Thursday, February 13, 2025
Trump Pennsylvania Assassination Attempt Comes To Light - Pres Joe Biden, Governor Josh Shapiro, FBI Christopher Wray Conspire
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
The Canary In The Coal Mine - Maui Hawaii
Michael J. Murphy's little known film, "Hawaii Revisited", calls out like a Canary in the coal mine about the Maui Fires, and the subsequent fires including the resent California Fires of 2024/2025.
Although the video below, "UNconventional Grey" was not fully edited, the film was "discovered" online by someone who stumbled upon it and shared it with the world.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
How Utah’s Elite Maintain Power While Hiding In Plain Site - SRA
We Are The People Founders (Jason & Alexia Preston) Are Being Sued by Utah Elite. The "Shadows of Power" Series About SRA.
We ARE Being Sued
Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |
Watch the Shadows Of Power Series:
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Thieves, Thugs & Grifters Never Letting A Good Crisis Go To Waste
The Lacey Nicole Montgomery Case -
Tennesseean Lacey Nicole Montgomery Grifter/Scammer in Western North Carolina SAR Team Sierra 55 leader. #RockHope "Church". |
- Hurricane Helene (/hɛˈliːn/ ⓘ heh-LEEN)[2] was a devastating tropical cyclone that caused widespread catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the Southeastern United States in late September 2024. A number of valley communities in the Appalachians in Western North Carolina were devastated and left isolated by raging torrents of rainwater and debris funneled by the mountains and hills into low-lying areas.
- Rainfall in Western North Carolina over the course of three days ranged from 12 inches to more than 31.3 inches. Another State report said the storm dumped 33 inches of water. NOAA reported more than 40 Trillion Gallons of water fell, and that Helene and other storms dumped enough rain on the Southeast the week of the storm to fill 60 million Olympic swimming pools!
Lacey Montgomery reported that she traveled with a group of over 300 members from Tennessee to North Carolina. A group so large traveling together should have been quite a sight, and should have been a feature on the mainstream news, but there is no mention of it. The next thing you see is Lacey being interviewed by Travis on some property she claims was given to her for two weeks in order to set up "operations" as leader of her self proclaimed SAR Team named Sierra 55 by Travis. Here are just a few things that I would describe as Red Flags after watching videos she was featured in.
Lacey Nicole Montgomery's First Apperance In Western North Carolina on Real Estate Mindset/Travis' Channel. |
- 🚩She tells Travis she has three children, lives in Sevierville, Tennessee; apparently this area was hit just as hard as North Carolina, yet she leaves her home state to go to Carolina!
- 🚩Lacey claims that other volunteers approached her while helping to off-load supplies and in the response to help locals in Western North Carolina that people approached her asking for assignments because the local heads were unable to organize individuals in the response effort. . . therefore she took charge and became the self important leader and organized this SAR Team Sierra 55 from other "bugged out" members, or members who left after their dogs were exhausted or dead!
- 🚩Lacey tells Travis she and her team would be in North Carolina for at least a year. I don't know any mother's that would deliberately leave their Children for a year! In a video where she tried to defend her rag-tag "team" she claims she spent donation funds to pay for her rent, and other utilities etc. in her Tennessee apartment where her children are staying with "renters". Lacey never mentions WHO is caring for her children in her absence. She claims to be 34 and her children are in the 18 - 20 year range; if she is 34 and has say an 18 year old, that would make her 16 when she had the youngest child. This could be true, but I find no evidence of that. She states that she has a companion/boy friend in this SAR Group, but there is no mention of the father of the children or grandparents that may be overseeing the children's care; although she does mention when asked by Travis, "why are you so awesome"? She replies, "a lot of my exes will say, I don't know about that". She gave an answer during an interview where she said "people ask me why I care so much"? Her answer, "I don't know, why don't you"?
- 🚩In one of the videos featuring Lacey, she asks viewers in the area to "donate a piece of land" to her; this would be, at the very least thousands of dollars, if not TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars. . . WEIRD!
- 🚩She reported she purchased a Drone for the team, but it sits on the desk during the video and she tells everyone that it does not compare to the drones of the official rescuers.
- 🚩In her first appearance in video she acts and sounds like she's been in the military, but never mentions serving.
- 🚩Lacey tells us that she is a Psych and Marketing Major who left her job 2 weeks ago to help in the recovery efforts.
- 🚩Lacey spent time at the Live Stock Regional Center (Featured in the Appalachian YouTube Channel). She has just spent her last dollar (recorded a month ago).
- 🚩Lacey relates a story about a woman with disabilities losing her wedding rings and "just wanting Dr. Pepper and Granola Bars". She says she wants to take some of the donation funds, or she'll take some gold rings, to replace the woman's loss. This woman has posted a comment on several videos about Lacey and stated that she was the person Lacy was referencing and tells everyone how Lacey lied about her. I will post a photo of the comment below.
- 🚩Lacey claims that she was responsible for Cadaver Teams dying that she "called in"; that "boots were disintegrating and that a woman suffered serious burns all over her body after taking a shower with the contaminated water".
- 🚩She "conveniently" allows her Web Site to expire just before she heads out to work with this SAR Team project . . . wouldn't you want a landing site for a project such as this? I am assuming the Web Site was for the Rock Hope "Charity" she claims to be affiliated with. She could have paid her Web Site Fees with her first donation.
- 🚩She claims the deaths are in the 10,000's of thousands NOT the 200's (and this may actually be true). Lacey also claims CPS is taking children from their parents.
Steffenie - The Aeroponic Tower Channel alerts everyone of the Lacey Montgomery FRAUD! |
The Aeroponic Tower Channel telling everyone to watch out for fraudster Lacey Montgomery and her SAR Team. |
Now let's expose the other Grifters associated with Lacey Montgomery.
- Nolan Quinton - 22 years old, I think this is the man Lacey is claiming as her "companion" as she is seen wearing his dark Aviator Sunglasses on an overcast day when she meets with Steffenie and Billy from Perma Pastures Farm at Steffenie's Tiny Home Donation Project location. Nolan is from Florida, apparently his vehicle was left in South Carolina when he came to help and was first helping unload donated supplies at the Fire Station when the volunteers were disbanded and he hooked up with James and went from a "water carrier" to Sierra 55 SAR Team member. According to Lacey, Nolan is "SAR Certified, but not with bodies".
- James Errette Dougherty - Supposedly has a certified cadaver dog; never seen on film at work looking for bodies. The dog takes a lot of time off and gets a lot of strokes while lying around and taking appointments with the Vet. James asks for someone to donate a 4x4/Side-by-Side so they can travel to search for remains. His vehicle has problems and does not have reverse.
- Johnathan Parker - 17 years old. He tells us in one video he is from Asheville North Carolina, in the other video he tells us he comes from Florida; they look to be the same person in the three videos in which a "Johnathan" is interviewed by Travis, and the "organizer" of a GoFundMe, supposedly for Laurel Taylor.
- Laurel Taylor - Reported by Johnathan to be the Teams Logistics Director, Blonde woman who when asked a question by Travis fakes a phone call and disappears to take it. This is the woman Johnathan sets up the GoFundMe in the name of.
- Juni - What appears to be a Chinese man with a southern accent.
- Mindy Barrett - Reported Industrial Construction Worker. Claims to be "helping" the SAR Team Leader, no name is mentioned. The purple haired women asks for donations of "enclosed 4x4's, Side-by-Sides, "send Dogs, Money and Supplies delivered to my house".
- Lewis - Needs Equipment and a F150.
- Travis Spencer - Lives in Texas. Creator of the Real Estate Mindset Channel. Travis has made at least two trips to the Hurricane devastated areas, first to Tennessee, then to North Carolina. The last time he showed up was in haste to defend Lacey after being "outed" as a FRAUD! He defended Lacey by claiming Steffenie defrauded/scammed her. He himself told all kinds of lies about Steffenie, which could have been avoided had he listened/watched the videos posted by The Aeroponic Tower Channel.
Nolan Quinton "SAR TEAM Sierra 55" Grifter Group sporting Aviator Sunglasses Lacey Montgomery was seen wearing in a video with Steffenie and Billy on an overcast day. |
"I am a North Carolina Nurse that contacted them through email. Met at their AirBnB this morning. As a Nurse with 25 years in Medical and Recovery fields, Lacey and her people there were not sober at 8:00 a.m. this morning, and I am very disturbed! I only stayed 45 minutes but got enough of the picture to need to get away from them. Her boyfriend was definitely on Meth or some kind of Speed. Super dark and shady. Breaks my heart that they are taking money and using it to get high and yell about all they are doing, when in actuality they are just living off good people. I met the guy who bought them the AirBnB. There is more I can say, but that is plenty. Lacy(sp?), I hope you find sobriety and don't end up in jail for this. Just stop lying . . . stop accepting money that should go to Samaritans Purse or other reputable helpers. It doesn't matter what you say or scream. You may have helped one or two, but you are not what you say. Stop while you can"!
North Carolina Nurse tells what she experienced visiting SAR Team Headquarters in a local AirBnB. |
James Errette Daugherty Arrest January 4, 2025 |
The Criminal Code listed here is merely the Penal Code of Tennessee to "Arrest w/o a Warrant & to Extradite to another State" |
Monday, November 4, 2024
Do Modern Day Prophets Exist?
The Enemy Within, a Prophecy:
Read other Prophecies by Mark Taylor. Click the Photo to Visit his Site. |
Mark Taylor "drills down" on the meaning of important revelation in the Prophecy mentioned here in the following videos. Enjoy!
The Return -
Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |
Spiritual Significance Of Trump Assassination Attempt -
Click the Photo the Watch the Video. |
Judas Kiss -
Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |
The Mixture -
Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |
The Jesuits, the CIA Activated Clergy and How Headlines Feed False Prophets -
Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |
Satan's Psyop -
Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |
The Mixture Deception and the 501c3 Baal Stronghold -
Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |
Why the 501c3 Is A Covenant With Baal -
Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |
Wolves In Sheep's Clothing, the Dangers of FEMA Clergy Response Team -
Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |
Prophetic Roundtable -
Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |
Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |
Prophetic Roundtable, Repentance -
Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |
Click the Photo to Watch the Video. |