
Tuesday, February 4, 2025

The Canary In The Coal Mine - Maui Hawaii

Michael J. Murphy's little known film, "Hawaii Revisited", calls out like a Canary in the coal mine about the Maui Fires, and the subsequent fires including the resent California Fires of 2024/2025.

Michael's Third Film was released short of the final edit, title shortened to UNconventional Grey.

Michael J. Murphy was an award-winning director and producer, a political activist and the President of The Coalition Against Geoengineering. Michael was former President at Truth Media Productions and maker of the ground-breaking documentaries, ‘What In The World Are They Spraying?’ (2010) and ‘Why In The World Are They Spraying?’. He was working on his third film about chemtrails in 2015, ‘An Unconventional Shade of Grey’ , which he wrote would “address ways that we, as a movement, can take legal steps in demanding that all climate change laws, treaties and mandates are immediately rescinded until all geoengineering programs are stopped. It is only then that we can truly determine if the planet is warming.” Unfortunately, this important documentary was never completed.

Michael went back to Maui Hawaii for a showing of his film "What In The World Are They Spraying" in May of 2011. He spoke to groups there and documented his visit in the short film "Hawaii Revisited" where individuals, some Farmers, were interviewed about the signs in the skies and how they were effecting the plants they were producing. I found this short film, which had only 41 views on YouTube; that surprised me! Knowing the evidence that has been produced on the Maui Lahaina Fires, I found this film very telling. Bruce Douglas was one of the Maui Experts featured in the film. Bruce has been documenting the weather and the skies in Hawaii for over a decade and produced photos/video on the island and surrounding area including satellite activity for the days leading up to the inferno. Douglas also talks about this evidence on rumble. Bruce reported, like many others in Maui, that they noticed "strange happenings" that were weather related the days leading to and the day of the fires. I have the short film that I think you should see linked below.

Michael died in his sleep July 22, 2020.  A friend had a phone call with him in November of 2014 where he disclosed that he had been taking drugs to help him meet his busy interview schedule, he went silent and was later reported dead.

It was reported by Elana Freeland that Murphy was a "targeted individual" stating,

"Michael’s targeting began in 2012 just after Why in the World debuted in Los Angeles at the Consciousness Beyond Chemtrails Conference—just as he began organizing for a third film that, unlike his first two films, would not just wake the public up but rally activists around the Aerosol Collection Project while filling in their grasp of how geoengineering entails crimes against humanity because of an operating agenda for global political power. The objective of the character assassination Michael was subjected to by the usual federally protected perpetrators and “insider” trusted colleagues was about preventing the production of his third documentary UNconventional Grey. Michael managed to rally from the post-2012 assault and to all but complete UNconventional Grey before yet another, even more brutal assault began at the same time that a remarkably similar assault began on the great Canadian activist Suzanne Maher who was spreading chemtrails awareness billboards across Ontario."

Michael was described as being able to communicate well with others through his articles and interviews.

It is extremely troubling that Michael has found himself on a long list of individuals, investigative and whistleblower alike, who have been targeted by the global elite just like the Holistic Doctors in 2015. Luckily, we have his research memorialized in video. I hope you will watch his videos featured here and start your research into what is really going on.

R.I.P. Michael J. Murphy Chemtrail/Geoengineering Researcher.

Although the video below, "UNconventional Grey" was not fully edited, the film was "discovered" online by someone who stumbled upon it and shared it with the world.

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