Wednesday, October 11, 2023

WHY Does Giggles AI Bot Warriors Not Want You To See This Information?

🚨The Article DELETED by Google within 10 Days of its Publishing with NO WARNING❗️

The Article... Snakes In The Grass - "Demonizing Dr. Bryan Ardis' Research of Poisonous Snake Venom Attributes in COVID-19 mRNA, Vaccines and Treatments".

I posted this article in July of 2022, (as sent by email to subscribers).  It was not the first time Blogger has DELETED articles of mine, I can count three that were removed and I was able to get them all reinstated, but this one received ABSOLUTELY NO WARNING/NOTICE, it just VANISHED.  It took me a while to figure this out while checking a link I posted online and found this notice, "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist".  I then searched the Wayback Machine and found a 10 day window where this had taken place.  Just today I tried to replicate the search and there was absolutely no data on that web address!  I know I am just a "small fry", and I've been telling you so ever since I started publishing and creating, but I am not small enough for Google to "allow" information on these subjects.  My Article was ERASED FROM THE INTERNET!  I am trying to make a record of my publishing to try to prevent this censorship in the future, but although my articles have been linked to and published in SubStacks, American Thinker, among others my little site has been "throttled" since the beginning.  January of 2023, even after several other articles where targeted by Blogger, my visits have taken a drastic downward turn.  So if nobody is listening...why not repost this OBLITERATED Article that so threatens their Agenda?  So after over a YEAR of it missing... HERE WE GO❗️


Snakes In The Grass -

Demonizing Dr. Bryan Ardis' Research of Poisonous Snake Venom Attributes in COVID-19 mRNA, Vaccines and Treatments.

"Could what we've come to know as 'COVID-19' be caused by snake venom instead of a virus? Could all the health issues associated with COVID-19 -- including the injuries associated with COVID-19 vaccines -- actually be caused by weaponized venom from snakes such as the King Cobra and deadly Krait"? The answer, according to Dr. Bryan Ardis, is yes: "You need to treat every COVID-19 patient as if they have been bitten by a snake!" -- Dr. Bryan Ardis

Since Dr. Ardis' appearance on the Stew Peters Show, briefly outlining his extensive research on the possibility of poisonous snake venom properties in the COVID-19 Vaccines, Treatments etc.; he has been made fun of and demonized by many, including colleagues like Lee Merritt, who's research I have come to admire. The "Breaking News" episode entitled "Watch the Water" was a discussion of the Documents and Research Dr. Ardis had amassed. 

Stew Peters explained it this way:

April 11, 2022 "Dr Ardis’s father in law was killed in 9 days by horrific drug protocols for a diagnosis of the flu. Within a couple weeks, the first cases of COVID hit Texas. In the 3 months of grieving and frustration that followed the death of his father in law Weldon, Dr. Ardis discovered the alarming research studies on the failed and toxic drug called Remdesivir, (now referred to as Veklury so healthcare professionals can hide the fact they are prescribing it for patients), that Anthony Fauci professed to have been proven “safe an effective” against the Ebola Virus and Covid-19. Only to discover that Remdesivir was even more toxic and dangerous than the toxic antibiotic Vancomycin used to destroy the kidneys of his father in law. He appeared on the Stew Peters Show to talk about the drug Remdesivir, – about how this drug that completely failed at treating Ebola, that causes kidney failure, that costs a boatload of money, and that has a direct link to Tony Fauci – how that drug became the drug of choice in the Covid hospital protocol. It was a great discussion. But Dr. Ardis wasn’t done. He’s continued to look for the full truth about Covid. And just a few weeks ago, he called me. He said “I need to meet with you, in person.” We’d never met in person before, but he said it was urgent, and he didn’t want to send the information he had electronically. He said the information related to the origins of Covid-19; where it came from, what it really is, and who is really responsible for it. He said that with the information he had, everything about Covid would come together: how they track it, how the CDC predicts “hotspots,” how people fall ill and die from it". You can watch that video below:

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

All Counties in Utah agreed to be party to the CDC Surveillance Monitoring. (Go to State & Territory and type in Utah, select the county or view all). The day after this was released Dr. Merritt lead the way in attacking Dr. Ardis. My first response to this criticism was, "can you explain the DEATHS of the two researchers Dr. Ardis mentioned in his disclosure to Stew Peters"? I got no response. Had I got a response, my next question would have been, "have you read the numerous documents Dr. Bryan Ardis archived"? But, I never got to ask that question.

I waited and searched for the release of these Documents. It just so happened that Dr. Ardis went through some of his documented research on several episodes of the Mike Adams Health Ranger Show where he showed much of what he found on screen for all to see. It was composed of over 2 hours and 43 minutes. It was recorded in 3 segments, but I have made a copy that includes the Full interview. Dr. Ardis has so much more evidence than he was able to produce in this extensive interview, but what he disclosed is MIND-BOGGLING! Please watch the Full Disclosure Interview below:

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Now, before you go jumping on the "band-wagon", consider these news reports that were released as early as August of 2021 where an article in University of Arizona News writes, "Researchers have identified what may be the key molecular mechanism responsible for COVID-19 mortality – an enzyme related to neurotoxins found in rattlesnake venom". Another news outlet reported in September 2021 "University of Arizona researchers find link between COVID deaths and snake venom". And, in April 2005 Dr. Bryan Fry was featured in an article for the New York Times entitled "Open Wide: Decoding The Secrets Of Venom" where he found 19 toxins of venomous snakes. In July 2021 Moderna's own publishes this, "Moderna co-founder using mRNA technology to treat venomous snakebites". Remember, the Illuminati have to tell you their plans in order to find favor in "their gods" eyes. Could this just be ONE of those disclosures hidden in plain sight?

Dr. Anthony Fauci making Illuminati symbol at White House Briefing.

The top dog, or "King Snake" in this scenario is Dr. Fauci! He has been trying very hard the last 44 years to "resurrect" the Spanish Flu of 1918. In April of 2020 I published a video that was recorded in 2010 about Fauci's search for that flu. I believe if he could get his hands on the Black Plague he'd deploy that on humanity! He is one of MANY Eugenicists trying to depopulate the world! The list of poisonous snakes among us is long, but it must be squashed!

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Dr. Bryan Ardis follow up interview with Mike Adams:

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

⚠️ It has taken HOURS to re-create this original post.  As I had to insert the "hot links" I found that many of the links I posted were "not found" or missing altogether!  I did find work-arounds for most of the links originally posted, but some were just removed from the Internet and removed from the Wayback Machine.  THIS IS NO ACCIDENT!  America has been taken over and STRIPPED of its's Nazi Germany all over again!

⭐️ Dr. Artis recently did another interview outlining his theory.  Please watch the new video below.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

I documented a lot of the Censorship I've been experiencing in this Article.

🌟 I KNOW hearing things like this many will experience Cognitive Dissonance, because this is UNBELIEVABLE!  I know this was the case back in 2009, 10 & 11 when we were trying to WAKE UP THE MASSES about #Agenda21 also known as 2030 Agenda.  The things being exposed then are coming to fruition NOW!  We were labeled "tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists".  It is very difficult to believe that there is such EVIL in this world, but if we don't consider these plans to enslave and destroy us we will not live to fight another day!  We will be given the strength to fight and the antidote to live and ultimately overcome this evil upon us.  The #Truth is many times painful, but all truth emanates from a loving God who wants us to overcome. ✝️πŸ™πŸΌ

October 12, 2023
I am currently suffering the consequences for posting this information including in video form.  I am losing Subscribers on social platforms.  I will not stop exercising a voice of warning despite this FACT❗️

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

🚨UPDATE -  Dr. Bryan Ardis continues Blowing the Whistle on Big Pharma and their DECADES of producing synthetic Snake Venom that is causing Death through Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals and OUR FOOD❗️

"Dr. Bryan Ardis presents a groundbreaking topic titled "The Venom Industrial Complex." Dr. Ardis is excited to share this comprehensive presentation, which was previously only partially revealed at the Red Pill Expo in South Dakota alongside G. Edward Griffin. For the first time, he unveils the full extent of his findings to the general audience.

Dr. Ardis delves into the astonishing world of venom-based products and their widespread use across various industries. He explains how venoms are being manufactured in massive quantities globally and highlights their application in drugs, vaccines, cosmetics, and insecticides. The episode is divided into three segments, providing an in-depth look at each division within the venom industry.

The presentation includes visual evidence of venom production on an industrial scale, likening it to the manufacturing of illicit drugs like cocaine and methamphetamines. Dr. Ardis showcases images of venom being packaged and shipped worldwide, revealing the immense scale and hidden nature of this industry.

A key highlight of the episode is the discussion around the controversial claim that COVID-19 is linked to venom, referencing the "Watch the Water" documentary and the subsequent media reactions. Despite skepticism and criticism from figures such as Dr. Frank La Vecchio, evidence from the University of Arizona suggests that COVID-19 mortality may be related to enzymes found in rattlesnake venom."
Dr. Ardis produces the documentation to support this fact in the Video below.


The "Powers That Should Not Be" have been floating the trial-balloon the "the bird flu is coming" that will reactivate the Lockdown.  This "Bird Flu" idea is a HOAX!  To learn the truth documented throughout the decades I recommend reading Dr. Mercola's Book "The Great Bird Flu HOAX", available anywhere books are sold.  I also recommend you listen to the research Dr. Bryan Ardis shares in one of his latest Videos "Why I Am So Scared of the Bird Flu and What You Need to Know."

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Monday, September 11, 2023

Maui To 9/11 Common Denominators

As we look at these two events they both share similarities and BOTH need to be looked at and investigated by independent party's.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

U.S. Currency depicts removal of the Twin Towers on 9/11 DECADES before they "fell".

On this 22 Anniversary of September 11, 2001, also known as 9/11, I would like to share a few thoughts.  Many people have done expose's and investigations of 9/11, and this is not going to be one of those; I am just going to point out a few things I would like you to consider.  Keep an open mind and DO NOT throw commonsense out the window, in other words, don't let others through deception talk you out of what your eyes are seeing!

The minute I saw video of the Maui Fires I knew something was up!  The Hurricane out in the Pacific was my first clue.  Many of you have come to understand what you are looking at and what to look for when you see images from these fires beginning with the "Tubbs Fire" also known as the Santa Rosa Fire.

This is the Satellite View of the on the ground photo I saw after the
Tubbs Fire also known as the Santa Rosa Fire.  The fire took place in 2017.
The green patches were the clue something wasn't right.

On September 11, 2001 many photos were taken.  The photos and videos of the buildings were prevalent, but it was the photos on the side streets that held most of the clues. . . strange burn patterns on the vehicles, un-burned paper falling like confetti, perfectly round holes in glass windows and . . . DUST!  As Firefighters looked for survivors it was surprising how many remains they DIDN'T FIND!  Fast forward to August 8, 2023 and many of these same anomalies are found at the Maui Lahaina Fire.  The same burn patterns of the vehicles, trees left standing in a "supposed" 2500 degree fire that burned for hours.  Un-burned umbrellas, garbage cans and vinyl fencing and thatched roofs!  There were little remains found just like on 9/11.  Pet hair was visible in a torched car on Maui while the rest of the interior of the vehicle was incinerated and no cell phones were working! 

Other things that were strange about the Maui Lahaina Fire was that the ocean waves can be seen lapping OUT to sea and boats moored out at sea were engulfed in flames!  A blue car was only slightly melted next to the inferno just 10 feet away!  After seeing this evidence and hearing how the local Police blocked off all exits out of the area I said to myself, "this is their 9/11"!

Do you see what I see?  (Sleeping Giant) Maui Hawaii.

From 9/11 to the Maui Fire investigations have been coopted!  The narratives of both have been "controlled".  Evidence carted off in the dark of the night and creating division among the people instigated.  I don't have all of the answers but, we have so many eyewitness reports by people on the ground who experienced these events that we can conduct these investigations in a grass roots way.  I am suggesting that everyone look back at Dr. Judy Wood's evidence.  Dr. Wood has been DEMONIZED by everyone who wants to control the narrative since she presented her evidence, and I am just saying we need to give it another chance!  When I heard that there was a hurricane out in the Pacific when this was going on in combination of the photo and video evidence in Maui I was convinced Dr. Judy Wood may have the answer.

No matter what your remembrance of either DISASTER we must never forget and continue looking for answers and putting the puzzle pieces together to find the answers and expose the lies that have wreaked so much havoc on so many innocent people's lives.  We must stand for TRUTH and not be manipulated by the powers that should not be and the gatekeepers wanting to destroy anything that is good and God-fearing.  Keep an open mind and bring fourth truth.


Click the Photo to Watch the Video.


Maui/Lahaina Fire One Year Anniversary August 8, 2024.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Maui Fires Playlist:

The Plan has been in place for DECADES!

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Learn about Transit Oriented Development, or "The Projects/Section 8 Housing", otherwise known as The Slums.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

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Friday, August 18, 2023

C40 A Mayors Plan To Build Back Better & Gave Birth To The 15 Minute City

Green House Gas MUST be reduced!  This is the Plan to reduce emissions and gave birth to the 15 Minute City/20 Minute Neighborhoods.  The Graphs highlight their Plan, and should scare you.  Brought to you by Arup C40 The Future of Urban Consumption in a 1 5C World.

Their plan includes a goal of 0 (Zero) Meat consumption...0 (Zero) Milk consumption!

Clothing Goal - Only 3 New Clothing Items a Year!

Private Vehicles - NONE!

Aviation Transportation Goal - 1 1500 km every 3 Years!

Buildings and Infrastructure Goals.

C40 also advocates for forcing individuals into "making better food choices" by a top down approach, Mayor/government forcing schools and government cafeterias into ONLY providing food items that are on their "approved" list such as fruit and vegetables.  They will pressure grocery stores to only stock those approved food items and REDUCE the availability of Meat and Milk.  It also OUTLAWS public transportation and other advertising of "fast food".  C40 wants you being restricted in WHERE you eat!  They want you in a controlled environment where you are only given choices they give you.  If you study their graphs, the pressure come via Fascism where government using PPP (Public Private Partnerships)/Business Sector and the "Rich" to push their agenda claiming people will have better health and will live securely in their proverbial plastic bubble while saving the planet.

The report concludes with acknowledging that the cities must use the mantra to cut GHG as a way of controlling the individual.  Their deadline of 2020 is only prior to their pie in the sky goal of 2050.

The reason these Global Elites and their NGO/Corporations make these plans only applicable to the individual is this is the only real part of the equation they can control.  They can use there propaganda masters to guilt the individual into complying with their outrageous demands!  They have their ESG (Environmental Social Governance) to deal with the Corporations; because that's how they force compliance is through their pocketbook.  They use the force of government to try to legitimize their "rules for ye and not for me" approach.  They say, "The Sky Is Falling", "the planet will not be here in 12 years", "YOU ARE THE PROBLEM"!

Many people may be asking, "why are you continuing to focus on this Agenda"?  I do so to expose how gigantically HUGE this Agenda is that people are still so oblivious too.  This Report alone has so much attached to it.  I am going to just mention a few plans associated with this Agenda in order to open your eyes and help you understand how MASSIVE this is and how things are connected; not wanting to be exhaustive in my approach.  This thing is so big, when you read their Original Documents you understand WHY.

Although Utah Cities were not listed on this site I KNEW better!  I have since found that the Mayors of Utah Cities are listed on the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy, (C40 is one of the Alliance Partners).  Former Mayor JACKIE BISKUPSKI is featured on one of their pages as late as 2019!  More info. below.

Let's start with our current subject C40... 
"There were 97 cities in the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, which represents one twelfth of the world’s population and one quarter of the world’s economy. C40 was created in October 2005 when London Mayor Ken Livingstone convened representatives from 18 megacities to reduce climate pollution together. With the help of former US President Bill Clinton, Mayor Livingstone and the Clinton Climate Initiative (CCI) strengthened both organizations in 2006, expanding the network to 40 cities and helping cities deliver projects and project management to reduce emissions.

It was C40 that introduced the 15-minute city concept. It’s a network of mayors from nearly 100 world-leading cities working together to tackle climate change.

It’s understood that the COVID-19 pandemic played a significant role in accelerating this shift to 15-minute cities and according to Lisa Chamberlain of the World Economic Forum, “the 15-minute city grew from a “nice-to-have” to a rallying cry.”

Global organizations, such as the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group, took notice. In July 2020, they published a framework for cities to “build back better”, and the 15-minute city concept was at the heart of it. (Utah finalist in Build Back Better challenge).  The $1 Billion from the Federal Government will go to Central and Southern Utah to a "new jobs" scheme in which coal jobs are eliminated and "green jobs" are created.  Joe Biden is following through with Obama's commitment to rid America of its coal production.  The "green jobs" are what I have outlined in another article I wrote about the Great Salt Lake drying up and Lithium production by foreign corporations.

Who funds It’s a partnership with many companies including the Open Society Foundations, founded in 1993 by George Soros. Other partners include the Wellcome Trust, the Clinton Foundation and the World Bank.

There are some really powerful people and organizations behind the C40 initiative. Michael Bloomberg is the C40 Board president, C40 is also part of the Global Commons Alliance, a public-private partnership with PlanForThePlanet, the World Economic Forum, Rockefeller Foundation, WBCSD, EAT, Club of Rome, WWF, WRI, ICLEI etc. and ARUP publisher of the above Report.  (Complete list of Partners).

“15-minute city” – straight out of Agenda21/2030. Combine a digital ID, carbon credit score and their programmable CBDC token and you’ve got the makings of a digital open air prison.

As usual, ordinary people will pay for the 15-minute city. Particularly urban car owners and families who commute across town to visit relatives or friends.


The plan limits car ownership. The "problem", the growth of the middle class income resulting in more car ownership.  If you combine these plans with plans to ban gas and diesel cars by 2030, it all starts to make sense. It is part of a coercive drive to keep motorists on foot.  Using Block Chain/Unified Ledger, individuals with cars will have to count how often they use them and there will be more surveillance, permits, and penalties coming.  (These people plan to allow vehicles to "own themselves" and earn their own money; Car Dealerships are to "deploy" like a weapon their inventory into these 15 minute cities and the earnings from rides tokenized.  (Cars have rights and freedoms WE DON'T)!

No matter what is happening, it is being done outside of God-given Rights, by climate change companies/NGO and climate zealots, in the name of saving the planet from net zero destruction.

Of course in order to save the day we have to give up more and more of our privacy and liberties or be fined. The classic behavioral nudge. No it’s not a lockdown in the normal sense, but it is more authoritarian for sure. This is where we must think about our own daily routines and make sacrifices for the supposed global good. De-cabonising the west may be a way of de-industrialising the west".  Article.

This Plan has roots, deep roots!  The United Nations Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements.  These who scheme to enslave us use the excuse that the city-dwellers now outnumber the rural population; it's been their goal all along to "drive people into the cities" for control, now they want to use it as an excuse to implement their plan.  
"Sustainable human settlements development was also discussed at the second and third sessions of the Commission on Sustainable Development. "Promoting sustainable human settlements development" is the subject of Chapter 7 of Agenda 21, which calls for 1) providing adequate shelter for all; 2) improving human settlements management; 3) promoting sustainable land-use planning and management; 4) promoting the integrated provision of environmental infrastructure: water, sanitation, drainage and solid waste management; 5) promoting sustainable energy and transport systems in human settlements; 6) promoting human settlements planning and management in disaster-prone areas; 7) promoting sustainable construction industry activities; and 8) promoting human resource development and capacity-building for human settlements development".

The Planned Event of COVID-19 was successful in crashing economies, name me one that wasn't.  It was the catalyst to roll out the 15 minute city plan.  The plan was explained by supposed developer of the "idea"  Professor Carlos Moreno. Moreno was given an Award for coming up with the scheme. "As infection fears have limited transit and travel this vision of close-knit districts supported by infrastructure which allows bikers and walkers to rule-may be coming of age. Several cities around the world have used lockdowns to kick start car-free infrastructure projects.  The speed at which pedestrian, biking and scooter infrastructure has been ramped up during the pandemic shows how quickly things can change. Small tweaks to zoning or permitting for sidewalk cafes and cycling infrastructure can build momentum for larger shifts when budgets allow".  I showed you graphic depictions of what they wanted by removing cars from the streets and allowing dining, public transit and horses on the streets instead.  Remember all of the dining in the streets of New York during the pandemic?  You've got it now.  "These are just a few of the ideas that are now being implemented in favor of ‘complete neighborhoods’ or the 15 minute city.  Now more than ever we need to rebuild".  (The 15 minute city referenced to Moreno connected to C40).

These planners tell us outright LIES about their plan for us.  I will link to an online resource where Oxford City Council does this.  We have eyewitness reports of these measures being implemented and carried out as proof the plan is in motion, but Oxford City Council themselves refer to this as a "scheme"!

WEF (World Economic Forum) lacky Lisa Chamberlain wrote an article about how they got the 15 minute city jargain to "stick"!

"Urbanism trends come and go: Broadacre City, Radiant City, EcoCity. Yet the “15-Minute City” concept—which implies having all necessary amenities within a short walk, bike ride, or public transit trip from one’s home—has demonstrated stickiness not just as an idea, but as a powerful tool for action, from Paris to Seoul, BogotΓ‘ to Houston.

For longtime urbanists, the 15-Minute City seemed to merely repackage the historic urban pattern of development: walkable, mixed-used districts. Old wine, new bottle, as the saying goes. But for a new framing to ignite a global urbanism movement, clearly there’s more going on".  

The answer.... the pandemic!

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

We've now come full circle in connecting the dots in this portion of Agenda21.  It's a HUGE subject indeed; combine it with the other articles I have written most recently on Unified Ledger and you can see where they are going, if not, I've done my best to draw that picture here in any article you want to choose.  As I have said before, "they are willing to put up the funds and wait wait wait until their plan comes together"!

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

🚨Utah connections to C40 Sponsored Global Covenant of Mayors where search provides the following Utah Cities as making "the covenant" with the Globalist/WEF.  Salt Lake City, Park City (no surprise there), MOAB!  (This was a surprise)!

Visit the Site.

Follow the Money!

This video reminded me of those captivity videos where you are ordered to tell everyone you are "OK" and your captors are treating you well.  Watch it by clicking the photo below, I just wanted you to see that she is featured on the Global Covenant of Mayors with the Partners logos below; ICLEI no longer allows you to see if your city is paying them dues but this confirms Utah Cities are covertly connected to them.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Visit the Site by Clicking the Photo.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Transit Oriented Development Explained in the video below.  It's Tulsa's Plan but it was Utah a DECADE ago!

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