Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Utah Legislators Conned By Lobbyist Groups To Re-Write Constitution


The 2017 Utah State Legislative Session began Jan 23. Legislation has already been introduced that could spell the end of the U.S. Constitution as we know it.


Instead of holding politicians in D.C. accountable for violating the law, misguided Utah state legislators simply want to CHANGE the Constitution. . .. . . the SAME Constitution that politicians currently refuse to follow!

Proponents have been working behind the scenes for months to get our state legislature to issue a new call for a convention.  The Current resolution HJR3, Joint Resolution Calling For A Convention To Amend The Constitution Of The United States.  In viewing the text of the resolution, notice the wording of the body is EXACTLY the same, including the resolution number, to the Virginia effort.  THIS IS NO ACCIDENT!  


Not only should our legislators rescind Utah’s current convention resolution, but they need to oppose any new call for an Article V Convention. Please help send a message to them.


Please take a stand HERE by signing the petition opposing a ConCon today?

Establishment politicians from both parties have been incrementally dismantling your rights for decades upon decades. An Article V Convention could allow them to lay waste to all of your rights in one single, devastating action.


Sadly, some well-meaning Utahans have been misled into believing a ConCon will help create new “limits” on the federal government, but those limits could dismantle current constitutional restrictions and give the government even MORE control and power to take away our money and our liberty.


Utahans are invited to learn more about what proponents of an Article V Convention are NOT telling you.  Robert Brown will teach how Nullification is a better method.  Everyone should also invite their legislative representatives to this event.





Because an Article V ConCon has never been attempted, none of the self-proclaimed “experts” behind this effort really know what will happen if they get their way.


The truth is that coercive, progressive activists — like BILLIONAIRE George Soros – expect to be able to use their power and influence to direct the entire process.

One group supportive of a ConCon — Convention of States Project — points out on its own website that if a convention is called. . .

“. . . the convention of states itself would determine which ideas deserve serious consideration. . .”



Coercive, progressive activists — like BILLIONAIRE George Soros – hope to use their power and influence to direct the entire process.

Literally hundreds of progressive organizations, such as Wolf PAC, Sierra Club, Code Pink, Alliance for Progressive Values, Move On, and “Occupy,” have been pushing for a convention since 2009!

Many of these groups want to limit your political speech rights protected by the First Amendment.


Others want to do away with the Second Amendment entirely.


That is why it is so important to sign the petition HERE right away. By doing so we can let our Utah legislators know that YOU, their constituents, want them to OPPOSE a ConCon and SUPPORT a resolution to rescind any current call for a Convention.


Former Barack Obama campaign advisor Lawrence Lessig — who supports the efforts of BOTH Wolf PAC and Convention of States Project — recently said the following about a ConCon:

“The beauty of a convention is that it would provide a forum of possibility for conservative Tea Party types as well as progressives.

“The only requirement is that two-thirds of the states apply, and then begins the drama of an unscripted national convention to debate questions of fundamental law. It would be a grand circus of democracy at its best.”

A “grand circus” indeed! Do YOU want the Constitution featured at a Grand Convention Circus?




Many believe a constitutional convention can be limited to certain types or categories of changes.


But that simply is not true. Article V itself does not back up any assertions that a convention can be limited — and noted constitutional scholars agree.


The Constitution itself doesn’t place limits or restrictions on subject matter, spell out the convention process, or determine how delegates should be chosen.

But that’s not all.


The risk of a “runaway convention” is extreme -– especially in today’s political climate.


Our Founding Fathers met in Philadelphia with instructions to fix issues with the Articles of Confederation. The delegates from those 13 states couldn’t agree, and we ended up with a whole new Constitution.


That’s right, once the convention was convened, the instructions were thrown out the window.


We were extremely blessed that most of those at the convention favored limited government.




There are few true advocates of limited government alive today that would be invited to an Article V ConCon.


Do you trust the hundreds of progressive organizations calling for an Article V Convention to do the right thing and rein in the federal government?


Do you trust the powerful special interests, backed by George Soros and his ilk, to do the right thing?


Just imagine what will happen at a convention being held to manipulate the U.S. Constitution, with BOTH Republican and Democrat establishment and hundreds of progressive, George Soros-types pulling the strings.

If an Article V ConCon is called, it will likely be impossible to stop devastating changes from being made to our Constitution. All of your rights will be open to revision (or worse) — by powerful special interest groups and establishment politicians.


A convention is extremely dangerous — especially today!

So please sign the petition HERE to oppose a ConCon RIGHT NOW, and ask your friends and family to do the same. Together we can make a difference!


If you can't attend the Robert Brown seminar, please watch his informative video and pass it along to your legislative representatives and friends and family alike.



Listen as Utah Legislator is questioned about the Convention of States process.



Thanks to The Constitution Party Of Utah.  Visit them here.






