Monday, November 7, 2016

Montana Disabled Veteran Joe Robertson Convicted Over Building Stock Pond

The Tyranny Just Continues

The Wild-Lands Project In Action



You might remember that Andy Johnson, the rancher from Wyoming, just won his case against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

That battle concerned their environmentally friendly stock pond on their private property. The EPA demanded that he remove the pond and threatened him with fines of $37,500 per day if he did not comply. The case was settled and the Johnson Family are happy.


He is not the only citizen that the EPA has targeted. More cases are coming to light on the extreme overreach of this organization.

Joe Robertson and his service dog, Sasha


Disabled Navy veteran Joseph Robertson, 77, of Basin, Montana, and his wife, Carri, own about 200 acres of beautiful Montana mountain land. They homestead the White Pine Lode patented mining claim that he owns, and live “green” as Robertson is quick to explain. “I’ve worked over 30 years for mining corporations and I know what contamination is.”

They lease a portion of it to the Helena Veteran’s Support group. They offer camping, hiking and more to veterans and their families. “There is a great veteran support group here,” Robertson says.

They, also, own a large Freight-liner water tender that they loan to the volunteer fire department, and share with their neighbors. Additionally, they have an outfitted fire truck, including foam, hose reels, etc. that they use with the volunteer fire department.

They love their community and are active in helping, and sharing with, their neighbors.

Due to multiple fires in the area over the past several years, Robertson has maintained and improved his property by building stock ponds for his animals and fire prevention for his and the neighbor properties.

But, he has also scrapped with the government, by way of the Forest Service and the EPA, for years. The harassment by the government began over a decade ago, complaining that he was not allowed to repair the road that leads to his private property. This came to a head in 2013 when they charged this disabled veteran for violation of the Clean Water Act.

The government contends that nine stock ponds affect approximately one-tenth (1/10) of an acre of discharged pollutants into the Jefferson River, nearly 60 miles away.

Photo courtesy of Carri Robertson


The first trial was held last year and ended in a hung jury. It would probably have concluded in favor of Mr. Robertson had the federal defender presented all of the evidence. Yet, the defense, Michael Donahoe, refused to call any expert witnesses.

The Director of Veterans Affairs for Senator Steve Daines, Denny Lenoir, was in the courtroom during the trial. Donahoe seemed upset when Robertson would consult with Lenoir. “Why are you making this political?” he complained.

Donahoe’s group had paid for, and received, an environmental impact report detailing how Robertson did NOT violate the law, yet he treated it as if it was not accurate. This report outlines the fact that there is no stream from the Robertson pond to any tributary. Donahoe’s response was that the EPA was the expert testimony, and he would rely on their report.

Donahoe has a good bio with criminal defense. Why would he choose not to use his own expert witness, and report? He chose instead to claim the EPA was the only expert testimony needed in this case.

There is a second, nearly identical report, completed by Kagel Environmental, LLC, included here. Documented by Ray Kagel, a former federal regulator, he shows that Robertson actually improved the land and could not have contaminated any US waters.

The report outlines that the alleged wetlands “is not waters of the U.S.” and it is virtually impossible for them to have a “significant effect on the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of the Jefferson River.”

Kagel spoke with Robertson’s public defender, offering to testify on Robertson’s behalf. Donahoe declined the offer and stated he did not wish to use any expert testimony. Kagel completed the report, pro-bono, for the Robertson’s anyway.

Judge Donald W. Molloy retired in 2011. Molloy was the subject of a complaint letter by Robertson some years ago, so it is surprising that, knowing there is bad blood between them, he came out of retirement specifically to hear this case. However, seeing the way this case was handled, maybe it is not so surprising after all.

A week after the first trial ended in a hung jury, Donahoe asked the Robertsons to travel to his office in Helena. Upon the return to their home, they caught two EPA agents attempting to drain their pond, trying to make a stream flow a mile down the canyon to Cataract Creek. It was a blatant attempt to manufacture evidence to support the government case. The timing does seem suspect, as they do not travel off of their property often. It just so happened that they were called away, by their attorney, during this event.

When this information was brought to the attention of Judge Molloy, the Judge did not see a problem with this manufactured evidence. In fact, this ‘evidence’ was allowed at the second trial. Robertson tells me that even Judge Molloy questioned Donahoe as to why he was not objecting to this evidence being presented. Still, Donahoe did not object.

Robertson’s water tender, photo courtesy of Carrie Robertson


The second trial was completed. During the trial, Judge Molloy seemed upset that Robertson wanted his service dog with him. Robertson was required by his attorney to get documentation that authorized him to have the dog, Sasha, in the courtroom.

The second trial ended in a conviction for this 77 year old Navy veteran. He now faces prison and hundreds of thousands in fines. This will amount to life in prison and forfeiture of his property.

“This verdict sends a message that the United States will not stand by and allow streams and wetlands of the United States to be polluted, or National Forest lands to be injured,” said United States Attorney for the District of Montana Mike Cotter.

“Today’s guilty verdict demonstrates that polluters will be held accountable for their actions.” said Jeffrey Martinez, Special Agent in Charge of EPA’s criminal enforcement program in Montana.

Mr. Robertson did not harm the environment, he actually improved it. However, the government did not control these actions, and therefore, seems intent on sending that message. Robertson, who served his country honorably, including tours in Vietnam, faces losing everything he built over his lifetime.

Robertson could now be sentenced up to 15 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. It would appear that their Federal Public Defender showed that he knows who he really works for, and it was not for Mr. Robertson. His oath to defend Robertson seemed not as strong as the oath to defend the government. In accordance with this stance, there currently is no appeal expected.



A farce of a sentencing trial took place in Missoula, Montana for Joe Robertson, the 77 year old disabled veteran that was wrongly convicted of building a stock pond on his property.

The 3-1/2 hour hearing was, obviously, designed to upset the crowd that showed up to support Robertson. Over 3 dozen citizens traveled from many states to stand by him today, showing solidarity.



The judge had several pages of speeches already written that were designed to upset and offend the spectators and Joe. The hearing began with an hour long discussion of motions that were never truly considered by the judge, as he read his pre-written responses.

While describing the trial, the judge made statements that were derogatory and inflammatory against Joe, including saying that Joe’s comments about his “beautiful ponds” were non-responsive to the court. Judge Malloy also said that Joe was only attempting to gain sympathy with the jury through those statements, as if it were wrong for Joe to want the jury on his side.

Malloy commented on Joe’s attempts to bring evidence into the trial showing the EPA agents blatant manufacturing of evidence as “just not true” and that Joe’s “antics” were just making everyone’s job more difficult.

Malloy went on to say that one day when Joe was late for court, this just showed that Joe had a complete disregard for the law.

Sasha, Joe’s Service Dog, after the sentencing hearing.


Prosecutor Nelson had his turn next, and stood at the dais and completely maligned Joe and the spectators. At one point, Nelson turned to look at the crowd, waving his hands around at them, and implied that we were there because Joe flat out lied to them, and that was another reason that Joe should be locked up.

When he first started referencing the crowd, there was an audible commotion, as it was designed to do. Calls were heard of “incitement” and “offensive” and Judge Malloy decided it was time to start throwing people out of the courtroom. Maureen Peltier was first to go and Shari Dovale was the second person removed as she “inappropriately coughed” when the people in the gallery were referenced as Joe’s “Malheur Friends.”

Additionally, Nelson referenced an interview with John Jacob Schmidt, from Radio Free Redoubt, and said that Joe had threatened the Forest Service and the court with statements on the show saying that he (Robertson) will avail himself of his 2nd amendment rights.

Nelson said that the Forest Service Officials heard the threats and they had a “chilling effect on them.” This was to imply that Joe was a danger to society, all over a few stock ponds for fire prevention.

Nelson continued on with Robertson’s statements that the public defender was not doing his job. The prosecutor proceeded to defend the defense attorney for doing such a wonderful job, (and losing on every point). Don’t forget that Mike Donahoe, the defense attorney, refused to submit evidence of an environmental impact report that exonerated Robertson. There was an expert witness, Ray Kagel of Kagel Environmental, on hand today to testify on Joe’s behalf. The Judge refused to allow not only the testimony, but the admittance of the report that Kagel prepared for him.

Sasha, still looking for her Master after they took him away in handcuffs.


The defense attorney, Mike Donahoe, must have been basking in this bliss because he never once made a single objection to the slanderous statements the Judge and the prosecutor were making. Not a single objection. He also did not attempt to have Kagel’s report or testimony admitted into the record, leaving that to Joe and the spectators to question.

The results of the hearing had Joe sentenced to 18 months in prison and 3 years of probation. They also fined him $130,000 to repair his “damage”, $12,000 in attorney fees, and other various fines.

They also stripped him of his second amendment rights for life, told him he was not to be with anyone that had guns, and he is not allowed to have any surveillance equipment, recording devices, or other protection at his home or on his person as they might interfere with the police.

They took him straight from the courtroom in handcuffs without even allowing him to say goodbye to his wife, Carrie, or reassure his service dog, Sasha.


This was a Kangaroo Court that was worthy of an Oscar. It was an ambush from before it began. The Department of Homeland Security was in a building across the street, second floor, recording the protesters. The FBI made a huge presence for intimidation only.

The protesters, however, were expecting them, and did not feel the scare tactics. It takes Patriots like Joe and Carrie Robertson, as well as the people that traveled to be with them that day, to stare down this out-of-control government.

They have gone full Monty on the citizens and exposed the naked truth. The citizens of this country are under tyranny. We must take our country back!

Thanks to Shari Dovale - ReDoubt News

Immediate Help Is Needed!


Joe has since suffered a medical condition, possibly a stroke, that has left him with double vision and multiple related symptoms.  The prison has refused to provide him medical exams and treatment only providing him water as a placebo.  He is also being denied visitors that made Joe's acquaintance prior to his trial, but the Federal Bureau of Prisons will not allow them on the visitor list because they are labeled as "Protestors"!  These citizens are trying their best to "Love Their Neighbor" but the government has placed labels upon them via the unlawful acts such as The Patriot Act, The Freedom Act, NDAA etc.

Please do what you can to help Joe and his wife Carri.  Donate:

Register Number: 13726-046

Contact #1 Federal BOP CALL DC OFFICE (202) 307-3198
Inmate Concern Form

Contact #2 Colorado Senator Cory Gardner (local office has been very helpful)
P: (202) 224-5941
Form to email Senator Cory Gardner

Please sent as registered mail to the below
Colorado Senator Cory Gardner
354 Russell
Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Federal BOP
Federal Bureau of Prisons
320 First St., NW
Washington, DC 20534


Joe Robertson Montana Tells His Story - EPA Taking Property Rights via Waters Of The U.S.


Click this Photo to Watch the Video.


The DOJ, Federal Prison System and US Marshall's continue their abuse of Joe and many other federal prisoners violating basic human rights.  Joe Robertson, his family, friends and concerned citizens have serious concern for his health and safety.  Although help has been requested repeatedly for US and State Congressional help on Joe's behalf, it has fallen on deaf ears!  The prison system alone fails to contact Joe's wife Carrie in regards to Joe's health and whereabouts.  The prison system is further abusing Joe by not allowing him phone calls and commissary, not to mention withholding medical exams and treatment.  We are asking all concerned individuals from across the US to take action on Joe's behalf.  Media coverage of this abuse in the Federal Prison System is greatly needed at this time as prison abuse has become the norm.  Special efforts in the western states in California, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, Utah and Colorado your immediate action is needed.  Please contact any and all of your media outlets and State and US Congressmen.  A sample letter/script is provided below.


In regards to Joseph David Robertson 13726046

We as concerned Americans are notifying the Warden and Staff of FCI Englewood about the public's concern from all over the nation about medical neglect and abuse documented and recorded. We have seen news articles regarding this, and also heard Joe's story on radio shows. We also heard from Joe himself and his family. Joe is in fear for his life because of the lack of medical care since being in the custody of the Bureau of Prisons since July 20th 2016. Joe has severe PTSD and requires specific medication that keeps him healthy.  It is our understanding the Bureau of Prisons has not regulated his medicine and not provided the care equal to that he was receiving from the VA before he was incarcerated. When he was at the Crossroads facility in Shelby Montana he suffered symptoms of a stroke and still has double vision from that episode. He has not received a CT scan to this day or a medical exam at a hospital. Joe has made statements of his heart skipping beats and not working properly. On November 2nd 2016 Joe passed out in his counselors office stating, "it seemed like the second episode of what happened in Shelby Montana, possibly a stroke". He was not taken to a hospital, he was not provided medicine, he was not given any blood work. He did receive an EKG although Joe thinks the EKG doesn't seem to have read right. Joe could feel and hear his heart not working properly. He was given a cane and told to walk down 3 flights of stairs back to his pod. There are elected officials involved who are trying to help but the report is, "your staff delayed and interfered with that important special/legal mail to get to those elected officials in a timely manner" so that they can request Joe get a medical exam and have visitors on his list. We are reporting concerns about legal mail right violations for Joseph David Robertson a 77 yr old Navy Vet. Legal marked mail requires that Joe be present if the staff needs to check it. We want Joe sent to a hospital immediately to be evaluated by a third-party medical doctor and receive a CT scan for stoke symptoms. We request that his legal mail rights not be violated by your staff. We request that your staff call his wife, family and friends back. Also, reply to all emails please! Joe also has rights to visitors, he has family trusted friends close by FCI ENGLEWOOD who should be approved on his visitor list. He also has people from out of state who have applied to be on his visitor list and have not received a call back or emails letting them know if they are approved to come see Joe. A big common concern and feedback is whenever your facility is called either no one answers, you get transferred around, or you might get a voicemail, but no one ever received call backs in regards to Joe Robertson. We learned that Joe was put in solitary confident for about a week without medical care, this is cruel and unusual punishment. A report we just learned of, we feel that Joe having his phone and commissary taken away for 60 days during the holiday season and while he has needs from the outside to help him is wrong and ask that this be retracted.
Thank you,
Concerned American

*I find it interesting that any link for when clicked comes up with an error message "server not found".  I have tried accessing the link several different ways with the same result, and there's nothing wrong with my internet connection.  I am posting some information for helping Joe in this situation below, but you can also find it in the "show more" in the video description.  Thanks!

Please read all, understand it's long but feedback from ya'll helped with a one stop place to have all the information needed. God Bless!
Need thousands of contacts NOW to HELP JOE (calls and emails)
Joseph David Robertson 13726046 NEEDS HOSPITAL AND DOCTOR NOW!! PLEASE!!!! SEND HIM MAIL and Donate please!!

Recorded call from Joe himself- NEED PRAYERS!!!!!

Main number for voicemails (303) 763-4305
Leave voicemail listen to example in video link

Opt 1 Email: ENG/
Opt 2 Federal BOP CALL DC OFFICE (202) 307-3198
Opt 3 Inmate Concern Form

Ken Buck
Phone: 202- 225-4676

Mike Coffman
Phone: 202-225-7882

Colorado Senator Cory Gardner (local office has been very helpful)
P: (202) 224-5941
Form to email Senator Cory Gardner

TRUMP!!! Load it up please for all the P3s!!

Media blast!!!! Please use the links and numbers below and send message and call please!!! #FreeJoeRobertson
Need them to cover Joe!!
77 yr old Navy Vet Joe Robertson is in fear for his life at FCI ENGLEWOOD.

Tell them to check messages from Lindsay Szymanski and Ollie Smith.

Fox 31 Denver
Call +1 303-566-7600…/contact-the-fox31-denver-problem-solvers/

Channel 9 Denver or 303-871-1848

Our favorite for truth Dennis Michael Lynch
Fill out form.

Joseph David Robertson 13726046

☆Phone 720-464-3669

Listen to "Phone Call From Joe Robertson November 2016 Outlining Prison Abuse" on Spreaker.


September 7, 2017

Joe was released from a Colorado Prison Thursday and was put on a bus home to Montana.  Watch as he departs the bus to awaiting supporters.  He will be going to a halfway house. Keep an eye here for updates on the outcome of his appeal.  Click to view Joe's release and homecoming in the photo/link below.

Joe Robertson Navy Vet Comes Home To Montana After Being Imprisoned for Building Ponds On His Property

 Read the Appeal filed on Joe's behalf.


Joe Robertson Montana Appeal To 9th Circuit Court - EPA Waters of the U.S. 

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.



November 27, 2017

Joe Robertson was denied his Motion To Appeal by the 9th Circuit Court Of Appeals and will travel home to Montana upon his release from a halfway house Friday December 1, 2017. 


Update -
April 1, 2019

After being imprisoned by the feds for digging ponds, Joe Robertson has died.



The Supreme Court is expected to decide in April whether it will hear Robertson’s appeal.

Robertson, sentenced in 2016, completed his 18 months behind bars in late 2017.

He was still on parole for the next 20 months when he died March 18 at age 80 of natural causes, according to his widow.

Pacific Legal Foundation filed papers this week to substitute Robertson’s widow, Carri Robertson, as the petitioner in the appeal to the Supreme Court.

Click this Photo to Watch the Video.


Wednesday, August 24, 2016

What Evil Lurks In the Hearts Of Men...

Only The Shadow Knows!

  A Blog Episode You Really Have To LISTEN to.


“Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows!” The opening lines of the “Detective Story” program captivated listeners and are instantly recognizable even today.  One of the most popular radio shows in history debuted in August 1930.

"A figure never seen, only heard, 'The Shadow' was an invincible crime fighter. He possessed many gifts which enabled him to overcome any enemy. Besides his tremendous strength, he could defy gravity, speak any language, unravel any code, and become invisible with his famous ability to “cloud men’s minds.”

Along with his team of operatives, the Shadow battled adversaries with chilling names like The Black Master, Kings of Crime, The Five Chameleons, and, of course, The Red Menace."



It all started as I was doing some group training Monday night August 8th. LISTEN: One of the members shared a scant bit of information that he had heard that Ryan Bundy was "missing" from the jail in Oregon in which he's been incarcerated since January 27, 2016.  I immediately went to searching the internet for details and could not find anything!  Not a peep from the Oregonian/Oregon Live!  Later that evening, while working with another group, I asked them "if they'd heard anything on the subject"?  "Nope"!  I also asked if there was "anything we could do"?  I asked the leader of the group if he could contact Shawna Cox and ask her if she could find out what she could on Ryan's status, since she was in Oregon for hearings, and get back to me ASAP with the details.  I waited for days without word from him.  I spent many sleepless nights as the details came trickling in, via social media, detailing the abuse Ryan was being forced to endure by the DOJ/Courts, US Marshall's, Sheriff's Department and Jail Personnel.  It seems that not even his family had been notified of his taking and the abuse with injuries he suffered!  Finally on Thursday, while listening to the radio, I heard Kelli Stewart's account of what information she could find out regarding Ryan's "abduction" and abuse he endured by all of the above.  Instead of being informed by my group member, I had to hear it second hand on the radio after tipping him off.

You can see how it's not hard to draw the parallel between a 1930's radio series that portrays a team of operatives who uncover the "sinister" and battle unsavory adversaries.  In short.  We now have evidence, from multiple sources, that "evil" exists in our "Justice System", or in-justice system.  In today's backwards world where parental rights are being abolished by government agencies for homeschooling their children, exempting children from being vaccinated and refusing to "chemo" their kids with cancer!  Let's put "the system" to work investigating these men and women who are committing obvious abuse against "we the people".  Why are these operatives exempt?  Why are they still "on the job"? Why do these people still have their wives and children? Why do they HAVE a job!  All of their actions are unconstitutional all the way up the chain!  These operatives are just as bad as "the Black Master, Kings of Crime, the Five Chameleons, and the Red Menace"!



The evil perpetrated on Ryan during this "incident" has been witnessed by several people and they should serve as affidavits against the DOJ/Courts, Judges, US Marshalls, Sheriff Department and Jail Personnel, cameras be damned!  I believe that one of the reasons they inflicted this "mayhem" on Ryan, and also their retaliation on Ammon after testifying of Ryan's abuse by ransacking his cell.  Removing his belongings. Charging him with having "contraband" consisting of salt and pepper, and putting him in solitary, is that the public have been doing their do diligence in watching how the prisoners are being treated and petitioning for their release.  Also, if they remove the bullet the government removes the political prisoners defense.  Kelli herself testified to the fact that they were making an example of Ryan, Ammon and the other 31 prisoners and the other 3 they beat up.  We are putting you on notice.  We are watching, and we will testify to your evil deeds!  We will clean up our government by taking control of the courts and the injustice system our "government" has created.  We need to cut off this "cash cow" of a system that funds judges, attorneys, sheriffs departments, and government at all levels.  It is operating as a for profit system and this takes the constitution and compassion out of it.


We have an opportunity to up-root this system in Utah.  With the new #prisonmove in which Utah "lawmakers" voted to move the existing Draper prison to Salt Lake City and greatly increase its size.  Utahan's should be ever vigilant in making sure NONE of these injustices continue in our system.  We need to insist on public oversight that guarantees EVERYONE'S constitutional rights are preserved.  That we NEVER have a for profit system here.  That our county Sheriff's Department is accountable to the public for the operation thereof.  That the incarcerated don't have to pay for their own incarceration including GPS tracking devices, this is the governments way of asset-stirpping the incarcerated.  This "big build" should alert everyone to something...they intend to put us in it.  Their intention is to make big money at it, and to make you poorer, to take away your right to vote and your firearms and to have you labeled "crazy" insisting you be medicated.  It all sounds pretty sinister, but that's the agenda.  Utah, be vigilant!

We, as the people, are insisting that a grand jury be assembled.  That an investigation be conducted regarding the justice system, the jail, the sheriff's department including personnel involved concerning this incident involving Ryan Bundy's abuse and mistreatment including the subsequent actions against Ammon and the other 31 persons retaliated against in respect to Ryan's incident.  That the personnel be removed from their assignment or terminated at the jail including, and especially Sergent Sanders, Deputy Rose, Sergent Jacobs, Captain Petersen, Lieutenant Alexander, US Marshalls and all those the grand jury investigation uncovers.


A list of our grievances are the following: 

 On the spot hearings not on the docket and held without an attorney present.

 Mandatory medical exams, x rays, including surgery.

 Abducted from jail and driven around town without notifying family or others of removal.

 Head being hit on concrete.

 Being pushed down the stairs.

 Jeering/laughing by on duty officers while watching abuse.

 Turning off phones to silence public outcry.

 Legal Docs vandalized and confiscated.

 Gash on back of head.

 Bruises on face.

 Not informing family and attorneys of whereabouts.

 False accusations of officer abuse.

 Limiting phone call time.

 Denying phone use.

 Being left in holding cell for hours on end without breaks or food.

 Solitary confinement.

 Mental/psychological abuse.

 Rooms being ransacked.

 Photos being ripped of walls and vandalized.

 Secret proceedings.


 False and fraudulent documents.

 Assassination attempt.

 Fowl play.

 Insufficient notice of hearing.

 Violating constitutional rights.

 Not allowing preparation for defense.

 False reports.

Among others.  The American People will have justice if it takes overhauling the whole system including the American Bar Association and it's Judges.

The People are, and have been, filing legal documents on behalf of the wrongfully imprisoned including Affidavits, Habeas Corpus', Letter of Clerk Concealment, Jurisdiction Memorandum, Motion to Release and Order of Protection among others.  A copy of the Oregon Docket is available here and Oregon Contempt of Court Documents are here.  View the files and updates to court filings here.  This is no joke!  We are holding their feet to the fire.  They must comply as we play by "their rules".  Justice will be served...constitutionally.  Join us!  Educate yourselves and your neighbors.  Make a phone call.  Write a letter.  File an Affidavit.  Make a record of their "evil deeds".  Help us uncover this corruption.  With patience and compassion we will act as we "battle our adversaries".  They will "lurk in the shadows" no more!


LISTEN: Hear the chilling testimony of the July 18, 2016 court hearing in which Ryan and Ammon Bundy testified and LaVoy's testimony was heard via video and the DOJ heaped on false claims.

                        ~Ollie Smith Colorado

LISTEN: Ammon Bundy's Letter to female Oregon Deputy, one of whom is violating his rights.  Sounds a lot like the grievances I recited with my call to Oregon and Nevada.

LISTEN: Ammon Bundy testifies of abuse and assault to Ryan August 8, 2016.

LISTEN: In Ryan's own words, he tells of the account on August 8, 2016 in which a conspiracy took place in which he was lied to and assaulted and abused.  He also releases the "bombshell" that three of the female nurses who looked after his arm and LaVoy Finicum on the night of January 26, 2016 have mysteriously died!  He also lists his injuries which occurred, in part, when Sergent Sanders tried to throw him down the stairs where another inmate was paralyzed do to a "fall" a week prior by tactics by the same officer.


Injuries Ryan Suffered At Hands Of Jail Personnel:

 Wrists dislocated.

 Left thumb dislocated.

 Spinal vertebra dislocated.

 Bruised and swollen right knee.

 Left knee also sore.

 Many bruises on head and face.

 Loss of faith and hope having no protection from sworn servants.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

A Gross Miscarriage of Justice-The Hammonds In the Hands of a Corrupt Government




Oregon Rancher Writes Letter To The LDS Church Seeking Support For The Political Prisoners In Oregon and Across America.


Public Abuse From Every Level Of Government



August 24, 2017
Call CCA/Core Civic/ Southern Nevada Detention Center and ask to speak with the Warden.
Ammon Bundy is very disappointed in Core Civic/Prisons for profit right now. After going back on their word regarding him NOT being strip searched, they handcuffed him (and his brother Ryan) and then cut all his clothes off with scissors and hauled him into solitary confinement last Friday, where he now sits. The first 3 days they deprived him of his belongings; no books, no legal documents to work on, no Bible. Just walls to stair at for 72 hours. Then they finally gave him some books and a note pad but would not give him his pencil to write with. He not only keeps a journal every day but he also writes all the things he finds in discovery for later research in the Law Library for his upcoming trial. (He's been learning much about Steve Myhre that he says will make your mouth drop in shock)... He would appreciate being released from solitary confinement but at a minimum he would like a pencil to continue working on his case.
Perhaps you could call the jail and let them know that profiting off of hostages is a sin and slavery is illegal and that Ammon AND Ryan would like to be released from the hole immediately.
As always, be courteous but firm. This must stop!



September 13, 2017

Ryan Bundy's Stand By Counsel, Angela H. Dows, Seeks Withdrawal As Counsel.


Update ~

February 6, 2019

Ryan Bundy has made a motion to file Suit against the Nevada DOJ Attorney's in his case and other government officials who plotted to kill his family and take away their livelihood in 2014, and as early as 2012.  Ryan, through his incarceration, was subjected to much abuse.

Here the interview with Ryan Bundy and Larry Klayman Attorney, who is taking the case Ryan has filed to Sue the Nevada DOJ Attorney's in the case that was dismissed with Prejudice against him December 2017.  You can contribute to Ryan to ease his financial burden by sending donations to Ryan Bundy 361 Riverside Road Mesquite Nevada 89027.  You may contact him via email at .  Ryan, despite he not winning the governors seat in Nevada, may still accept financial donations to cover that cost a year after the election. 



Click the Photo to Watch the Video.





Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Utah's Appeal For Redress Of Grievance For Imprisoned Patriots

Will You Take 10 Minutes To Love Your Neighbor?

Maybe this is news to you.  There are over 40 men and some women being held IN PRISON before trial, mostly in the western states, in connection to the STAND UP in Bunkerville Nevada and Burns Oregon.  The US Attorney's Office, in conjunction with the US Marshall's, are holding them against their will and depriving them of their Constitutional Rights!  

  • In order to be imprisoned, you must be guilty of a crime, verdict being handed down by a jury of 12 of your peers, not a judge!  They have not been given their right to a speedy trial!  

  • You must first have committed a crime causing injury to a man, not a government!  They committed none!  

  • They MUST be allowed to prepare for their own defense.  They are being denied communications while in prison with those who are helping to defend them, even refusing to forward legal documents and communications from council!  

The US Attorney's Office have cast their "vindictive dragnet" pronouncing them, "guilty before proven innocent!"  Violating their 1st Amendment, 2nd Amendment, 4th Amendment, 5th Amendment, 6th Amendment, and 8th Amendment rights!


I am asking you to CALL the US Attorney's Office, a short 10 minutes is all it takes!  Please be courageous and courteous as you call and kindly ask to speak to US Attorney Williams.  If he is not available, leave a message for him by explaining your grievances to the person on the phone.  Try to avoid being directed to use email.  The person answering the calls may tell you they are not the person or department you need to speak to.  Ask them, "with whom do you recommend I speak to"?  This is just their attempt to silence us.  Call at least once a day.  We must be persistent in order to be effective.  Ask your friends and family to help in our efforts to effect a release of our neighbors and fellow American's.  Share this post on social media and email to your fellow Utahan's especially, we have members of our community being fed to the wolves by our unconstitutional Sheriffs and complicit bureaucrats.  Use the short "cheat sheet" below and come up with a few points of your own.  Educating the US Attorney's Office on the Constitution is the first step. 


URGENT! CALL US Attorney Billy Williams Oregon:503-727-1000

CALL U.S. Attorney Daniel G. Bogden Nevada:702-388-6336


Talking points: 

Being denied their 8th amendment right to bail.
Violating the 8th amendment - cruel and unusual punishments inflicted. 

Cruel: Not seeing their family.

Cruel: Not being able to prepare for trial.

Cruel: Being forced to sit in their own waste.

Cruel: The government is bankrupting them, because they can’t work and provide for their families.

Why are they in jail for just taking pictures?
How will they prepare for their defense, if they’re locked up?
If you were pending trial, wouldn't you want the same rights extended to you?
These men need to go home to their families!
Will the protestors get the same deal as Hillary Clinton?

They are no threat to the safety of society.

These people have already been put in jeopardy and impoverished so reasonable bail is a must!


Jehovah taught through His parables how we should prepare ourselves, be good stewards and use our talents in bringing about His will and His judgements upon us and our nation.  Let us serve Him by loving our neighbor.

 35 For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:
 36 Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me."
 "40 And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." ~ Matthew 25


Ammon Bundy's Letter To Oregon Deputy




I placed a call to the US Attorneys Office In Oregon, here's how it went.  Listen clear to the end, you don't want to miss it!


A copy of the Habeas Corpus has been filed for the patriots that protested in Oregon.  View it here.

A copy of the Habeas Corpus has been filed for the patriots that participated in the Stand Up in Bunkerville.  View it here.


I placed a call to the US Attorneys Office In Nevada, the Receptionist said, "nothing gets to Daniel Bogden without going through Ashland Brown, his Legal Secretary."  Here's how it went.


BREAKING! Nevada Assembly Women Michelle Fiore Drops Bombshell About Evidence In Patriots Cases:




Michelle Fiore Reveals MORE of Why This Case Is Being Done In The Dark. 



A Gross Miscarriage of Justice-The Hammonds in the Hands of a Corrupt Government


Oregon Rancher Thom Davis Pens Letter To LDS Church Seeking Support For The Political Prisoners In Oregon and Across America.



More Prisoner Abuse!



Join Us In Petitioning Utah Representatives


More on Utah's Efforts on Redress of Grievences 



Click here to watch Carol Bundy address Government Leaders & Corrupt Courts

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Watch a Documentary by David Michael Lynch about Bundy Ranch here.
