As we look at these two events they both share similarities and BOTH need to be looked at and investigated by independent party's.
U.S. Currency depicts removal of the Twin Towers on 9/11 DECADES before they "fell". |
On this 22 Anniversary of September 11, 2001, also known as 9/11, I would like to share a few thoughts. Many people have done expose's and investigations of 9/11, and this is not going to be one of those; I am just going to point out a few things I would like you to consider. Keep an open mind and DO NOT throw commonsense out the window, in other words, don't let others through deception talk you out of what your eyes are seeing!
The minute I saw video of the Maui Fires I knew something was up! The Hurricane out in the Pacific was my first clue. Many of you have come to understand what you are looking at and what to look for when you see images from these fires beginning with the "Tubbs Fire" also known as the Santa Rosa Fire.
This is the Satellite View of the on the ground photo I saw after the Tubbs Fire also known as the Santa Rosa Fire. The fire took place in 2017. The green patches were the clue something wasn't right. |
On September 11, 2001 many photos were taken. The photos and videos of the buildings were prevalent, but it was the photos on the side streets that held most of the clues. . . strange burn patterns on the vehicles, un-burned paper falling like confetti, perfectly round holes in glass windows and . . . DUST! As Firefighters looked for survivors it was surprising how many remains they DIDN'T FIND! Fast forward to August 8, 2023 and many of these same anomalies are found at the Maui Lahaina Fire. The same burn patterns of the vehicles, trees left standing in a "supposed" 2500 degree fire that burned for hours. Un-burned umbrellas, garbage cans and vinyl fencing and thatched roofs! There were little remains found just like on 9/11. Pet hair was visible in a torched car on Maui while the rest of the interior of the vehicle was incinerated and no cell phones were working!

Other things that were strange about the Maui Lahaina Fire was that the ocean waves can be seen lapping OUT to sea and boats moored out at sea were engulfed in flames! A blue car was only slightly melted next to the inferno just 10 feet away! After seeing this evidence and hearing how the local Police blocked off all exits out of the area I said to myself, "this is their 9/11"!
Do you see what I see? (Sleeping Giant) Maui Hawaii. |
From 9/11 to the Maui Fire investigations have been coopted! The narratives of both have been "controlled". Evidence carted off in the dark of the night and creating division among the people instigated. I don't have all of the answers but, we have so many eyewitness reports by people on the ground who experienced these events that we can conduct these investigations in a grass roots way. I am suggesting that everyone look back at Dr. Judy Wood's evidence. Dr. Wood has been DEMONIZED by everyone who wants to control the narrative since she presented her evidence, and I am just saying we need to give it another chance! When I heard that there was a hurricane out in the Pacific when this was going on in combination of the photo and video evidence in Maui I was convinced Dr. Judy Wood may have the answer.

No matter what your remembrance of either DISASTER we must never forget and continue looking for answers and putting the puzzle pieces together to find the answers and expose the lies that have wreaked so much havoc on so many innocent people's lives. We must stand for TRUTH and not be manipulated by the powers that should not be and the gatekeepers wanting to destroy anything that is good and God-fearing. Keep an open mind and bring fourth truth.
Maui/Lahaina Fire One Year Anniversary August 8, 2024.
Maui Fires Playlist:
The Plan has been in place for DECADES!
Learn about Transit Oriented Development, or "The Projects/Section 8 Housing", otherwise known as The Slums.
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