Finicum killed by colluding to manufacture crimes!

LaVoy DESERVES his day in court for JUSTICE.

Your “Friends of the Court” letter should include;Case number at the beginning 2:18-CV-00160-SUA brief statement in your own words requesting that the court analyse the above listed connections and note the similar legal problems in LaVoy’s case with those of General Michael Flynn and President Donald Trump.REQUEST that LaVoy’s case not be dismissed on mere technicality of sovereign immunity.

Judge Patricia SullivanMark O. Hatfield United States CourthouseRoom 7401000 Southwest Third AvenuePortland, Oregon 97204-2941

Below we have attached examples of Friends of the Court letters. We would appreciate your time and effort on this important cause of maintaining freedom. Please send a copy to the court as well as a copy of your letter to us so we can prove that if we are ignored that we have petitioned through the proper channels of government.

Jeanette Finicum’s Email:
Jeanette Finicum’s address: P.O. Box 918 Colorado City AZ 86021

SUBJECT: Sovereign Immunity or Equal Justice
CASE #: 2:18-CV-00160-SU
TO: Honorable Judge Patricia Sullivan
Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse
Room 740
1000 Southwest Third Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97204-2941

Dear Judge Sullivan,

I am writing to request that you do not dismiss the wrongful death case for LaVoy Finicum.

Jeanette Finicum's attorney has presented his opening arguments demonstrating that there was a collaborative conspiracy among multiple federal agencies resulting in LaVoy's death. The court seems skeptical of these claims, but the recent information releases of evidence demonstrating premeditated collusion against General Flynn and President Donald Trump by the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are further examples of this systemic overreach and I believe prove that the claims made in LaVoy's case are not a conspiracy, but facts of a real problem.

In each of these three cases the same federal agencies have abused the authority of the FISA court in nearly identical manners to illegally monitor and condemn these men. This abuse of power needs to be addressed judiciously to bring justice for those who have and will continue to suffer from lack of due process. Mr. Finicum's case is a great place to start. Please do not dismiss this case on trivial technicalities but hear it for the benefit of addressing the systemic issues now being brought to light by Jeannette's attorney and the national public information releases for General Flynn's and President Trump's cases."

Please share this information with all your patriot freedom loving friends.  Thanks!

Click this Photo to Watch the Video.

Dismantling the Surveillance State. 

Forensic Analysis:
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
Part 3 -
Part 4 -
Part 5 -
Part 6 -
Part 7 -

Part 8 - 
Part 9 -
Part 10 -
Part 11 -

Missed what went on in the Joseph Astarita Trial?  The FBI Agent that fired 3 shots at LaVoy at the "kill-stop", visit the link below.

ABC's & 123's Of LaVoy Finicum Assassination - The Show Trial Of Joseph Astarita FBI Agent At Kill Stop Oregon 2016 

Read One Cowboy's Stand For Freedom -LaVoy Finicum Family Files Civil Complaint to see what happened in the lead-up to the trial.

Watch the Documentary of what went on at Bundy Ranch produced by Dennis Michael Lynch here.  Both he and LaVoy were in Bunkerville at the #StandUp

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