Thursday, August 8, 2019

E-Scooters - Compromising Safety For The Green Agenda

Has Sandy's Mayor Suffered a Brain Injury? A Ground Breaking Study by Austin Texas and the Center For Disease Control finds E-Scooters are a safety hazard!

Mayor Kurt Brandburn - Sandy City Mayor in promotional photo for Lime E-Scooter Program in Sandy Utah

Recently articles were posted on the internet about how "green" e-scooters are not.  I checked into a few, most of which mentioned a "safety study" that was done, none of the articles had operable links to the study but chose to focus on the "green" element.  I went to my mailbox to retrieve my mail two days later and what did I find?  The Sandy Journal, a local publication, with this article dawning the front page!  I red the article and decided to write my own.  I did some looking and actually found the research study information some of the internet articles mentioned.  I found some interesting statistics, but let's talk about Mayor Kurt Bradburn and this article he is quoted in.  "E-Scooters In Sandy" seems pretty innocuous, right?  I does unless you've been living in Sandy and are aware of what's going on administratively in the city over the years, and as Kurt Bradburn returned to Sandy after an absence he was heard saying, "he didn't like what Sandy had become" while he was away, and ran on a platform that included, not making Sandy the "second downtown", a phrase coined by former Mayor Tom Dolan, a Utah Stories article also contains a list of his election platforms. 
  • will eliminate all bonuses for the Mayor’s Office and appointees, and will give the money to front-line workers who deserve it more. Will increase funding for our police and fire departments to increase salaries and hire more first-responders.
    And, will eliminate salary increases for the Mayor’s Office. 


In February 2018 Mayor Kurt Bradburn gave himself a raise without approval of the City Council.  After the public found out about the 10% raise he reversed his decision and agreed to cut his salary.  The story was reported by local news KUTV and The Washington Times.

  • will appoint all new planning commission members from diverse backgrounds and areas of the city.  

I just mention this to bring it to the attention that these Planning Commission appointments are not elected positions.  It was pretty easy to see how Tom Dolan's appointments went on this commission, you need not look any further than to his campaign donations.  It is this group of people that are social engineering your neighborhoods throughout the city.  I had something to say in my article Sandy Welcomes Addicts.  The accompanying video is viewable below.

Click this Photo to Watch the Video.

  • will require a 10 percent cut in non-essential budget items before any new spending projects can be considered.

In the article in the Sandy Journal Bradburn mentioned Sandy spent the month of June constructing 45 electrical charging stations throughout the city.  He mentioned it again in his "Bradburn Brief" Mayoral Editorial in the August addition.  Bradburn has proposed a tax increase for this year.  Bradburn said "his administration went through the budget line by line" and cut $1.3 million from the budget including the amount of Christmas lights they will put up.  Question.  Are they buying new lights every year?  Is Christmas the holiday we want to celebrate less?  As far as the electric vehicle charging stations go, the money was secured by donations and grants, but one of the most troubling statements he made during the unveiling was this, “One of the things we harp on in our administration is one of the only ways we’re going to get things done is through public-private partnerships and bringing great ideas together from both the private sector and the government sector.”  It sounds all "touchy-feely" but the truth about PPP's is that it is FASCISM!  Those who "tow the party line" are the ones who get the contracts and the public is left out!  Those are the facts!  There is no public in PPP!  The decisions are made by government elected.  It further shrinks our economy and picks winners and losers.  It is just more of the same from the former mayors administration.

In the article on the E-Scooter I found some interesting things directly associated with Mayor Kurt Bradburn and they are these.  The article starts off with a term "downtown-ification", another term to add to the urban dictionary and your term list for Agenda 21.  The troubling thing about this term is that it directly mirrors the "second downtown" term coined by former Mayor Tom Dolan and rejected by Mayoral Candidate Kurt Bradburn!  In the Utah Stories article dated February 21, 2018 he is quoted as saying, "We look forward to restoring a balance of preservation and sensible growth to keep Sandy true to its community roots and not build a second downtown.”  But in August of 2019 we have "downtown-ification"?  In an ABC4 story Bradburn tells how he came to become a candidate for the 2018 mayor's race.  He and his neighbors where opposed to a multi-family apartment complex that was being proposed for building in his neighborhood.  He and his neighbors fought city hall, bringing about his candidacy.  Are these multi-family apartment complexes not building the "next downtown"?  Are they not "downtown-ification"?  Sandy City has only built these "stack-n-pack" housing for the last five years!  I have rarely driven past a building project that was for a single family home.  Everything else has been "joined at the hip".  There have been twin homes and condos but they are not "stand-alone" homes being built.  Multi-family dwellings with insufficient parking, because there are a lot of cars parked on the streets, reminiscent of Southern California.  There was a time when a planning commission would not approve a building permit unless there was sufficient parking, now it's a "we want to discourage people from using their cars, so let's eliminate parking".

Next is mentioned the "first mile, last mile problem".  This was the second term that caught my attention.  It sounded like another one of those "coined phrases" thought up by the sustainable crowd, so I went searching.  Turns out I was right!  Included in an article I found was this graphic, explaining a "problem" I didn't know we had.  The giveaway is that the graphic is void of cars!  THIS is the problem!  Wired Magazine also mentioned it in where they tell about those  who view the e-scooter as clutter and, who is keen to the idea including, those earning income under $50,000.  They also mentioned that City Councils all across America are using the term FMLM and are voicing concerns about the safety aspect sighting personal injury and "public safety nightmare" the e-scooter programs bring throughout the U.S.  Bradburn is quoted at saying, "The scooters are designed to solve the “first mile-last mile” problem, which is that most peoples’ homes and destinations aren’t quite close enough to a public transit stop(s) so they resort to driving in their cars.  This IS the problem in his eyes!  And, that's why there are these multi-family apartment complexes being erected en mass!  Most built within the "transportation corridor",  it's called Transportation Oriented Development (TOD) and UTA and WFRC (Wasatch Front Regional Council) a COG (Council of Government an arm of the Metropolitan Planning Organization) are all pushing the train down the track by controlling the Mayor.  They want you out of your car that provides you convenience, safety and security, and risking it all on an e-scooter, because it makes them "feel better"!

Mayor Kurt Bradburn mentioned the major attractions in Sandy like Rio Tinto Stadium, Hale Center Theater, The Shops at South Town and the Expo Center as places people can travel to and from on the e-scooter, because they are about a 10-20 minute walk from the TRAX Stations in the Cairns District, and "people just won't walk that far" when arriving by TRAX saying, "the city hopes more people will consider using public transportation to arrive in the general vicinity of their destination and then use one of the 200 Lime e-scooters now stationed in the city to make it the rest of the way".  Now that we've mentioned the company name "Lime", let me just say this.  In early spring we saw e-scooters arrive on Sandy streets.  These were not the Lime E-Scooters, these were all black similar to the ones pictured in the photo above.  We had the same problems depicted in the photo.  But, as other cities around Salt Lake County staged their own launch of Lime the black e-scooters in Sandy vanished!  Could it be that the mayor signed an exclusive contract with Lime?  It certainly provided the press coverage and photo op.  Is there not room for more than one e-scooter company?  Or is it more of that PPP (Crony Capitalism) Bradburn is so fond of?  It appears Lime is the only game in town now.

I go into some of the concerns about parking in a twin city to Salt Lake City with it's own parking problems in my video below.  I hope you'll give it a look as I go through the Sandy Journal article and mention, as a Sandy City resident for 40 years, I don't like the problems Salt Lake City has, therefore I chose to live in Sandy!

Click this Photo to Watch the Video.

The Sandy Journal article goes on to say, "As the area continues to develop into the valley’s “second downtown,” the ability to quickly navigate through it will be paramount".  And, “This sort of downtown feel only works if it’s accessible and people can move around easily,” said Bradburn. 
The mayor also touted the introduction of the e-scooter program as another way in which the city is helping combat air pollution.  I address this in the video also, but as this e-scooter was heavily publicized in internet articles last week most of the articles, as I mentioned, were focused on how they are "not so green".  The reasons they sited were that a vehicle with a tailpipe has to come and retrieve them, take them somewhere for charging, and then a vehicle with a tail pipe has to come to drop them off again.  Not such a "green" carbon footprint!   Not to mention a Car And Driver article that refers to them as "littering, parks and sidewalks".  As I witnessed the black e-scooters this spring they were left IN the sidewalk, lying down across sidewalks and parking lots.  How green is that?  Not to mention the safety hazard!  Mayor Brandburn also referred to them in this way, “We don’t want to have things littered and cluttered up sidewalks. So it’s going to be driven by how much demand there is,”.  (I am using Justin Adams' exact words in reporting).

Now, lets get to the "Safety Study" all of the articles touted but never actually mentioned.  The title of the CDC article is "Characterization of Dockless Electric Scooter Related Injury Incidents - Austin, Texas, September-November, 2018".  It states in part:
"We interviewed and reviewed the medical records of people who used emergency medical services from September 5th, 2018 to November 30th, 2018 for injuries associated with rentable dockless electric scooters. We learned about the types of injuries people had and the things that may have put them at risk for those injuries, as well as what things might have helped keep their injuries from being worse than they were. Almost half of the people we identified had a severe injury, such as a broken leg. Half of those we spoke to said a surface condition like a pot hole or crack in the street may have contributed to their injury. A little more than a third of injured individuals said they would use a dockless electric scooter again".
In short, the Car And Driver article notes a few of the results the Austin Texas and CDC published in their article entitled "The First Ever E-Scooter Safety Study Results Are In, and They're TERRIBLE"!  Stating, "among the confirmed injured riders, who were treated for head injury, 15% were found to have a traumatic brain injury".  It states that, "the most upbeat conclusion researchers came to" was,  that "none of the injured riders DIED during the study"!  The study began with a search for "e-scooter" related injuries in local emergency rooms, and although most injuries did not involve a motor vehicle, the study found 271 people with potential e-scooter related injuries.  160 patients were confirmed to have been injured on an e-scooter, 32 cases were probable, the rest were either "suspect" or deemed not to be related.  They were able to interview 125 out of 192 about their injuries.  They discovered that 48% suffered injury to the head and 15% of those were diagnosed with a traumatic injury to the brain.  The article also points out the obvious, that most were not wearing a helmet.  The CDC confirms this, noting that less than 1% wear helmets.  Other injuries included, 35% of riders suffered bone fractures were a common injury, excluding fingers, nose and toes.  19% of those suffering from fractures had multiple fractures to different body parts.  Also, just under half of the injured riders suffered severe injuries, with 1% of respondents reporting "sustained organ damage" and, 8% having spent at least 48 hours in hospital.  Now how sustainable is that?  The full report can be found here.  Respondents also reported that their injury involved a curb (10%), inanimate objects such as light poles or manhole covers (7%) and excessive scooter speed (37%).  The study also sites that 19% believed their e-scooter malfunctioned resulting in their injury, 50% believe their injury occurred due to surface conditions such as potholes and surface irregularities.  
"These scooters have small wheels, so if you think bad roads are rough on your car, imagine traversing them with wheels a quarter of the size, while standing up and traveling 15 mph".
                                                    ~ Car And Driver 

The study found that 1/3 of the injured suffered injury on their first ever e-scooter ride.

Kurt Bradburn Sandy City Utah Mayor

“This is a historic day in Sandy,” said Mayor Kurt Bradburn during a July 8 press conference at City Hall where the e-scooter program was officially launched. “This is a big part of our future.”  Getting people out of their cars is the only way we’re going to reduce air pollution,” he said.  Are you getting the picture?  His vision for you is you without your car!  Injured and asset stripped, 48 hours in a hospital with an income under $50,000 will do that.  It's his green agenda, otherwise known as Agenda 21 Sustainable Development and there is no place for you and your car in it!  There was one other campaign platform Bradburn ran on.

  • will propose term limits for Sandy government. 

Telling Sandy residents he will not serve more than 12 years or three terms.  I don't find much difference between Dolan and Bradburn, only that Bradburn can be found riding an e-scooter.  Maybe he should be a "one-termer"?  He may not have a head injury, but he sure is suffering some memory loss!

Learn more about Agenda 21 with updated documents titled Agenda 2030 but it still includes the goals of Agenda 21.  See posts in this blog with plenty of links.  Also check out some of my other articles here at  Here's to your sustainable future Sandy!

A taste of things to come?  More information on this to come later.  Stay Tuned!  Autonomous Vehicles and Driver-less Cars.


State worker suffers facial injury on UTA autonomous transit vehicle.  Sorry for the play arrow on the photo, I can't find an internet photo of this man and his injury.


Transit Oriented Development -

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Click this Photo to Watch the Video.


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