Utah Legislature/Governor Cox Selling Utah's Mineral Rights to Large Foreign Corporations Who Are Using the Water in the Great Salt Lake to Leach Brine Rich Lithium.
Utahan's have been led to believe that Utah is in a serious drought. All media and line of sight all contribute to this illusion. But, Utah has a dirty little secret they are hiding! Underground piping from several Reservoirs, like Deer Creek & Utah Lake and the Bear, are being harvested to the Great Salt Lake. And, although the Great Salt Lake is the lowest I've ever seen it, the water was there but, "someone" decided to turn on those 1980 era Pumps without Utahan's knowledge and drain that water into the West Desert! What might the Utah governments motives be for doing this? It turns out that Utah harbors one of the largest Lithium deposits! Our Mineral Rights have been sold to large foreign Corporations like, Japan, Korea, China, Australia and Canada, and Corporations like Compass Minerals, Global Battery Metals, US Magnesium (one of Utah's biggest polluters) and Anson Resources without our consent! Utah Elected decided, with it's bureaucratic agencies, that they no longer cared about "the little guy" like the Brine Shrimp harvesters or the Sailing enthusiast's! I don't know how many of you have been out to the Docks, but the government agencies have that thing blocked off with fencing with a toll shack curtailing any human activity there. All the boats have been beached! It turns out that those human activities were not generating enough revenue for the "powers that be"! The State is claiming they own the land, including the lake and surrounding area, so they have usurped the land without the residents permission and sold it out from under us! Another question persists. Why are they hiding all of this illegal activity from Utahan's and using the draining of the Great Salt Lake as a ploy to get Utahan's to support their legislative action to burden Utahan's with rules & regulation and constructing a fine structure to keep us from using the water God gave us? No, no state or city/government OWNS that water! God gave it to us, period!
The Utah Legislature has been actually been working on this theft of water and rights for several years now. In 2018 they were taking active legal paths to take away Utahan's Water Rights. We were part of that process, not knowing what was their ultimate goal. By serving us legal summons' through USPS we were asked questions and asked to sign and return papers regarding any water right we may have. We made a call to James on May 27, 2018 and we were told that the Water Rights Public Meeting would not include anything about "irrigation, canals or ditches", but ponds, creeks, streams and wells. Our ditch was rerouted when they built homes on the family farm property behind our home in the late 90's. Jacob Anderegg let it slip that he is going to go after people who use water for agricultural purposes.
The sale of our resources to ANYONE or any Corporation or Foreign Country should be put to a vote and those who reside within the borders of this state should be justly compensated for the taking of those resources. If not, THIS IS THEFT! The People of Utah should require compensation by a Severance Tax, name it whatever you wish, when you sever our minerals from our land for profit, there is no other way to describe it. If the corporate profit is not worth that risk we keep our resources, no harm, no foul! These Corporations would pay say, 25% - 30% of their profit. The revenue generated would be given to The People of Utah in the form of Dividends. This is akin to what Alaska did, Sarah, Palin, Governor at the time made this announcement. Severance taxes not only spread the wealth, they spread income from finite resources more evenly across boom-and-bust years. (Learn the truth about big oil/fossil fuel). All being said, no matter the unconstitutionality of it all, ANYONE can see the tall tails the government and its' agencies are perpetrating upon The People by constructing a water shortage, at the very least it is immoral if not, illegal hiding the fact that The People's resources are being STOLEN!
Like Oil, Water is a "Renewable".
Everyone should learn about what is called Primary Water. It is not part of the Secondary Water System that we are taught about in school. This water is located within the earths crust and is being constantly created by the reaction between Hydrogen & Oxygen, the symbol of H2O we are all familiar with, problem is we have neglected to pursue that knowledge as it is ever present within the earth.
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Click the Photo to Go to the Publication "New Water for a Thirsty World". |
Pal Pauer’s mentor Hydrologist and Mining Engineer Dr. Stephan Riess was convinced that the primary water source for California City (California) originated from the Garlock Fault. His dream for testing his hypothesis materialized when Pal Pauer drilled two test boreholes adjacent to the Garlock Fault in the Tehachapi Mountains at a 6,000-foot elevation. The outcome is remarkable! The possibilities for water in Southern California are endless.
The World Bank is also involved in theft of water. The World Economic Forum (WEF) is also orchestrating this theft. Rancher Wayne Hage tried to warn us about this theft before his death in 2006 (watch the video in this article link).
Visit the following Articles, where corporations are not shy about what they are doing in Utah and websites to learn more about the Utah Drought Psyops and the source of Primary Water and unlimited water source if we only tap into it.
All text below are active links, please click on them.
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