The Corporatocracy That Bound Ray Keller In Defending Family & Property & Stripped Him of His Firearms and Constitutional Rights
Meet Ray Keller of Utah County. He's a family man, who along with his wife, home-school their children and believe in the free-market system, until Google Fiber and Provo Police decided their rights trumped Keller's Private Property Rights and his God Given Right to protect such. Keller had repeatedly called Google Fiber to inform them not to enter his property, as they had done repeatedly in order to service their clients using the service, Keller chose not to use the services of Google and continue paying for his current WiFi and Cable Company. Although the Keller's had personally asked the servicemen to vacate his property on several occasions, Google Fiber sent servicemen in unmarked vehicles and no company logo or ID on their person to his property while he was not at home and his wife and children where home alone. After the servicemen ignored his wife's demands to leave the property Ray was summoned home, and as Keller relates,
"The Provo police eventually made their way to me in my front yard and short story, they handcuffed and arrested me in front of my family cause two men claimed that I pointed my shotgun at them. A blessing later revealed itself is that two of my neighbors witnessed all of this and saw that I never pointed my gun at anyone and are both willing to testify to this.
I'm now facing two counts of Aggravated Assault which are felonies. What that means is that I could be taken to prison and away from the family I support and protect. As I was carted away to prison the two men working for Google Fiber were escorted back onto my property without even a slap on the wrist."
In short Ray Keller will be facing trial next month and needs the help of every constitutionally minded citizen in his defense! I include his version of the events in several formats and ask that you donate to his efforts in defending himself against this tyranny.
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Ray Keller's Story In His Own Words.
Listen to Radio Interview Defending Utah on K-Talk 630 AM #LibertyLineUp The Naked Truth with Ben McClintock and Enoch Moore.
Via generosity:
"I'm gonna start with my story then introduce myself at the end. (I'll say this much now. I am a father of almost 5 (any day now) and the sole provider for my family so hopefully you will take a few minutes to hear me out and help if you can.)I've already received an email back from a friend who thinks I was stupid and wrong. I'm not saying I made the best decision and I'll be the first to say there is always room for improvement but I don't deserve prison or a felony.I live in Provo, Utah which is one of the first test cities to be blessed with Google Fiber. I say that sarcastically of course. Google Fiber gives away "free" internet service to everyone in the city, which to anyone not in Provo, this might seem like a screaming deal. I would probably agree 20 years ago but today, I strongly believe that nothing is Free and there is always a price even if it's not monetary.With that understanding, my family chose to continue to support the free market way of doing things and still pay a local provider for our TV and Internet Service rather than contribute to the entitlement mentality of get something for nothing that already plagues our great Nation.This should be the end of my story...but it isn't. It's only just begun.Over the course of many months I was continually harassed by Google Fiber reps coming to my home. My first encounter with Google Fiber, I found someone already in my backyard where I politely asked him who he was and what was he doing there. He said he was with Google Fiber and needed to access the utility line that was in my neighbor's yard and because she had a fence around her yard and I didn't, he had to use my yard. I told him that I don't subscribe to Google Fiber and I don't want him in my yard. He said he had an "easement" right granted to him by the city. I didn't understand how that could be possible since Google is a private company, so I politely asked him to provide evidence of the easement or leave. Since he couldn't, he grudgingly left against his will.I then called Google Fiber directly to notify them that I do not want to be a pest but I also don't want to be pestered anymore by their reps on my property and that I intentionally pay another local provider for their service with the sole purpose of not having to deal with Google Fiber. The attendant said that they do have an easement and that I couldn't do anything about it. I told the attendant that I expect proof of this easement, not just her word, if we are to comply. She apologized but said that there is nothing we could do about it.Over the course of many months, we were repeatedly harassed by their reps knocking at my door wanting permission to work on the pole without the proof of easement we requested. We would ask them every time to show us proof or evidence of an "utility easement" that they said they had but they would never provide it. Instead they would just get back into their little Google Fiber mini vans and appear to make a phone call then just leave. This continued for months until the day I was arrested and removed from my family and property as they were escorted back onto my property.If you don't wish to read on you can watch the video link I provided which is an audio recording I did of my story with a local radio station.I'll try to summarize my story for those that are still reading but the devil is in the details.
..My wife and kids were home alone earlier this summer. My pregnant wife was resting when a knock came at the door. My kids went and looked out the window to see who it was. There were two men in regular clothes, no uniforms except for an orange vest. (With the wisdom of my wife, she took pictures of these men later as I was carted off to jail) Because they were strangers and my kids didn't recognize them, they ignored their knock. Before long, the kids noticed the two men in our backyard. They told my wife that the two guys that knocked on our door are now in our back yard on the utility line, that again, is in our neighbors yard. My wife got up and told the kids to stay inside and she'll go try to find out who they are and why they are here.My wife then went into our backyard and asked them to identify themselves and why they are in our backyard. They said that they were with Google Fiber. My wife told them that we don't want them in our yard without proof of easement and that we've already told many of their reps that have come before. They said the same thing, that they have an easement and there is nothing we can do about it. Instead of providing evidence like we asked, they ignored my wife telling her that they too need to feed their families and basically that we couldn't do anything about it. They thought it was enough to simply identify themselves in word and that we had to take them at face value, two strangers not in uniform and without the normal Google Fiber trucks you see all around town.My wife then called me at work to tell me about the two strangers in our yard. I told her that I would come home right away. I drove home as quick as I could and came inside to grab my empty shotgun from the basement and came upstairs. My wife saw the gun and asked if I knew what I was doing. I opened my shotgun to clear it and showed my wife that it was empty. I told her that "I've thought this through, the gun is empty and that I'm not going to shoot anyone but I am gonna get these guys off our property." I walked outside and closed my shotgun out of the sight of the men but because they heard me close my shotgun, they said I racked it to shoot them.Because they heard me close my shotgun, the manager, who later admitted in court that they came in two because they knew that I didn't give permission without proof of easement to come on my property. He knew in advance that I didn't want them there but still decided to do it anyway since no one answered the door when they knocked. Once they heard my gun close and I walked into the backyard yelling "my wife's home alone and she tells you you're not welcome and you just ignore her", I said "pack up your stuff, you have 5 minutes to get your stuff and leave" As they left, they said that they would call the police and have me arrested which I said to "go ahead." I said "if you're Google Fiber I've asked you repeatedly to provide proof of easement and you just ignore my pregnant wife is unacceptable."Even with my empty shotgun they still didn't leave right away but argued with me for a bit. Once they finally left, I put my shotgun away and looked out my front window to see where they were. I saw that they were both on their cell phones probably calling the police so I called the police to let them know who I was and that my shotgun had been put away since they left my property as I asked. After I called and told the dispatcher that my shotgun was put away, i went into my front lawn and waited for the police to come and talk to me.The Provo police eventually made their way to me in my front yard and short story, they handcuffed and arrested me in front of my family cause two men claimed that I pointed my shotgun at them. A blessing later revealed itself is that two of my neighbors witnessed all of this and saw that I never pointed my gun at anyone and are both willing to testify to this.I'm now facing two counts of Aggravated Assault which are felonies. What that means is that I could be taken to prison and away from the family I support and protect. As I was carted away to prison the two men working for Google Fiber were escorted back onto my property without even a slap on the wrist.One of the police officers told me as I was arrested that if I don't like the rules in Provo that I should move. I took that advice to heart since this whole thing left me heartbroken that I could be treated like this in my own city on my own property.Here's my plea for help:I have a really good attorney, someone who loves our Country, Liberty and Freedom as much as I do and he's already working virtually for free since I don't have much money to throw at my defense. Our hands are tied since he also has his own big family to support so needs to take on full paying customers and his time is limited to help us. Since the prosecutor is only offering me one felony instead of two (out of the kindness of her heart), we've decided to fight this all the way which means going to a jury trial to free me completely. A trial by jury, as I'm discovering the hard way, is a very costly and time consuming thing to prepare for, so bare minimum, I need $7k but more likely $10k as minimum to fight this effectively.My trial is in early December and I have a final pretrial conference coming up in two weeks so I need the money yesterday but I feel blessed to find this site even this late in the game and the emotional support we've already received is nothing short of a miracle.I think it goes without saying that if you're a father, whether you agree or disagree with my choices, you would say I don't deserve to go to prison or be burdened with a felony that will make my future as a provider complicated at best.If there is anything you take away from this donate or not is that when one person's freedom is taken unjustly, no one is safe. Please stand with me to be victorious and vote with your dollars. A victory against evil benefits everyone.My name is Ray Keller and I thank you in advance for your donations and prayers."
In the words of Pastor Martin Niemöller-
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.
Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me."
Donate To Ray Keller's Defense
Kate Dalley Discusses Ray Keller's Story
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Kate Dalley Radio Show Fox News 1450 KZNU |
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November 3, 2015 |
Use the Hashtag - #StandWithRayKeller and Share on Social Media.
October 17, 2016
Please watch the video above to see a recap of Ray's story and an interview after his acquittal.
I think it is important to note that Attorney Morgan Philpot has been retained by Ammon Bundy for his upcoming trial in Nevada after the roundup the Federal Government made of individuals two years after the Protest at Bundy Ranch. If money couldn't buy a defense in this small case, how is Philpot going to provide a defense for Ammon regarding the biggest news story of 2014? And, Ammon was only the cook for the biggest part of the protest, cooking and serving food to 200 people a day. He was instrumental in negotiating a truce with Sheriff's Deputy Tom Roberts and the Bureau Of Land Management on the final day of the protest. After hearing Ray Keller's story, I for one, am very concerned! Is is too late to get Marcus Mumford back?
To keep up with the Nevada Trials better known
as the Bundy Ranch Trials
Click the text:
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Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |
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