Friday, November 6, 2020

Voter Fraud Election Sting Containing QFS Blockchain Watermark Is More Than Meets The Eye!

Trump's Plan For The "Reset" Deployed To Expose Voter Fraud.

There is a lot of discussion about the attempted voter fraud across America in ballot counting since November 3, 2020.  It was first floated on twitter that a "sting" operation was underway to expose such fraud.  No one on the platform I am "allowed" to be on, which is gab, had produced any concrete information, as I asked for those making the claims to provide links to their evidence.  After about 12 hours no one had produced any proof, so I set to sleuthing and this is what I came up with.  I first posted to the gab thread and then pinned the information I found to my profile.  I'll paste it hot and dirty like the original I shared with others who were backing up my request for evidence.  I will leave a link so you can see the original.

I posted:  "In an effort to find out #TheTruth about the Military verifying Election Ballots and exposing the FRAUD, I have tried to track down the "Watermark/Hologram" theory.  Here is what I found:

OK Everyone!  It appears this "Watermark" claim originated from someone on twitter named David Burney.

It is gaining traction by others repeating it on twitter.  I found this as an additional source on the DHS Watermark.

Tracing this back, it appears the DHS is referenced in securing elections in this 2018 article, but does not dictate what the security measures should be.

A comment on this message board led me to this organization.  This information, and that from the DHS Statement encourage STATES to implement Security Measures, which MAY include special papers, watermarks and bar/QRL Codes etc.  The States are in charge of implementing their own measures.  It does appear that the Trump Administration HAS been working on encouraging Security Measures FOR the 2020 Election.  In scanning over the above document I was only able to find vague reference to the Security Measures tweeted about.  It may include the Military/National Guard Troops that were deployed to 12 States."

I posted this photo indicating the only Federal Agency who Implicated Security Measures was the USPS.

And a link to this video.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

I resumed my sleuthing this evening and found more information on Trump's "plan" Steve Piecznek referenced in the above video.  This is what I found.

⚠️ You may have to enlarge the your view/window in order to read the screenshots.  My browser allows me to click the photo and it will automatically enlarge, or just visit the link in the section heading above.

The original video from April 2020 the site referenced was deleted by YouTube, but I found an updated version posted in October 2020.  View the video below.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Clark County Nevada Ballot claim of QFS Watermark.

The reason I am posting on this subject is because, as I see it, it is related to the Financial Reset and may be in conjunction to the Global Reset.  In my reading of the document displayed above, it does look like a good thing in protecting us.  I am hoping that it will be a true protection of individuals currency, in whatever form you prefer,  that we will be protected from the Federal Reserve and the Global Bankers.  The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is designed to protect our hard earned dollars, individually, because they each contain this code, and protect us from monetary asset forfeiture by the International Cabal.  The documents reenforce that fact that it is backed by gold and levels the playing field across the U.S. Dollar, Yen, and EU currency.  Although there is a focus on AI, we must remember that these systems can be used for GOOD!  This system appears to be set up to do just that!

⚠️All the links printed below are legitimate links.  Please ignore Google/Bloggers attempt to warn you about the content I would like you to see.  This is a new ploy for Google to censor.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
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Tuesday, October 20, 2020

If Christians Only Knew - Rush For A Cure SARS CoV-2 Ethics

Trump's talk about his bout with COVID-19, Antibody Cocktails and Regeneron, but he should really be talking about Vaccine Ethics.

President Donald Trump Announces Treatment He Is Receiving After Being Hospitalized Fro SARS COV-2/Coronavirus October 2020.

The White House's announcement that Pres. Donald Trump was suffering from mild symptoms of COVID-19 which included fever and congestion, after a test result was returned positive for SARS-CoV-2.  Do to his symptoms Trump was transferred to Walter Reed Military Hospital.  It was there Trump reported receiving this COVID cocktail which included Dexamethasone, administered as drops in his oxygen treatment.  It is said to dampen the body's immune response which may wreak havoc during the late stages of COVID-19, the side effects of which are agitation, paranoia and even psychosis.  Pres. Trump's Physician  said he was also given Zinc, Vitamin D, Famotidine (widely known as Pepcid for heartburn), Melatonin and an Aspirin daily and a course of Remdesivir which has been helpful in treating modest cases of COVID-19.  Filling out the cocktail, Regeneron at the dose of 8 grams, Trump's personal physician said the president was negative for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies when he received the cocktail.  The co-founder of Regeneron, George Yancopoulos, was unsure why Trump's physician chose an 8 gram dose, although he stated "the higher dose may more powerfully beat back the virus".  Regeneron, at this point, is only experimental and has not been "approved" by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration), but Pres. Trump was administered the drug via the "expanded access/compassionate use" policy 21 CFR 312.310 in cases of emergency.  It is important to note that Regeneron is developed using unethical cell lines in labs in big pharma and small biotech companies including Eli Lilly, Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino (Beijing), Inovio, Johnson & Johnson, Novavax, Sanofi Pasteur, ClaxoSmithKline, Sinovac and Merck.

There are several vaccines and medicines using other aborted fetal cell lines such as PER C6, HEK-293, IMR-90, IMR-91, WI-26 AND lambda hE.1.

So what's the ethical question concerning the development of Regeneron and vaccines by other pharmaceutical companies in the race for a COVID cure? Although the question was asked in ScienceMag they are duplicitous in their answer.  "Were aborted fetal cells used to make Regeneron"?  Their answer was "No".  Trump's were not made from "inline" fetal cells.  The truth is those doses of Regeneron did contain human embryonic kidney cells!  ScienceMag even tells us exactly where they came from!  An aborted fetus of a baby girl in 1972 from the Netherlands.  Roe vs Wade, the abortion bill, was passed in 1973 in the United States.  They are playing ethical gymnastics with the facts inserting the caveat that they were from "ethically aborted" human embryonic kidney cells.  In a Christian world there is no such thing.  And, this is where Christians need to take a second look at Trump.  He claims to be a Christian, but is uneducated about where his "treatment" comes from.  Now, Trump is a smart guy.  I mean, people say that he's playing 4D Chess out there, but he was not told, or has not educated himself about the treatment he was given.  Maybe he has too much "faith" in the pharmaceutical industry and the Medical Industrial Complex.  ScienceMag continues there double speak while denying Regeneron used HEK-293 saying, "no cells from aborted fetuses or human embryos were used" in the humanized mice created with a humanlike immune system.  The fact is, the way these "humanized mice" are created in the lab is by extracting human gene's and inserting them into mice!  These labs, like those at Regeneron, are playing god by making a new mouse, propagating them and selling them on the open market.  Regeneron's humanlike mouse has been named VelociMouseThis is un-Christian.  According to the World Health Organization there are 120 vaccines in development and 10 are already in clinical trials.  Regeneron's own website says it normally takes around 20 years to come up with these medicines but through using these methods they are accelerating the process.

This does not stop with HEK-293 from that baby girl in the Netherlands and developed into a cell line in the lab in 1973 after Roe v Wade.  I
HEK-293 one of the cell lines used in these humanized mice used by Moderna, AstraZeneca, CanSino Biologics and Inovio in their COVID-19 vaccines?  This next bit of information will make your blood boil, there are other human fetal cell lines being used in these vaccines named PER.C6.  Janssen, a division of Johnson & Johnson, identifies this as retinal tissue taken from an 18 week old baby boy who was aborted in the Netherlands in 1985 and converted into a fetal cell line in 1995.  These companies are now calling the above cell lines "ethical" because they are replicating them over and over again from the original human tissue.  The other cell lines deemed ethical are Vero/SLAM (African green monkey) and Sf9 (fall army worm larva).  SV40, harvested from money kidneys, was found in the Polio vaccine.  The FDA is still investigating that one, although it has been known to cause Cancer.  We must grasp the depth of this corrupt industry, from the army worm to God's children who's lives were snuffed out by people who didn't give a damn, these "substances" are foreign to our DNA.  Harboring bacteria is the least of our worries, the problem is the havoc it reeks on our system.  The damage that can, in many cases, be life long and sometimes fatal induced by the Cytokine Storm, in which these substances paired with aluminum have taken their toll on the vaccinated.  The changes in the RNA will pass on these defects through generations, which these RNA Vaccines are taught to do.  At this point we end up being something very different than what God intended.  We are no different than "test tube babies", then who is our God?  Bill Gates is funding this RNA Vaccine that tells your DNA what to do through GAVI where he threw $10 Billion at it in his "decade of vaccines" campaign.  This is a big red flag but other flags are flying revealing the connections to the Presidents Coronavirus Task Force and how Gates, Fauci, Birx, Redfield and BaricThe U.S. Government has handed out close to $2 Billion for development of these vaccines dolled out by BARDA, a division of the Department of Human Services (HHS) Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority.  DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) handed Inovio a stack of cash to develop a vaccine under their umbrella.  Moderna is receiving funds from NIAID (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) a division of NIH (National Institute of Health) led by decades long Dr. Anthony Fauci.  There is big money to be made, no doubt, and these entities are fast-tracking a vaccine for people who are from the 2:30 second 144 character world who must have immediate gratification, but at what cost?  Although I've only mentioned two specific cases of human tissue derived from abortions in this article, I am not so naive to think that they are not using other tissue from the millions of abortions that have taken place all over the world!  Given the facts produced by an undercover investigation of Planned Parenthood and the notorious case of Kermit Gosnell!  We must wake people up to the fact that, we don't need a vaccine!  There is a proven antidote and a prophylactic!  America's Frontline Doctors have the numbers behind them!  They would like the Presidents Council on Coronavirus to tell the public the truth and stop with the fear campaign.  Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc and Azithromycin are the cure and Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc the prophylactic!  Our problem is, the U.S. won't let the people have access to Hydroxychloroquine over the counter, like third world nations have; and pharmacists are scrapping doctors prescriptions of the drug at the pharmacy, stepping in between the doctor and the patient.  Let's put on the brakes on this one, we've got it covered!

Let's not forget the World Health Organization (WHO) in all of this.  Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano gives us a warning about the New World Masonic Order and the Global Elite and their agendas including paying dues to their god, the pharmaceutical industry and partaking of their sacrament, abortion.  Vagano addresses the fallacy some Catholic and government leaders have given concerning vaccinations and the human diploid cells they contain promoted by the WHO and its primary funder Bill Gates, stating, "it is absolutely inadmissible to accept a vaccination that utilizes material coming from human fetuses in it's process of production".  Vagano continues, "we must therefore pray to the Lord, asking him to give Pastors a voice, in such a way as to create a united front that opposes the excessive power of the globalist elite which would like to subjugate us all".  Heaven help us!

Learn more about diploid fetal tissue and vaccines in the hot links.  Educate yourself by watching the videos below, and, pass the word on!

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

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⚠️All the links printed below are legitimate links.  Please ignore Google/Bloggers attempt to warn you about the content I would like you to see.  This is a new ploy for Google to censor.  Sorry for the inconvenience.

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Time For The Mask To Come Off and The Gloves To Go On!

Holding the "Powers That Be" Accountable for Lockdowns and Real Damage Caused by Local, International Elite and Their Cronies.

There is no question as to the real damage that has been caused since the WHO (World Health Organization) declared SARS COV-2/COVID-19 a Global Pandemic.  They have since rescinded their classification, but the damage has already been done.  Global Elites and Local Government Leaders have each usurped the individuals right to make their own medical decisions, instituting lengthy quarantine measures, social distancing, outlawing religious gatherings and requiring wearing of masks at all times, even for the very young, including while outdoors!  Although this is not a complete list of mandates, the fact is, these people are not doctors and the effects upon individuals is real!

Individuals are impacted by not being able to interact with one another and this includes commerce and employment.  Children learn by leaps and bounds by seeing what those close to them do, this includes facial expression.  Quarantining and wearing of face masks alone have far-reaching effects on us.  The simple act of providing for you and your family financially has suffered immensely.  Not to mention the personal side effects resulting from isolation, depression, substance abuse, psychological trauma, physical and sexual abuse and pornography, many times resulting in death or suicide.  Children's developmental progress is stifled resulting in their inability to connect with their own parents and family members that may perpetuate the effects listed above creating a mental health crisis.

These effects mandated by governments and their cronies have real measurable impact on people's lives!  There is real evidence here that can and should be used against everyone who has taken control of individuals rights to make decisions for themselves and to be left alone!  Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a consumer protection trial lawyer in Germany and California.  He is a member of a Corona Investigative Committee in Germany.  After concluding their investigation Fuellmich is proposing a Class Action Lawsuit against those responsible for the lockdowns.  From the local level all the way up to the W.H.O. and many of the big pharma companies in between.  He is working very hard to end the insanity and make those responsible financially liable.  Fuellmich suggests investigations against the perpetrators of these lockdowns.  That the individual officials responsible for them must be launched stating, "the individuals should have every penny of their net worth turned over to those they harmed financially and prison sentences for those where it is proven the lockdown and associated orders caused physical injuries including death."  Fuellmich continued, "I don't expect the proceeds from such perpetrators awarded to those financially damaged to match the damage done, but the award of positive damages that strips these perpetrators of everything they have can serve as a warning to every future tyrant who may think of trying something like a lockdown."  This impending action is intended to end the absurd lockdowns and other COVID-19 executive orders.

In September Governor Gary Herbert, in a blatant display of hypocrisy, held a political fundraiser in which his, "rules for thee and not for me" was documented as reported by Eric Moutsos, evidence given to him by a friend where everyone at the $2,500.00 a plate party was seen breaking every rule the Utah Political Elite have mandated for us serfs!  The governor was filmed wiping his nose on his hand and afterwards shaking hands with several individuals.  Herbert was quoted in a local newspaper saying, "people who ignore health guidelines and those who are out there promoting social gatherings almost in defiance of the recommendation by our best minds in science and medicine that say social distancing is an important aspect of how we slow the spread and how we maintain our economy to stay open."  Governor Herbert is medaling in Utah County Government in order to push Utah County Elected to implement his mandates for mask and limits on group distancing and participation, violating the First Amendment.  Herbert claims, it's all because "it's my home county", but "the locals are technically really in charge."  This tyranny must stop!  Whether it be a large protest in Germany or a protest in a Utah County Public Park, we must unite and organize.  

A good place to start is the PCR "Test", it is not a test but a process.  It determines what is detected in RNA.  It has been documented and testified to by many real doctors that the PCR process detects human DNA and the CDC (Center for Disease Control) has mapped this molecule detected as the "virus", when in fact the CDC has published the specific signature as CTCCCTTTGTTGTGTTGT (Human DNA).  These doctors have also testified that the molecule component in the RNA must be amplified a minimum of 40 - 60 times in order to even establish it is there.  This molecule may just be a minuscule remnant of a persons body fighting off a cold in the past.  The reality is, they are grasping at straws!  Fuellmich contends that, "the COVID-19 Pandemic was over-hyped, and it is still being misused to spread needless angst among the citizens to get them to surrender their liberties, and thankfully someone agrees with me, and commit crimes against humanity!  He hopes this will put the U.S. Justice System in motion.

Hear the case laid out by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, where he sites many of the doctors I listed in my article here, in the video below and listen to other testimony about the damage done to society by these tyrants in other video I've included here.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

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Friday, July 31, 2020

America's Frontline Doctors Stand Up To Fauci & Birx In Their Ivory Tower

Physicians from Around the Country Address the American People about COVID-19 and the Importance of Reopening Schools and Our Society.

Living in the Ivory Tower
Perpetrating fraud upon America.

Tedros and the WHO first hesitated, until he spoke to China, and then continually provided false information to the world.  Negligent at best.

American physicians are FED UP with the World Health Organization, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Deborah Birx and Sergeon General Jerome Adams and the world-wide chaos they have caused with their contrived edicts and false medical advice that has brought the world to a standstill!  Watch the Press Conference they held in Washington D.C. on July 27, 2020 below.

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

The group also held a Conference that day, in two sessions, where Doctors took to the microphone to provide evidence of the FRAUD being perpetrated upon American's.  They addressed the medications and supplements that provide prophylactics and a cure if caught within the first 5 days, some of which are available in foreign countries over the counter!  Some of these doctors share their experiences with being reprimanded, threatened by colleagues, superiors and medical boards, some even receiving death threats!  Please watch the two session videos below.

Session One -
Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Session Two -
Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

America's Frontline Doctors have been silenced by social media, ignored by mainstream media and poopooed by President Trumps Coronavirus Task Force.  These doctors believe the constitution protects their right to practice medicine and the right for American's to remain free.  You will hear, laced within their testimony, the loss of America's freedoms and their desire to put a stop to the fear and scare tactics, and death and destruction and a plea to end the lock step lockdown!  It is important to note that many of the conditions under which we are currently living were the vehicle that many communist nations experienced in the early stages of their own takeover!  The only difference, the technology that makes the efforts of the W.H.O., Fauci, Birx, Adams, Gates and so many more, possible to indoctrinate us into believing their lies and being able to see, in real time, who is believing them by wearing masks and self quarantining etc. etc. etc.  This fraud has resulted in a "Global Reset", but we don't understand that WE have the power to crush their lollipop dreams and make an economy we want, WITHOUT THEM IN IT!  Problem is, we don't realize we have the power!

Please pass this along as a great hope we should have because of the courage of these doctors and use it to wake up, or red pill, your family and friends!

It is important to note that the sessions audio has some problems, please be patient and listen nonetheless, I am not sure whether these problems occur with onsite production or via facebook live.  Facebook has made it part of their "policy" to censor anything that is not a part of WHO Recommendations.  It just goes to show you how far Zucherberg and his Social Justice Warriors will go to stop free speech in the public square!  Since Squarespace has taken down the website of America's Frontline Doctors, which was set up to stay active for a year, I am finding it hard to find the "white papers" referred to so I will leave a link to Dr. Todaro's website where these documents may be found.  The Lancet article referred too is found there.  Please visit

Update -
July 31, 2020
Dr. Simone Gold, America's Frontline Doctors FIRED after holding Summit on Capital Hill!

Click the Photo to Watch the Video.

Update -
White Coat Summit II October 17, 2020:

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